Cuban Ten Years' War 

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March 21: The riot at Havana and death of police commissary Romero Volunteers for the Patriot Army drilling in NYC, May 1869





Arrival of Gen. Dulce, N.Y. Times, Jan. 1, 1869, 5
A Cuban Thief at Large, N.Y. Times, Jan. 1, 1869, 8
Death of Political Prisoner Camilo Cepera, N. Y. Times, Jan. 1, 1869, 1
A New Secret Organization in Havana, N. Y. Herald, Jan. 1, 1869, 8
Progress of the Insurrection- Abolition of Slavery, New York Tribune, Jan. 1, 1869, 1
Second Meeting in Favor of Cuba, New York Herald, Jan. 1, 1869, 2
New Phase of the Cuban Revolution, New York Herald, Jan. 1, 1869, 4
Disemarkation of Spanish Troops at Manzanillo, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, (NY), Jan. 2, 1869, 13
The Cuban Revolution, Boston Daily Advertiser, Jan. 4, 1869
The Prospects of the Revolutionists, N.Y. Times, Jan. 4, 1869, 1
The Cuban Revolution, Charleston Courier, Jan. 5, 1869
Review of the Troops in Havana, N.Y. Times, Jan. 5, 1869, 1
Arrival of Capt. Gen. Dulce at Havana, N. Y. Herald, Jan. 5, 1869, 6
Arrival of Capt. Gen. Dulce, New York Tribune, Jan. 5, 1869, 1
A Cuban View of Events, New York Herald, Jan. 5, 1869, 4
Cuban Excitement in New Orleans, New York Herald, Jan. 6, 1869, 11
Departure of Ex-Captain-General Lersundi, N.Y. Times, Jan. 6, 1869, 7
Departure of Gen. Lesundi, New York Herald, Jan. 6, 1869, 10
Progress of the Insurrection, N.Y. Times, Jan. 7, 1869, 8
The Insurrection Declining, N.Y.Times, Jan. 7, 1869, 5
Captain General Dulce's Proclamation, N.Y. Times, Jan. 8, 1869, 1
Report of the Revolutionary Junta in Havana, N. Y. Herald, Jan. 8, 1869, 4
A Proclamation of Amnesty, N.Y. Times, Jan. 9, 1869, 1
The Cause of the Cuban Seccessionists, N.Y. Times, Jan. 9, 1869, 4
A Foolish Scheme, N.Y. Times, Jan. 10, 1869, 4
Gen. Quesada Landed From Nassau, Daily Cleveland Herald, Jan. 11, 1869
Strength of the Revolutionists, N.Y. Times, Jan. 11, 1869, 1
History of the Efforts of the Cubans to Redress Their Grievances, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Jan. 11, 1869
Emancipation of the Slaves Proclaimed, Daily Eastern Argus (Portland, ME), Jan. 11, 1869, 2
Fight Between Insurgents and Spanish Troops, Daily National Intelligencer, Jan. 11, 1869, 3
Gen. Dulce Pursuing a Wise Course, N. Y.  Herald, Jan. 11, 1869, 4
Affairs in the Antilles, New York Times, Jan. 12, 1869, 4
Prominent Citizens of Havana Gone to Confer with the Revolutionists, New York Times, Jan. 12, 1869, 1
Cuba Annexation Proposition in the House, North American and United States Gazette (Philadelphia), Jan. 12, 1869
The Commissioners to the Rebels-- The Siege of Nuevitas, New York Times, Jan. 13, 1869, 5
Seizure of Arms in Havana, New York Times, Jan. 14, 1869, 5
Dulce's Proclamtion, New York Times, Jan. 16, 1869, 8
Reported Engagement with the Insurgents, New York Times, Jan. 16, 1869, 5
Gen Rosecrans' Mission, New York Times, Jan. 17, 1869, 8
Cuban Society in Kingston, Jamaica, New York Herald, Jan. 18, 1869, 8
Gen. Grant Said to be in Favor of Cuban Independence, New York Times, Jan. 18, 1869, 1
Removal of Public Officers-- The Expedition of Count Valmaseda Against the Rebels, New York Times, Jan. 19, 1869, 5
Affairs in Cuba, New York Times, Jan. 20, 1869, 5
Meeting the Liberals in Havana, New York Times, Jan. 20, 1869, 5
The Failure of the Banco del Comercio, New York Times, Jan. 20, 1869, 5
Valmaseda Took Possession of Bayamo, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Jan. 20, 1869, 3
An Outbreak Reported in the Central Department, New York Times, Jan. 22, 1869, 1
The Cuban Insurrection, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), Jan. 22, 1869
The Cuban Insurrection, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Jan. 22, 1869
Unsuccessful Attempt to Burn Manzanillo, New York Times, Jan. 23, 1869, 1
Revolutionary Proclamation in Regard to the Abolition of Slavery, New York Times, Jan. 23, 1869, 5
Insurrectionary Riot at Havana-- Citizens Fired Upon By the Military, New York Times, Jan. 24, 1869, 1
Serious Riots in Havana, Baltimore Sun, Jan. 25, 1869, 1
Excesses Committed by the Insurgents, Boston Herald, Jan. 25, 1869, 4
Officers of the Insurgent Army of Cuba in Town, Boston Herald, Jan. 25, 1869, 4
Several Spanish Soldiers and Volunteers Assassinated, New York Herald, Jan. 25, 1869, 5
Official Notification that the Government Will Not Cede Cuba, New York Herald, Jan. 25, 1869, 5
Reported Dissension Between Insurgent Leaders, New York Herald, Jan. 25, 1869, 6
Cuban Revolutionists in Town, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Jan. 25, 1869, 3
More Distubances in Havana, New York Herald, Jan. 26, 1869, 7
Not Revolutionists, New York Herald, Jan. 26, 1869, 7
Revolutionary Attack on Baracoa, New York Herald, Jan. 26, 1869, 4
The Proclamation's of Capt. Gen. Dulce, New York Tribune, Jan. 26, 1869, 4
The Protection of American Citizens, New York Tribune, Jan. 27, 1869, 1
The Revolution in Cuba, New York Herald, Jan. 27, 1869, 6
The Free Press in Cuba, New York Herald, Jan. 27, 1869, 8
Demand of the American Consul for the Body of American Photographer Cohner, New York Herald, Jan. 27, 1869, 7
Attack Upon the Louvre Coffee House in Havana, North American and United States Gazette (Philadelphia), Jan. 28, 1869, 2
The Slaughter at the Theatre, New York Herald, Jan. 28, 1869, 4
The Revolution in Cuba, New York Tribune, Jan. 28, 1869, 1
The Government Trying to Buy Cuba a Year Ago, New York Tribune, Jan. 28, 1869, 4
Annexation and the Cuban Revolution, Macon Weekly Telegraph, Jan. 29, 1869, 2
The New Government in Cuba de facto and its Relations, N. Y. Herald, Jan. 29, 1869, 6
Capture of a Schooner with Cuban Insurgents Onboard, New York Herald, Jan. 29, 1869, 7
Capture of a British Schooner with Cuban Revolutionists Onboard, New York Tribune, Jan. 29, 1869, 1
Affairs at Gibara- Evacuations at Holguin, New York Herald, Jan. 29, 1869, 5
Death of Mr. Cohner, Trenton State Gazette, Jan. 30, 1869, 2
Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, New York Herald, Jan. 30, 1869, 7
Quesada's March on Principe Abandoned, New York Herald, Jan. 30, 1869, 7

The Cuban Revolution, Daily National Intelligencer, Feb. 1, 1869
Emmigration, Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Feb. 1, 1869, 5
Insurgents are Surrendering at Many Points, Charleston Courier, Feb. 2, 1869
English Schooner from Nassau, Charleston Courier, Feb. 2, 1869
Objects of the Revolution, The Saint Paul Daily Press, Feb. 20, 1869, 1
The Proposed Directory- Reinforcements for Cuba, New York Tribune, Feb. 3, 1869, 1
The Cuban Revolution, Daily Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock), Feb. 4, 1869
Designs of the Provisional Government, New York Herald, Feb. 4, 1869, 4
Arrival of Reinforcements in Havana, New York Tribune, Feb. 4, 1869, 1
Assassination of Gen. Arango, New York Tribune, Feb. 5, 1869, 1
Cuba for the Cubans, New York Tribune, Feb. 5, 1869, 4
The Massacre in Havana, New York Tribune, Feb. 5, 1869, 1
Reported Surrender of Gen. Cespedes and Aguilera, New York Tribune, Feb. 5, 1869, 1
Reign of Terror in Havana, New York Herald, Feb. 5, 1869, 4
Reign of Terror in Havana, New York Herald, Feb. 5, 1869, 6
Cuban Refugees, New York Herald, Feb. 5, 1869, 8
Cuba and Southern Journals, Mobile Register, Feb. 5, 1869, 2
The Revolution in Cuba, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper (NY), Feb. 6, 1869, 323
Map of Cuba, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper (NY), Feb. 6, 1869
The Assassination of Gen. Arango, New York Tribune, Feb. 6 1869, 1
Surrender of Insurgents at Baracoa, New York Herald, Feb. 8, 1869, 6
A New Phase for the Revolution in Cuba, New York Herald, Feb. 8, 1869, 4
Plantations Burned by the Insurgents, New York Tribune, Feb. 8, 1869, 1
The Revolution at Cienfuegos, Baltimore Sun, Feb. 9, 1869, 1
Cuban Revolution, Boston Daily Advertiser, Feb. 9, 1869
Cienfuegos Threatened, Boston Daily Advertiser, Feb. 9, 1869
Uprising in Camarones, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Feb. 9, 1869, 3
Cuban Refugees in New York, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Feb. 9, 1869, 3
The Herald's Notions of Grant's Duty, Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Feb. 9, 1869, 1
Cuba Annexation, Quincy Whig (Quincy, IL), Feb. 9, 1869, 1
The Cuban Revolution, New York Tribune, Feb. 9, 1869, 1
Panic Prevails in Cienfuegos, Daily National Intelligencer, Feb. 10, 1869
Rumored Negotiations with Cespedes, New York Herald, Feb. 10, 1869, 5
More Volunteer Battalions to be Organized- Regulars Sent to Cienfuegos, New York Herald, Feb. 10, 1869, 7
New Battalions of Volunteers, New York Tribune, Feb. 10, 1869, 1
Reinforcements for the Spanish Army in Cuba, New York Tribune, Feb. 10, 1869, 4
Cuba, Mobile Register, Feb. 11, 1869, 2
The Revolution in Cuba Gaining Ground, New York Tribune, Feb. 11, 1869, 1
The Cuban Insurrection, Albany Journal, Feb. 11, 1869, 2
The Military Situation in Havana, New York Tribune, Feb. 11, 1869, 1
The Cuban Revolution- It's Leaders, Morning Republican (Little Rock, AR), Feb. 11, 1869, 2
The Revolution in Cuba, Boston Herald, Feb. 11, 1869, 2
The Revolution is Making Headway, Mobile Register, Feb. 11, 1869, 2
The Revolution Has Spread Westward, New York Tribune, Feb. 11, 1869, 4
Cuba News, New York Tribune, Feb. 11, 1869, 4
Two American Officers Become Insurrectionary Leaders, New York Times, Feb. 12, 1869, 7
The Revolutionary Leaders in the Sugar Districts, Boston Daily Advertiser, Feb. 12, 1869, 1
Leaders of the Revolution in the Sugar District are Adolfo and Federico Cavada, Boston Journal, Feb. 12, 1869, 4
Cavada Brothers Leaders of the Revolution in the Sugar Districts, Commercial Advertiser, Feb. 12, 1869, 2
Cavada Brothers, Daily Eastern Argus (Portland, ME), Feb. 12, 1869, 2
The Acquisition of Cuba, Daily Illinois State Journal, (Springfield, IL), Feb. 12, 1869, 2
Cavada Brothers, Jackson Citizen Patriot (Jackson, MI), Feb. 12, 1869, 1
Puerto Principe Still Surrounded, New York Herald, Feb. 12, 1869, 4
Cavada Brothers Taking the Field, New York Herald, Feb. 12, 1869, 7
The Cavada Brothers, New York Tribune, Feb. 12, 1869, 4
Cuban Ladies Raising Funds, New York Tribune, Feb. 12, 1869, 8
Leaders of the Cuban Revolution, NY Sun, Feb. 12, 1869, 1
Two Americans Become Insurrectionary Leaders, New York Times, Feb. 12, 1869, 7
From Cuba, Evening Post (NY), Feb. 12, 1869, 3
Cuban Affairs, Jersey Journal (Jersey City, NJ), Feb. 12, 1869, 4
The Revolution in Cuba, Evening Star (Washington, DC), Feb. 12, 1869, 1
Cavada Brothers, Plain Dealer Cleveland), Feb. 12, 1869, 1
Cavada Brothers, Philadelphia Evening Telegraph, Feb. 12, 1869, 3
A Philadelphia Colonel Leading the Revolutionists, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 12, 1869, 4
Revolutionists Threatening Trinidad, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 12, 1869, 4
Leaders of the Rebels in Cienfuegos Adolfo and Frederico Cavada, Springfield Republican (Springfield, MA) Feb. 12, 1869, 3
Aranjo Rumored Murdered by Spanish Troops, Trenton State Gazette, Feb. 12, 1869, 2
From Havana, Galveston Daily News, Feb. 13, 1869, 2
Gen. Grant Sympathized with the Cuban Insurgents, Galveston Daily News, Feb. 13, 1869, 2
Jose Cespedes Set Sail for America, Flake's Bulletin (Galveston), Feb. 13, 1869, 1
Particular's of Gen. Arango's Assassination, N. Y. Herald, Feb. 13, 1869, 4
The Situation in Spain, New York Herald, Feb. 13, 1869, 6
Progress of the Insurrection in the Central Department, New York Herald, Feb. 13, 1869, 7
Expedition to Aid the Insurgents, New York Herald, Feb. 13, 1869, 7
The District of Puerto Principe, New York Tribune, Feb. 13, 1869, 6
Spanish Policies in Cuba, New York Tribune, Feb. 13, 1869, 6
The Electoral Question, New York Tribune, Feb. 13, 1869, 1
Progress of the Insurrection, New York Tribune, Feb. 13, 1869, 3
Opening of the Cortes- Speech of Serano, New York Tribune, Feb. 13, 1869, 3
Cienfuegos Now Center of the Revolt, Trenton State Gazette, Sept. 3, 1869, 2
Amnesty Proclamation Withdrawn, Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Feb. 14, 1869, 1
The Cuban Insurrection, Boston Post, Feb. 15, 1869, 4
The Reinforcements for the Suppression of the Cuban Insurection, New York Herald, Feb. 15, 1869, 4
The United States and Hybrid Annexation, New York Herald, Feb. 15, 1869, 6
Reported Filibustering Expeditions for Cuba, New York Herald, Feb. 15, 1869, 7
The Revolution in Cuba, New York Tribune, Feb. 15, 1869, 5
Captain-General's Proclamation, New York Tribune, Feb. 15, 1869, 4
Affairs in Cuba, Baltimore Sun, Feb. 16, 1869, 1
Cuban Insurrection Spreading, Charleston Courier, Feb. 16, 1869
The Cuban Revolution, Daily National Intelligencer, Feb. 16, 1869
Official Views of the Insurrection, New York Herald, Feb. 16, 1869, 5
Movements of U.S. Steamers, New York Herald, Feb. 16, 1869, 7
Trinidad Declared in a State of Seige, New York Herald, Feb. 16, 1869, 7
The Revolution in Cuba, N. Y. Tribune, Feb. 16, 1869, 5
Trinidad Under a State of Seige, Philadelphia North American And United States Gazette, Feb. 16, 1869, 2
Escalante to Go to Cuba with Reinforcements, New York Herald, Feb. 17, 1869, 7
Restrictions Imposed on Americans by the Captain General, New York Herald, Feb. 17, 1869, 7
Arrival of Refugees at New Orleans, New York Herald, Feb. 17, 1869, 7
Outrages Upon the American Consul and American Citizens, New York Tribune, Feb. 17, 1869, 1
Spanish Outrages Against American Citizens, New York Tribune, Feb. 17, 1869, 4
The Future of Cuba, New York Tribune, Feb. 17, 1869, 4
Rebel Forces in the Districts of Villa Clara and Cienfuegos Number 5,000, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 17, 1869, 1
City of Trinidad Declared Under Siege, Daily Columbus Enquirer, Feb. 17, 1869, 3
Adolfo and Federico Cavada, Flake's Bulletin (Galveston), Feb. 17, 1869, 1
Reports From Cuba, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 18, 1869, 4
Revolution Spreading in All Directions, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 18, 1869, 4
The Insurrection Rapidly ExtendingNew York Times, Feb. 18, 1869, 5
The Revolution in Cuba, Baltimore Sun, Feb. 18, 1869, 5
Progress of the Cuba Revolution, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), Feb. 18, 1869
Progress of the Revolution in Cuba, Leavenworth Bulletin, Feb. 18, 1869, 1
Adolfo and Federico Cavada, Daily Phoenix (Columbia, SC), Feb. 18, 1869, 3
Spanish Troops Going to Quell the Revolt, Daily Cleveland Herald, Feb. 19, 1869
Affairs in Cuba, Georgia Weekly Telegraph, Feb. 19, 1869, 5
Cuban Revolution Gaining Ground, Jamestown Journal, (Jamestown, NY), Feb. 19, 1869, 1
Skirmishes Near Cienfuegos, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Feb. 19, 1869
Cuban Refugees, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Feb. 19, 1869
Cholera in Santiago de Cuba, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Feb. 19, 1869
Cholera Epidemic, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Feb. 19, 1869
Affairs in Cuba, Weekly Georgia Telegraph, Feb. 19, 1869
Nomination of Gen. Baldy Smith to be Consul General at Havana, New York Herald, Feb. 19, 1869, 3
Cuba- Details of the Revolution, New York Herald, Feb. 19, 1869, 4
Reported Reverses of the Revolutionists, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Feb. 19, 1869, 3
Gen. William F. Smith Nominated to be Consul General at Havana, Daily Eastern Argus (Portland, ME), Feb. 19, 1869, 2
Imprisonment of a Phillidelphian in Cuba, Evening Star (Washington, DC), Feb. 19, 1869, 1
American Interest in Cuba, Baltimore Sun, Feb. 20, 1869, 1
Cuban Refugees in New Orleans, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Feb. 20, 1869
Progress of the Rebellion in Cuba, Baltimore Sun, Feb. 20, 1869, 1
Our Consulship in Havana, Baltimore Sun, Feb. 20, 1869, 1
Gen. Dulce's Proclamation, Portsmouth Journal of Literature and Politics (Portsmouth, NH), Feb. 20, 1869, 2
Cubans and Spaniards in New Orleans, Baltimore Sun, Feb. 20, 1869, 1
Fortieth Congress, Daily National Intelligencer, Feb. 20, 1869, 2
The Revolutionists Threatening Trinidad, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 18, 1869, 4
Insurrection Ended in Villa Clara, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Feb. 22, 1869
The Cuban Revolution, Daily National Intelligencer, Feb. 22, 1869
Engagements in Cienfuegos, Lowell Daily Citizen And News, Feb. 23 1869, 2
Insurgents Burned the Railroad at Las CrucesCharleston Courier, Feb. 23, 1869
Ladies' Association for the Benefit of the Sick and Wounded, N. Y. Herald, Feb. 23, 1869, 5
Volunteers Demand Vigorous Action, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 23, 1869, 1
The Cuban Insurrection, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), Feb. 24, 1869
Gen. Dulce's Proclamation, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Feb. 24, 1869, 3
Aid for Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Feb. 24, 1869, 5
Gen. Dulce Appeased the Spanish Volunteers, N. Y. Herald, Feb. 24, 1869, 6
Remembering Max, N. Y. Herald, Feb. 24, 1869, 6
Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Feb. 24, 1869, 6
Capture of the Town of Mayajigun by the Insurgents, New York Times, Feb. 24, 1869, 5
Cuban Revolution Aid Society, Boston Daily Advertiser, Feb. 25, 1869
The Cuban Insurrection, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), Feb. 25, 1869
The Naval Expedition to La Guanaja, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Feb. 25, 1869
Plantations Burned by InsurgentsMilwaukee Daily Sentinel, Feb. 25, 1869
Progress of the Revolution in Cuba and Change in the Spanish Policy, N. Y. Herald, Feb. 25, 1869, 6
Cuba: The Expedition to La Guanaja Successful, N. Y. Herald, Feb. 25, 1869, 7
Progress of the Revolution, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Feb. 26, 1869, 3
Americans in Cienfuegos, Georgia Weekly Telegraph, Feb. 26, 1869, 2
Spanish Females in New Orleans, Lowell Daily Citizen and News, Feb. 26, 1869
Cubans Arriving in Jamaica in Large Numbers, Lowell Daily Citizen and News, Feb. 26, 1869
Cuba: Spanish Review of the Situation, N. Y. Herald, Feb. 26, 1869, 4
Cuba: Departure of Troops from Havana, N. Y. Herald, Feb. 26, 1869, 7
Protection to Americans in Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Feb. 26, 1869, 10
The Struggle in Cuba, Lowell Daily Citizen and News, Feb. 27, 1869, 2
American Resident's at Cienfuegos, Flake's Bulletin (Galveston), Feb. 27, 1869, 4
The Cuban Insurrection, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), Feb. 27, 1869
Jamaica: A British Subject in Cuba Looked After, N. Y. Herald, Feb. 27, 1869, 4
Cuba: excitement Among the Volunteers, N. Y. Herald, Feb. 27, 1869, 7
Mutinous Disposition of the Volunteers, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 27, 1869, 4
Dulce Removed, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 27, 1869, 4
An Encounter Near Cienfuegos, New York Tribune, Feb. 27, 1869, 3
Mutinous Disposition of the Volunteers, Philadelphia Inquirer, Feb. 27, 1869, 4

Cuban Intelligence, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), March 1, 1869
Surrendering Insurgents Shot at Santiago, Daily Cleveland Herald, March 1, 1869
Gen. Grant in Favor of Cuban Independence, Daily Cleveland Herald, March 1,1869
Continued Emigration of Cubans, Daily National Intelligencer, March 1, 1869, 3
The Troops at Cienfuegos, Baltimore Sun, March 1, 1869, 1
Gen. Puello Arrived at Cienfuegos with Reinforcements, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 1, 1869
Government Troops at Cienfuegos, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 1, 1869
Cuban Refugees, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 1, 1869
The Cuban Exodus, Boston Daily Advertiser, March 1, 1869
A Resolution to Authorize the Recognition of Cuba, Boston Daily Advertiser, March 1, 1869
Troops Operating Against Insurgents, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, March 1, 1869, 3
Gen. Grant in Favor of Cuban Independence, New York Herald, March 1, 1869, 6
Rumored Landing of American Filibusters, New York Herald, March 1, 1869, 7
The Cuban Insurrection, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), March 2, 1869
The Cuban Insurrection, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), March 2, 1869
Gen. Puello Arrived At Cienfuegos, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, March 2, 1869, 3
News From Cienfugeos, Trinidad, and Villa Clara, N. Y. Herald, March 2, 1869, 4
The Cuban Revolution and our Duty, New York Herald, March 2, 1869, 6
Reported Surrender of Insurgents at Villa Clara, New York Herald, March 2, 1869, 7
Spanish Successes, New York Tribune, March 2, 1869, 4
The Revolt and Affairs in Cuba, Sun (Baltimore), March 2, 1869, 4
The Gem of the Antilles, Philadelphia Inquirer, March 2, 1869, 1
News from Trinidad, Cienfuegos, and Villa Clara, New York Herald, March 2, 1869, 4
Gen. Paez Arrived At Cienfuegos, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 3, 1869
Gen. Puello Has Arrived at Cienfuegos with Reinforcements, Flake's Bulletin (Galveston), March 3, 1869, 1
The Exodus from Cuba, New York Herald, March 3, 1869, 4
The Expedition to Relieve Puerto Principe, New York Herald, March 3, 1869, 10
The Capt. Gen.'s Last Orders, New York Tribune, March 3, 1869, 4
House Committee on Foreign Affairs Resolution, New York Tribune, March 3, 1869, 4
One Thousand Troops from Spain, New York Herald, March 4, 1869, 6
Cuba and Spain- A Significant Resolution in Congress, New York Herald, March 4, 1869, 6
The Cuban Insurrection, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), March 4, 1869
Cigar and Sugar Price Increase, Newark Advocate (Newark, OH), March 5, 1869
The March on Puerto Principe, New York Herald, March 5, 1869, 4
Our New Consul General Assumes the Duties of His Office, New York Herald, March 5, 1869, 7
The Cuban Revolution, New York Tribune, March 5, 1869, 2
Cubans Are Anything But Favorable to Spanish Rule, New York Tribune, March 5, 1869, 8
At Cienfuegos the News of the Insurgents is Favorable, San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, March 5, 1869, 3
Grant Will Recognize Cuban Independence, Memphis Daily Avalanche, March 6, 1869, 1
The Cuban Revolution and State Policy, New York Herald, March 6, 1869, 4
The Foreign Policy of the New Administration, New York Herald, March 6, 1869, 6
Political Prisoners at Havana to be sent to Fernando Po, New York Herald, March 6, 1869, 7
The Revolution is Gaining Ground, New York Tribune, March 6, 1869, 4
The Cuba Question, New York Tribune, March 6, 1869, 4
Political Prisoners to be Transported by Fernando Po, New York Tribune, March 6, 1869, 4
Arrival of Cuban Refugees in Baltimore, New York Tribune, March 6, 1869, 4
General Orazo Was Captured, Daily Central City Register (Central City, CO), March 7, 1869
Cuban Insurrection Increasing the Prices of Sugar, Daily Cleveland Herald, March 8, 1869
Protection Needed for American Citizens in Cuba, New York Herald, March 8, 1869, 7
Cuban Commercial and Financial Markets, New York Herald, March 8, 1869, 7
Singular Proclamation from Dulce's Commissioner to the Insurgents, Boston Herald, March 8, 1869, 2
Advices From The Cuban Revolution, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 8, 1869
Proclamation by Jose de Armas, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 8, 1869
Cuba, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, March 8, 1869, 4
The Cuban Revolution, Daily National Intelligencer, March 8, 1869
Fight Between Colored Volunteers and Colored Insurgents, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 8, 1869
Re-Inforcements for the Cubans, New York Tribune, March 8, 1869, 1
Gen. Puello Has Left Sancti Spiritus, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 9, 1869
The Cuban Insurrection, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), March 9, 1869
Cuba: Official Reports of Fighting, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, March 9, 1869, 3
Great Battle in Cuba, New York Herald, March 9, 1869, 6
Lesca's March into the Interior, New York Herald, March 9, 1869, 7
Movements of Gen. Lesca, New York Tribune, March 9, 1869, 1
The Republican Government in Cuba, New York Herald, March 9, 1869, 7
Spanish Barbarities in Cuba, New York Herald, March 10, 1869, 6
Arrival of the Narragansett at Havana, New York Herald, March 10, 1869, 7
The Cuban Association Concert, New York Herald, March 10, 1869, 7
Several Skirmishes at Sagua, Daily National Intelligencer, March 10, 1869
Grant and Our Foreign Policy, Morning Republican (Little Rock, AR), March 10, 1869
The News from Cuba, New York Herald, March 11, 1869, 6
The Spanish Government and the Cuban Revolution, New York Herald, March 11, 1869, 6
The Death Penality Suspended, New York Herald, March 11, 1869, 7
An American Representative in Cuba Wanted, New York Tribune, March 11, 1869, 4
Cholera in Santiago de Cuba, New York Tribune, March 11, 1869, 5
The Cuban Insurrection, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), March 12, 1869
Munitions of War for Cuba, New York Herald, March 12, 1869, 6
Good News From Cuba, New York Herald, March 12, 1869, 6
Affair at Macaca- Spanish Troops En Route for Mayari, New York Herald, March 12, 1869, 7
The Transportation of Prisoners to Fernando Po, New York Tribune, March 12, 1869, 1
The Cuban Revolution, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 12, 1869
Cavada Brothers, Keowee Courier (Walhalla, SC), March 12, 1869, 1
Aid for Cuban Insurgents, Leavenworth Bulletin, March 13, 1869, 1
Money Wanted to Run Government, Memphis Daily Avalanche, March 13, 1869, 2
Rebel Gen. Juan Capote Lopez Captured and Shot at Cienfuegos, Philadelphia Inquirer, March 13, 1869, 1
Juan Capote Lopez Captured and Shot, Philadelphia Inquirer, March 13, 1869, 1
Joint Resolution for Cuban Independence, New York Herald, March 13, 1869, 3
Mysterious Movements of Ex-Confederate Generals, New York Herald, March 13, 1869, 8
Gen. Jordan Dissapeared from Charleston, New York Herald, March 13, 1869, 6
Progress of the Insurgents on the Island, New York Herald, March 13, 1869, 8
Lopez Roberts on His Way to Washington, New York Herald, March 13, 1869, 8
Cubans in Nassau, New York Herald, March 13, 1869, 8
Insurgents at Mayari, New York Herald, March 13, 1869, 8
Spaniards in Cuba Violating Civilized Warfare, New York Tribune, March 13, 1869, 4
The United States Squadron in the West Indies, New York Tribune, March 13, 1869, 1
Arrival of Lopez Roberts, Albany Evening Journal (NY), March 15, 1869, 2
The Twin Spanish Revolutions, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), March 15, 1869
The Cuban Insurrection, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), March 15, 1869
Particulars of the Relief of Puerto Principe, New York Herald, March 15, 1869, 4
Cuba- The Insurgents Abolish Slavery, New York Herald, March 15, 1869, 6
Official Report of the Occupation of Mayari, New York Herald, March 15, 1869, 7
Immediate Abolition of Slavery, New York Tribune, March 15, 1869, 1
Gen. Cespedes Proclaimed the Freedom of the Slaves, New York Tribune, March 15, 1869, 4
The Cuban Revolutionary Assembly Decreed the Abolition of Slavery, Public Ledger (Philadelphia), March 15, 1869, 1
Letter From Cespedes to General Grant, New York Herald, March 16, 1869, 4
Departure of the Expedition for Mayari, New York Herald, March 16, 1869, 4
Dominican Guerillas Gone to Cuba to Organize the Negroes Against the Spaniards, New York Herald, March 16, 1869, 4
The Cuban Revolution, Daily National Intelligencer, March 16, 1869
Large Insurgent Force at Palmira, N. Y. Herald, March 16, 1869, 4
More Political Exiles- Riots in Havana, Richmond Whig, March 16, 1869, 2
Large Insurgent Force at Palmira, New York Herald, March 16, 1869, 4
Arrests in Puerto Rico, Daily Cleveland Herald, March 17, 1869
The Cuban Insurrection, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), March 17, 1869
The Cuban Insurrection, North American and United States Gazette (Philadelphia), March 17, 1869
Pacific Squadron Reinforcing West Indian Squadron, Public Ledger (Philadelphia), March 15, 1869, 1
The Insuregents in Sagua Commanded by an Ex-Confederate, Philadelphia Inquirer, March 17, 1869, 4
The News From Spain, Evening Post (NY), March 17, 1869, 2
The Insurgents Near Sagua, New York Herald, March 17, 1869, 7
Reinforcement of the West Indian Squadron, New York Herald, March 17, 1869, 3
Abolition of Slavery in Cuba, New York Tribune, March 17, 1869, 4
Confederate Rudolph Pale Commands Insurgents in Sagua La Grande, Trenton Daily State Gazette, March 18, 1869
The Cuban Insurrection, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), March 18, 1869
Rebel Gen. Juan Capote Lopez Shot at Cienfuegos, Leavenworth Evening Bulletin, March 18, 1869, 1
The Proposed Recognition of Cuba, New York Herald, March 18, 1869, 3
The Villa Clara Insurgents Issuing Paper Money, New York Herald, March 18, 1869, 7
Aid for Cuba- Grand Concert and Lecture, New York Herald, March 18, 1869, 12
Engagements in the Interior, New York Tribune, March 18, 1869, 5
Arms and Munition for Cuban Revolution, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), March 19, 1869
President Cespedes Seeks Recognition of the Revolutionary Gov't in New York, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 19, 1869
Gen. Dulce's Proclamation, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 19, 1869
The Movement of Lesca at Puerto Principe, N. Y. Herald, March 19, 1869, 4
Morales Lemus Arrived in this City Yesterday, New York Herald, March 19, 1869, 6
The Policy of the U.S., New York Herald, March 19, 1869, 6
Arrival of an Envoy from the Provisional Government, New York Herald, March 19, 1869, 7
The Prisoners for Fernando Po, New York Tribune, March 19, 1869, 4
Cavada Brothers at Cienfuegos, New Orleans Crescent, March 19, 1869, 2
The Revolution in Cuba, Baltimore Sun, March 20, 1869, 1
War in Cuba: Destruction of Plantations, Baltimore Sun, March 20, 1869, 1
Late Intelligence from Cuba, Boston Herald, March 20, 1869, 3
Cuba, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, March 20, 1869, 3
Plantations Burned, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 20, 1869
Steamer Henry Burden, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 20, 1869
Morales Lemus Arrived in New York, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 20, 1869
Cuban Ladies' Relief Association, New York Herald, March 20, 1869, 5
Plantations Burned by the Insurgents, New York Herald, March 20, 1869, 7
The Cuban War of Independence, New York Tribune, March 20, 1869, 6
Burning of Plantations, New York Tribune, March 20, 1869, 3
Movements of Troops in the Central Department, New York Herald, March 21, 1869, 7
The Advancing Conflagration in Cuba, New York Herald, March 21, 1869, 6
The Political Prisoners to Leave for Fernando Po Today, New York Herald, March 21, 1869, 7
Wendell Phillips Does Not Favor Annexation of Cuba, New York Daily Reformer (Watertown, NY), May, 21, 1869, 2
A Fleet of Transports Set Sail for Fernando Po, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 22, 1869
Cuban Ladies in New York, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 22, 1869
The New Spanish Minister, New York Herald, March 22, 1869, 6
The Fernando Po Prisoners, New York Tribune, March 22, 1869, 1
Relief for Cuba, New York Tribune, March 22, 1869, 5
More Than 300 Cubans Exiled to Fernando Po, New York Tribune, March 22, 1869, 4
The Fernando Po Prisoners, New York Tribune, March 22, 1869, 1
Insurgents Reported Captured and Killed, Leavenworth Bulletin, March 23, 1869, 1
Gen. Dulce Proclamation, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 23, 1869
Havana Riot, Boston Daily Advertiser, March 23, 1869
Shooting of Insurgent Prisoners at Trinidad, N. Y. Herald, March 23, 1869, 7
Our Legion in Spain, New York Herald, March 23, 1869, 6
Refugees from Cuba and Haiti Flocking to Jamaica, New York Herald, March 23, 1869, 7
Landing of Another American Filibuster Expedition, New York Herald, March 23, 1869, 7
Prepared Confiscation to Repay Loyal Subjects, New York Herald, March 23, 1869, 10
Capt.-Gen. Dulce's Proclamation, New York Times, March 23, 1869, 4
The Situation in the Jurisdiction of Trinidad, New York Tribune, March 23, 1869, 4
Statement by an Eyewitness, Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, March 24, 1869, 3
Twenty-five Insurgents Captured and Executed, Mobile Register, March 24, 1869, 1
A Romantic Story Spoiled, Morning Republican (Little Rock, AR), March 24, 1869
The Sugar Trade, Vermont Watchman and State Journal (Montpelier, VT), March 24, 1869
Southern Cuban Expeditions: Mysterious Movements of Ex-Confederate Generals, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, March 25, 1869
The Spaniards Defeated at Mayari, New York Herald, March 24, 1869, 3
Insurgents Massing in the Eastern Department, New York Herald, March 24, 1869, 3
Meeting at Steinway Hall, New York Tribune, March 24, 1869, 5
The Cuban Insurrection, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), March 25, 1869
The Revolution in Cuba, Baltimore Sun, March 25, 1869, 1
Towns of Manuacaragua and Propero Burned by Cavada, Boston Post, March 25, 1869, 1
Sympathy With Cuba, Meeting at Steinway Hall Tonight, N. Y. Herald, March 25, 1869, 6
Cuban Independence, New York Herald, March 25, 1869, 4
Sympathy with Cuba- Meeting at Steinway Hall Tonight, New York Herald, March 25, 1869, 6
Singular Proclamation of the Captain General, New York Herald, March 25, 1869, 7
The Revolution as Seen by an Eye Witness, New York Herald, March 25, 1869, 10
All Vessels Captured in Spanish Waters will be Treated as Pirates, New York Tribune, March 25, 1869, 4
The Cuban Insurrection, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), March 26, 1869
Cuba Meeting in New York, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), March 26, 1869
From Cuba, Georgia Weekly Telegraph, March 26,1869
Message from Gen. Cespedes Asking Recognition by the President of the United States, Georgia Weekly Telegraph, March 26, 1869
Fillibusters From Charleston Arrived in Cuba, Georgia Weekly Telegraph, March 26, 1869
Enthusiastic Meeting at Steinway Hall, N. Y. Herald, March 26, 1869, 10
Departure of Political Prisoners, New York Herald, March 26, 1869, 4
Spanish Victories in Cuba, New York Herald, March 26, 1869, 6
Serious Progress of the Cuban Revolution, New York Herald, March 26, 1869, 6
Popular Rights and Popular Sovereinty, New York Herald, March 26, 1869, 6
A Supposed Trap, New York Herald, March 26, 1869, 6
Landing of American Filibusters, New York Herald, March 26, 1869, 7
Grand Rally in Aid of the Patriotic Army of Cuba, New York Herald, March 26, 1869, 10
The Cuban Cause- Great Meeting at Steinway Hall, New York Tribune, March 26, 1869, 5
Demoralization Among the Spanish Troops, New York Tribune, March 26, 1869, 4
Rebel Commander Rudolph Pale, Flake's Bulletin (Galveston), March  27, 1869, 7
The Revolution as Seen by an Eyewitness: Charles McCormack, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, March 27, 1869, 3
Progress of the Cuban Revolution, New York Herald, March 27, 1869, 6
Plumb Appointed Consul General in Havana, New York Herald, March 27, 1869, 7
The Cuban Revolution- Personnel and Numbers, New York Tribune, March 27, 1869, 1
The Sugar Trade, Vermont Chronicle (Bellows Falls, VT), March 27, 1869, 4
The Reported Heavy Battle in the Central Department Denied, New York Herald, March 28, 1869, 9
General Banks' Cuban Resolution, New York Herald, March 28, 1869, 9
From Cuba, Evening Post (NY), March 29, 1869, 3
The Seizure of the Steamer Comanditario, Baltimore Sun, March 29, 1869, 1
Volunteers Muster of Havana, New York Herald, March 29, 1869, 4
Exciting News from Cuba, New York Herald, March 29, 1869, 6
Arrest of the United States Consular Agent at Gibara, New York Herald, March 29, 1869, 7
John E. Huertas, New York Herald, March 29, 1869, 7
Review of Volunteers By Gen. Dulce, N. Y. Herald, March 30, 1869, 4
Departure of the Political Prisoners, New York Herald, March 30, 1869, 4
Battle Reported in Trinidad, New York Herald, March 30, 1869, 6
Spanish Outrages on Americans and the American Flag, New York Herald, March 30, 1869, 6
Reported Defeat of Insurgents Near Trinidad, New York Herald, March 30, 1869, 7
Cubans in Cienfuegos Said to be Surrounded by Spanish Troops, New York Tribune, March 30, 1869, 1
The Duty of Congress on the Cuban Question, New York Herald, March 31, 1869, 9
Release of the American Consul, New York Herald, March 31, 1869, 9
Reappearance of Insurgents at Puerto Bayamo, New York Herald, March 31, 1869, 10

The Cuban Rebels, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), April 1, 1869
Information Wanted on Thomas O'Connell, New York Herald, April 1, 1869, 1
"Junta Patriotica de Cubanas" of New York, New York Herald, April 1, 1869, 6
The Peruvian Monitors in the Service of the Cuban Insurgents, New York Herald, April 1, 1869, 9
Dulce's Decree Declaring Blockade Runners Pirates, New York Herald, April 1, 1869, 12
Activity of the Cubans in Nuevitas, New York Tribune, April 1, 1869, 1
The Shooting of Capt. Lopez, Patriot (Harrisburg, PA), April 1, 1869, 4
The American Flag Raised Near Matanzas, Quincy Whig (Quincy, IL), April 1, 1869, 1
The Cuban Revolution, Jamestown Journal (Jamestown, NY), April 2, 1869, 4
Facts About the Cuban Revolution, Lowell Daily Citizen and News, April 2, 1869
Disturbances at Havana, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, April 2, 1869
"Junta de Patriotica de Cubanas" Concerts, New York Herald, April 2, 1869, 3
Protection to American Citizens in Cuba, New York Herald, April 2, 1869, 3
The Steamer Comanditario, New York Herald, April 2, 1869, 6
Barbarities in Cuba, New York Herald, April 2, 1869, 6
The Arrival of the Captured Steamer Comanditario in Nassau, New York Herald, April 2, 1869, 7
The Steamer Comanditario, New York Tribune, April 2, 1869, 1
Sugar, Lowell Daily Citizen and News, April 3, 1869
Troops Concentrating in the Cienfuegos District, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, April 3, 1869
Negros Join the Insurgents, New York Herald, April 3, 1869, 7
Embarcation of Cuban Prisoners For Fernando Po, New York Tribune, April 3, 1869, 3
Official Reports od Admiral Hoff, New York Tribune, April 3, 1869, 3
Negroes Joining the Insurgents, N. Y. Herald, April 3, 1869, 7
Insurgents in Villa Clara, Trinidad, and Sagua Districts, New York Herald, April 3, 1869, 6
American Citizens in Havana to be Protected, New York Herald, April 4, 1869, 5
Our Expansion Southwards, New York Herald, April 4, 1869, 8
President Grant and the Cubans, New York Herald, April 4, 1869, 8
Colored Volunteers Mobilizing, N. Y. Herald, April 4, 1869, 9
The Revolution of Cuba, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), April 5, 1869
Battalion of Free Blacks, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), April 5, 1869
Nominations by the President, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, April 5, 1869
A Bold National Policy Relative to Cuba, New York Herald, April 5, 1869, 6
Massacre of Senora Arredondo and Several of her Children, New York Herald, April 5, 1869, 7
Assassination of Senora Arrelondo, New York Tribune, April 5, 1869, 1
Gen. James B. Steedman a "Filibuster," New York Tribune, April 5, 1869, 4
Facts About the Cuban Army, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), April 6, 1869
Massacre of Senora Arredonda Scavel and children, Daily Central City Register (Central City, CO), April 6, 1869
Cuban Exiles in Washington, Evening Post (NY), April 6, 1869, 4
The Cuban Leaders, Morning Republican (Little Rock), April 6, 1869, 2
Recapture of the Steamer Comanditario by Spanish Gunboats, New York Herald, April 6, 1869, 7
Case of American Citizen Casanova, New York Tribune, April 6, 1869, 1
Sympathy for Cuban Exiles, Evening Star (Washington, DC), April 7, 1869, 1
Departure of Political Prisoners, Morning Republican (Little Rock, AR), April 7, 1869, 2
Filibustering Expeditions to be Intercepted, New York Herald, April 7, 1869, 5
Operations Near Villa Clara, Cienfuegos, Sancti Spiritus, Nuevitas, Holguin, and Santiago, New York Herald, April 7, 1869, 6
Details of the Capture of the Commanditario, New York Herald, April 7, 1869, 6
Excitement over the Mary Lowell Affair in Nassau, New York Herald, April 7, 1869, 6
Will General Grant's Administration be a Success or Failure? New York Herald, April 7, 1869, 8
Mrs. Villaverde and Miss Yzquierdo, New York Herald, April 7, 1869, 8
The Rebellion in the Central Department Considered Supressed, New York Herald, April 7, 1869, 9
Trial of Prisoners of the Comanditario, New York Herald, April 7, 1869, 9
Serious Aspect of the Cuban Question, New York Tribune, April 7, 1869, 1
Sentence of Death Against Two Cubans, New York Tribune, April 7, 1869, 1
The Beet-Sugar Problem, The Hinds County Gazette, (Raymond, MS), April 7, 1869
Cuban Exiles, Baltimore Sun, April 8, 1869, 1
Senate Chaplain Prays for Cuban Patriots, New York Herald, April 8, 1869, 3
New View of the Monroe Doctrine, New York Herald, April 8, 1869, 6
Mary Lowell Affair, New York Herald, April 8, 1869, 6
Gunboats to be Constructed in the United States, New York Herald, April 8, 1869, 7
Insurgents Reported Burning Property, New York Herald, April 8, 1869, 7
Mr. Casanova, an American Citizen Taken into Custody by the Spanish Cuban Authorities, New York Herald, April 8, 1869, 7
Report from Rear Admiral Hoff, New York Herald, April 8, 1869, 7
The Mary Lowell Case, New York Tribune, April 8, 1869, 1
Cuban Junta Meeting at Senator Pomeroy's Residence, Plain Dealer (Cleveland), April 8, 1869, 2
Comparision Between the Spaniards and Patriots, New York Herald, April 9, 1869, 5
Arrival of American Consular Agent Leopold A. Price, New York Herald, April 9, 1869, 7
A Formidable Fit Out for the Cuban Patriots, New York Herald, April 9, 1869, 7
Demand to be Made for the Release of American Prisoners, New York Tribune, April 9, 1869, 1
The Mode of Fighting in Cuba, Weekly Georgia Telegraph (Macon), April 9, 1869
The Fighting in Cuba, Flake's Bulletin, April 10, 1869, 7
Spanish Barbarities in Cuba, N. Y. Herald, April 10, 1869, 6
Volunteers in Matanzas Demand Surrender of Prisoner M. Despon, New York Herald, April 10, 1869, 4
Recapture of the Comanditario, New York Herald, April 10, 1869, 4
Patriots Garroted, New York Herald, April 10, 1869, 7
Appointment of General Caballero de Roda to the Captain Generalship of Cuba, New York Herald, April 10, 1869, 7
The Cuban Revolution- The Sugar Interest and Slave Labor, New York Tribune, April 10, 1869, 1
Insuregents Again Approaching Santiago, New York Herald, April 11, 1869, 5
Rumored Capture of a Supply Train and Defeat of Spanish Troops by General Quesada, New York Herald, April 11, 1869, 9
Case of the Schooner Galvanic, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, April 12, 1869
What Will Spain Do? New York Herald, April 12, 1869, 6
The Democrats in Congress on the Cuban Resolution, New York Herald, April 12, 1869, 6
Capt.-Gen. Dulce's Subordinates, New York Tribune, April 12, 1869, 6
Filibusterism, Albany Journal, April 13, 1869, 2
Cuban CensusAlbany Journal, April 13, 1869, 2
The Cuban Government Intends To Confiscate the Property of all Suspected Parties, Albany Journal, April 13, 1869, 2
Movement of the Troops, Leavenworth Evening Bulletin, April 13, 1869, 1
Insurgents Operating Near Cinco Villas, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, April 13, 1869
Confiscation in Cuba, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, April 13, 1869
Recognition Favored by All But Secretary Fish, New York Herald, April 13, 1869, 5
Sympathy with the Cuban Patriots, New York Herald, April 13, 1869, 7
Our Debt to Cuba, New York Herald, April 13, 1869, 8
The Cuban Resolution, New York Herald, April 13, 1869, 8
Meeting of Cuban Ladies in Baltimore, New York Herald, April 13, 1869, 9
Insurgents Operating Near Cinco Villas, New York Herald, April 13, 1869, 9
Our Folly, New York Herald, April 13, 1869, 9
Property of Cuban Insurgents to be Confiscated, New York Tribune, April 13, 1869, 5
The Spanish Minister and the Cuban Resolution, New York Tribune, April 13, 1869, 5
Outrage Upon the Lizzie Major, North American and United States Gazette (Philadelphia), April 13, 1869
Crew of Mary Lowell Released, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, April 14, 1869
How the Spaniards Regard American Sympathy for Cuba, New York Herald, April 14, 1869, 6
Bitterness of the Matanzas Volunteers, New York Herald, April 14, 1869, 6
An Alaskan League in Regard to Cuba, New York Herald, April 14, 1869, 8
Fear in the Cabinet- The Stumbling Block of the Administration, New York Herald, April 14, 1869, 8
Release of the Crew of the Mary Lowell, New York Tribune, April 14, 1869, 1
The Cuban Ladies Relief Association, New York Herald, April 14, 1869, 7
Philidelphia in Arms for Cuba, New York Herald, April 14, 1869, 8
Fish Will Not Let Us Recognize Cuba, New York Herald, April 14, 1869, 8
Release of the Crew of the Mary Lowell, New York Herald, April 14, 1869, 9
Three Steamers Left This Port Today Crowded With Cuban Refugees for the U.S., The Hawaiian Gazette (Honolulu), April 14, 1869
The Cuban Movement, Washington Reporter (Washington, PA), April 14, 1869, 4
Cuban Recognition, Charleston Courier, April 15, 1869
Riot in Havana, New York Herald, April 15, 1869, 5
Spanish Views of the Cuban Question, New York Herald, April 15, 1869, 8
Mashal Prim to go to Cuba as Captain General, New York Herald, April 15, 1869, 9
Intelligence from Trinidad, New York Herald, April 15, 1869, 9
Spanish Outrage Against the American Flag, New York Tribune, April 15, 1869, 5
Volunteers Organizing in the Interior, Philadelphia Inquirer, April 15, 1869, 4
Volunteers Organizing in the Interior, Quincy Whig (Quincy, IL), April 15, 1869, 1
Spanish Outrages on the American Flag, New York Herald, April 16, 1869, 6
A Letter Which the Government Censor has not Garbled, New York Herald, April 16, 1869, 10
Massacre at the Garrote, New York Tribune, April 16, 1869, 1
Cuban Recognition, Plain Dealer (Cleveland), April 16, 1869, 2
Mr. Plumb the new consul-general, Boston Daily Advertiser, April 17, 1869
News from the Insurgents, New York Times, April 17, 1869, 1
Degree of Confiscation, New York Tribune, April 17, 1869, 3
Dulce Ordering Seizure of All Exiles' Property, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, April 17, 1869
Senator Sumner's Speech on the Alabama Claims, New York Herald, April 17, 1869, 4
The Administration and the Cuban Question, New York Herald, April  17, 1869, 6
The Case of the Mary Lowell, New York Herald, April 17, 1869, 7
Cuban Fillibustering, Vermont Chronicle (Bellows Falls, VT), April 17, 1869
Our Case in Cuba, New York Herald, April 18, 1869, 8
The Forthcoming Proclamation from Washington, New York Herald, April 18, 1869, 8
The Captors of the Comanditario in New York, New York Herald, April 18, 1869, 9
Demands on the Cuban Government, Boston Daily Advertiser, April 19, 1869
Cuban Fillibusters, Boston Daily Advertiser, April 19, 1869
The Cuban Revolution, Boston Herald, April 19, 1869, 6
Address Published by the Agents of the Cubans in this Country, Daily Cleveland Herald, April 19, 1869
An Extensive Campaign in the Central Department, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, April 19, 1869
Early Peace Anticipated by the Spaniards, New York Herald, April 19, 1869, 4
Reported Victory of Quesada, N. Y. Herald, April 19, 1869, 4
An Expedition for Cuba, New York Herald, April 19, 1869, 6
Demand for Reparation for Spanish Outrages, New York Herald, April 19, 1869, 6
Arrival of the Catalonian Volunteers in Cuba, New York Herald, April 19, 1869, 7
An Expedition for Cuba, New York Herald, April 19, 1869, 7
Building New Gunboats for Cuban Waters, New York Herald, April 19, 1869, 7
The Policy Towards Cuba, New York Herald, April 19, 1869, 7
Some of the Captors of the Comanditario in New York, N. Y. Tribune, April 19, 1869, 5
The Cuban Fillibusters, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), April 20, 1869
US Naval Force in Cuban Waters, Boston Herald, April 20, 1869, 4
The Cubans in New York, New York Herald, April 20, 1869, 7
Spain and Cuba- Our National Duty to Ourselves, New York Herald, April 20, 1869, 8
Neutral Rights and and National Obligations, New York Herald, April 20, 1869, 8
Fair of the Cuban Ladies' Relief Association, New York Herald, April 20, 1869, 9
The Spanish Outrages in Cuba, New York Herald, April 20, 1869, 9
Meeting for Cuban Indepedence at Saratoga Springs, New York Herald, April 20, 1869, 9
The Mary Lowell Decision, New York Tribune, April 20, 1869, 1
Trinidad Beseiged by Insurgents, Baltimore Sun, April 21, 1869, 1
Filibusters in Cuba, Lowell Daily Citizen and News, April 21, 1869
Cuba's Efforts for National Existence, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, April 21, 1869
Trinidad Closely Beseiged by the Insurgents, New York Herald, April 21, 1869, 9
Movement of Troops in the Central Department, N. Y. Herald, April 21, 1869, 7
Meeting Between Secretary Fish and the Spanish Minister, New York Herald, April 21, 1869, 8
Spanish Outrage and Spanish Finance, New York Herald, April 21, 1869, 8
Aid for Cuba, New York Herald, April 21, 1869, 10
The Spanish Victory Near Trinidad, New York Tribune, April 21, 1869, 1
The Insurrection in Cuba, Norwich Aurora (Norwich, CT), April 21, 1869, 2
Jose Antonio Fesser Elected President of the Spanish Bank, World, April 21, 1874
Gen. Letona Appointed Commander-in-Chief of Central Department, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, April 22, 1869
The New Consul General, New York Herald, April 22, 1869, 6
American Filibusters Join Cuban Cause, New York Herald, April 22, 1869, 6
The Political Prisoners for Fernando Po, New York Herald, April 22, 1869, 9
Gen. Letona Appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Spanish Forces in the Central District, New York Tribune, April 22, 1869, 4
Why Sanford was Nominated for Spain, New York Herald, April 23, 1869, 6
Junta Patriotica de Cubanas, New York Tribune, April 23, 1869, 1
The Cuban Ladies' Fair, New York Tribune, April 24, 1869, 7
Cuban Fillibusters, Vermont Chronicle (Bellows Falls, VT), April 24, 1869, 2
Important Cuban Movements in this Country, Albany Evening Journal (NY), April 24, 1869, 2
Cuban Filibusters in Nassau, New York Herald, April 25, 1869, 7
Cuba, England, France, Spain, New York Herald, April 25, 1869, 8
Estates of Absentees Confiscated, New York Herald, April 25, 1869, 13
New York is the Head Quarters of the Cuban Patriots, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, April 26, 1869
The Capture of Mayari, New York Herald, April 26, 1869, 4
England and Cuba, New York Herald, April 26, 1869, 6
Great Britain to Concede Belligerent Rights to Cuba, New York Tribune, April 26, 1869, 1
The Confiscation of Property, New York Herald, April 27, 1869, 7
Bogus Correspondence from Cuba, New York Herald, April 27, 1869, 8
The Case of the Lizzie Major, New York Tribune, April 27, 1869, 4
The Annexation of Cuba, Daily National Intelligencer, April 28, 1869, 2
Rumored that the Governor of Cinco Villas Captured and Executed, Bangor Daily Whig & Courier (Bangor, ME), April 28, 1869
The Situation in Cuba, Boston Herald, April 28, 1869, 2
New York Junta, Flake's Bulletin (Galveston), April 28, 1869, 1
Revolution in Cuba, New York Herald, April 28, 1869, 8
Cuban Recognition by Mexico, New York Herald, April 28, 1869, 8
The Cuban Fair, New York Herald, April 28, 1869, 12
Spanish Troops Armed with Remington Rifles, Vermont Watchman and State Journal (Montpelier, VT), April 28, 1869
The Fernando Po Prisoners, New York Herald, April 29, 1869, 6
Possibilities of a Cuban Expedition in Nassau, New York Herald, April 29, 1869, 6
Spanish War Vessels in Search of American Filibuster Expeditions, New York Herald, April 29, 1869, 9
Grand Fair Patriot Army of Cuba, New York Herald, April 29, 1869, 16
One Thousand Insurgents Under Command of Cavada, N. Y. Herald, April 29, 1869, 8
Movements of Gen. Lesca, New York Tribune, April 29, 1869, 1
Cuban Mass Meeting Tonight, Commercial Advertiser (NY), April 30, 1869, 4
Cuban Fair at Apollo Hall, New York Herald, April 30, 1869, 4
Martial Law in Cuba, New York Herald, April 30, 1869, 6
All Native Males to be Found Away From Their Residences to be Executed, New York Herald, April 30, 1869, 7
The Volunteers Defying the Captain-General, New York Tribune, April 30, 1869, 1
Valmaseda's Atrocious Proclamation, Philadelphia Inquirer, April 30, 1869, 1

Our Government at the Cuba Revolution, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), May 1, 1869
Cespedes' Letter to the Cuban Agent in New York, Daily National Intelligencer, May 1, 1869
The Barbarities in Cuba and their Effect, New York Herald, May 1, 1869, 6
The Recognition of Free Cuba in the Mexican Government, New York Herald, May 1, 1869, 9
The Cuban Revolution Has Extended, The Natchez Daily Democrat (Natchez, MS), May 1, 1869
Representative Charles Willard Speech on the Recognition of Cuba, Vermont Chronicle (Bellows Falls, VT), May 1, 1869, 2
Refugees from Cuba, New York Herald, May 2, 1869, 4
Question of Cuban Recognition in the State Department, New York Herald, May 3, 1869, 6
Spanish Warfare, New York Tribune, May 3, 1869, 4
Revolutionary Congress in Cuba, Baltimore Sun, May 4, 1869, 1
Great Britian Relations with Spain, Charleston Courier, May 4, 1869
Latest Movement of Gen. Lesca Proved a Failure, Charleston Courier, May 4, 1869
American Gunboats for Cuban Navy, New York Herald, May 4, 1869, 5
Seizure of Mary Lowell by Spanish Authorities, New York Herald, May 4, 1869, 6
A Cuban Congress, New York Herald, May 4, 1869, 8
Provisional Congress of Cuba in Session, New York Herald, May 4, 1869, 9
President Grant Watching Cuban Affairs, New York Tribune, May 4, 1869, 1
Annexation to the United States, New York Tribune, May 4, 1869, 4
Insurgents Have Jurisdiction in Cinco Villas and Surrounding Country, The Critic (Washington, DC), May 4, 1869, 3
The Confiscation Decree, The Critic (Washington, DC), May 4, 1869, 3
Departure of a Cuban Expedition, Boston Herald, May 5, 1869, 2
Progress of the Cuban Insurrection, Daily Cleveland Herald, May 5, 1869
Great Mass Meeting at the Cooper Institute, N. Y. Herald, May 5, 1869, 3
Reported Departure of a Cuban Expedition, New York Herald, May 5, 1869, 3
Sensation Rumors of the Havana Press, New York Herald, May 5, 1869, 3
The Cuban Ladies' Relief Association, New York Herald, May 5, 1869, 4
The Mary Lowell Case in the English Parliament, New York Herald, May 5, 1869, 7
The English Press Regading the Design of America on Cuba, New York Herald, May 5, 1869, 10
Doubtful Reports of a Cuban Congress, New York Tribune, May 5, 1869, 4
Mass Meeting at the Cooper Institute, New York Tribune, May 5, 1869, 5
Another Cuba Expedition, Boston Daily Advertiser, May 6, 1869
The Proposed Cuban Constitution, Boston Herald, May 6, 1869, 3
Ladies' Cuban Fair Open, Boston Herald, May 6, 1869, 9
Gen. Quesada Again Elected Generalissimo, New Hampshire Sentinel, May 6, 1869, 2
The Cuban Hoax, New York Herald, May 6, 1869, 4
Dispatches from Rear Admiral Hoff, New York Tribune, May 6, 1869, 1
The Cuban Investment, New York Tribune, May 6, 1869, 4
The Cuban Constitution, New York Tribune, May 6, 1869, 4
Governor R.E. Fenton on the Cuban Cause, New York Tribune, May 6, 1869, 8
Revolutionary Party Favors Annexation to the U.S., The Congregationalist and Boston Recorder, May 6, 1869, 144
Views of Senator Sumner, Boston Journal, May 7, 1869, 2
The Spanish Minister Sends the Secretary of War an Ultimatum, Daily State Register (Des Miones, Iowa), May 7, 1869, 4
The Cuban Expedition, New York Herald, May 7, 1869, 4
Prospects of the Cuban Revolution, Weekly Georgia Telegraph (Macon), May 7, 1869
Embarassment of the Administration Concerning Cuba, N. Y. Herald, May 7, 1869, 3
The Cuban Expedition, N. Y. Herald, May 7, 1869, 4
The Steamer Perit, New York Herald, May 7, 1869, 4
Wendell Phillips on Cuba and the Alabama Claims, New York Herald, May 7, 1869, 6
The Cuban Question Before the Government and the People, New York Herald, May 7, 1869, 6
Sailing of a Cuban Expedition from Key West, New York Herald, May 7, 1869, 7
The Cuban Constitution, Philadelphia Inquirer, May 7, 1869, 4
Arrival of the "Grape Shot" with Arms and Ammunitions for the Revolutionists, Richmond Whig, May 7, 1969, 2
England and Cuba, Vermont Chronicle (Bellows Falls, VT), May 8, 1869, 3
Captain General Dulce and the Cuban Junta in New York, Flake's Bulletin (Galveston), May 8, 1869, 1
The Cuban Revolution, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper (NY), May 8, 1869, 121
The Cubans in New York, N. Y. Herald, May 8, 1869, 7
Proclamation of Valmaseda, N. Y. Herald, May 8, 1869, 4
Arrival of Prisoners, New York Herald, May 8, 1869, 4
The Cuban Revolution- Several Engagements, New York Tribune, May 8, 1869, 4
Letter from Valmaseda, New York Herald, May 8, 1869, 4
Cigars and Cigar Shops, New York Herald, May 8, 1869, 5
The Cuban Ladies' Fair, New York Herald, May 8, 1869, 7
Lecture by Paul B. Du Chaillu, New York Herald, May 8, 1869, 7
Spaniards Violating There Paroles, New York Herald, May 8, 1869, 7
Insubordination of Negro Volunteers, New York Herald, May 8, 1869, 7
Cuba Question, Times Picayune, May 8, 1869, 10
The Spanih Consul, Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, May 9, 1869, 1
Gregorio Ygnacio Arnao Obituary, New York Herald, May 9, 1869, 5
American Rafael Estrada Released from Prison, New York Herald, May 9, 1869, 6
The Reported Expedition Against Cuba, New York Herald, May 9, 1869, 6
American Citizens Under Arrest, New York Herald, May 9, 1869, 7
Fifteen Steam Gunboats Ordered at Mystic, Conn., New York Herald, May 9, 1869, 7
Interview Between the Spanish Consul and General Barlow, New York Herald, May 9, 1869, 10
Letter From Havana (Special Correspondence of the Picayune), Times Picayune, May 9, 1869, 9
The Cuban Revolution, Boston Daily Advertiser, May 10, 1869
The Cuban Revolution, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), May 10, 1869
About Cuban Expeditions, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), May 10, 1869
Steamer Bound for Cuba with Munitions of War, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), May 10, 1869
Our Relations with Cuba, Boston Herald, May 10, 1869, 4
Troops for the Cuban Revolution, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), May 10, 1869
American Regiment for Cuban Revolution, Daily National Intelligencer, May 10, 1869
News from Cuba, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, May 10, 1869
The Cuban Cause in Philadelphia, New York Herald, May 10, 1869, 4
Cuba and the Filibusters, New York Herald, May 10, 1869, 6
Admiral Hoff Ordered to Prevent American Vessels Being Searched by Spanish Cruisers, New York Tribune, May 10, 1869, 1
Dulce's Spies, New York Tribune, May 10, 1869, 4
Aid for Cuba, New York Tribune, May 10, 1869, 5
The War in Cuba, Boston Daily Advertiser, May 11, 1869
News From Cuba, Boston Daily Advertiser, May 11, 1869
Enforce the Neutrality Laws, Boston Daily Advertiser, May 11, 1869
Return of the Captain-General, Boston Daily Advertiser, May 11, 1869
The Reported Cuban Expedition, Charleston Courier, May 11, 1869
Americans in the Cuban Army, New York Herald, May 11, 1869, 7
2,500 Americans in the Cuban Army, New York Herald, May 11, 1869, 6
Spain and Cuban: The Real Position, New York Herald, May 11, 1869, 6
Dulce Announcing Suppression of Cuban Rebellion, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, May 12, 1869
Mr. Plum, New Consul of the United States For Havana, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, May 12, 1869
Captured Brig Mary Lowell, New York Herald, May 12, 1869, 5
The Government and the Quaker City, New York Herald, May 12, 1869, 5
Arrival of Consul Plumb, New York Herald, May 12, 1869, 7
Cuba and Spain, New York Tribune, May 12, 1869, 4
The Departure of the Cuban Expedition from New York, Washington Review and Examiner (Washington, PA), May 12, 1869, 2
Singular, if True, Vermont Watchman and State Journal (Montpelier, VT), May 12, 1869
Gen. Marmol's Reply to the Recent Proclamation of Count Valmaseda, N. Y. Herald, May 12, 1869, 10
Gen. Valmaseda, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, May 13, 1869, 2
Cuban Complications, Daily National Intelligencer, May 13, 1869
Pierrot Fillibuster Expedition, Charleston Courier, May 13, 1869
The Battle at Altagracia, New York Herald, May 13, 1869, 1
More Executions in Santiago de Cuba, New York Herald, May 13, 1869, 4
An Expedition off from Key West, New York Herald, May 13, 1869, 4
The Steamer Salvador off for Sagua, New York Herald, May 13, 1869, 4
What the Rebel General Marmol Says, New York Tribune, May 13, 1869, 4
Battle At Las Minas, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, May 14, 1869
Tonnage Dues in Cuba, New York Herald, May 14, 1869, 6
American Volunteers Engaged, New York Herald, May 14, 1869, 6
The Reported Triparito Alliance and the Cuban Question, New York Herald, May 14, 1869, 6
Another Heavy Engagement in Cuba, New York Herald, May 14, 1869, 7
The Spanish Minister Roberts Satisfied with U.S. Policy Towards Spain, New York Herald, May 14, 1869, 10
Severe Battle at Las Minas, New York Tribune, May 14, 1869, 1
Fillibustering from New York and other U.S. Ports, Weekly Georgia Telegraph (Macon), May 14, 1869
English Steamer Salvador, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, May 15, 1869
Daily Executions for Political Offenses in Santiago de Cuba, New York Herald, May 15, 1869, 4
Spanish Minister Roberts in Washington, New York Herald, May 15, 1869, 6
Treatment of Americans at Havana, New York Tribune, May 15, 1869, 4
The Cuban Cause in Baltimore, New York Tribune, May 15, 1869, 4
Statements from U.S. Marshal Barlow Concerning the 'So Called' Cuban Expeditions, New York Tribune, May 15, 1869, 4
Letter from General Marmol, New York Herald, May 17, 1869, 4
The Triennial Scheme Thrown Overboard, New York Herald, May 17, 1869, 7
Cuban Insurrection Lags in Cuba but is Lively in New York, Charleston Courier, May 18, 1869
Gunboat Operations, New York Herald, May 18, 1869, 6
The Insurgent Victory at Ls Minas, Boston Herald, May 20, 1869, 4
A Little History Connected with the "Grapeshot" Cuban Expedition, Boston Herald, May 19, 1869, 6
Trinidad Finally Captured by the Patriots, Boston Herald, May 19, 1869, 6
The Insurgents Have Burned the Towns of Sabinicu, Cascoro, and Guaimaro, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, May 19, 1869
Exaggerated Accounts of the Fight at Las Minas, New York Herald, May 19, 1869, 1
General Lesca and General Buceta, New York Herald, May 19, 1869, 4
The Campaign in Camaguey, New York Herald, May 19, 1869, 4
The Cuban Ladies' Fair, New York Herald, May 19, 1869, 4
The News from Cuba, New York Herald, May 19, 1869, 6
More Negro Troops for Active Service, New York Herald, May 19, 1869, 7
Cuban Sugar Prices High, The Hawaiian Gazette (Honolulu), May 19, 1869
Villamil Received Orders from Gen. Cavada to Move to Palmarejo, Trenton State Gazette, May 19, 1869, 2
Cuban Revolution, Vermont Watchman and State Journal (Montpelier, VT), May 19, 1869
Organization of a Spanish Spy System, Boston Herald, May 20, 1869, 4
Carlos Manuel Elected President, N. Y. Herald, May 20, 1869, 3
Destruction of Property, New York Herald, May 20, 1869, 3
Carlos Manuel Cespedes Elected President, New York Herald, May 20, 1869, 3
The New Republic, New York Herald, May 20, 1869, 6
Cuban Victories, New York Tribune, May 20, 1869, 4
Capt. Gen Dulce Trip to Cinco Villas Postponed, The Daily Cleveland Herald, May 20, 1869
Secretary Fish on Valmaseda's Proclamation, Times Picayune, May 20, 1869, 2
An Expedition for Cuba- The Steamer Salvador En Route with Men, Arms, and Munitions, New York Herald, May 21, 1869, 4
Blockade Runner Salvador, New York Herald, May 21, 1869, 6
Spanish Cruisers in Cuba Looking for Filibusters, New York Herald, May 21, 1869, 7
Report of Ex-Consul Reintrie on Cuban Affairs, New York Herald, May 21, 1869, 10
Favorable Cuban Reports, New York Tribune, May 21, 1869, 1
Landing of Filibuster- Proclamation of President Cespedes, New York Tribune, May 21, 1869, 1
Señor Roberts, Minister of Spain, Went to Washington Last Evening, New York Tribune, May 21, 1869, 8
The Reigning Dilemma of Castilian Politics, New York Tribune, May 21, 1869, 4
The Cuban Revolution, Weekly Georgia Telegraph (Macon), May 21, 1869
Cuba: A New Independent Government Definitely Organized, Daily National Intelligencer, May 22, 1869
Intervention in Cuba, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper (NY), May 22, 1869, 146
Organization of the Republican Government, New York Herald, May 22, 1869, 4
Cuba and St. Domingo- Our Southward March, New York Herald, May 22, 1869, 6
Reported Proclamation of Cespedes in Cuba, New York Herald, May 22, 1869, 7
The Letter of Senator Reuben Fenton on Behalf of the Cuban Cause, Vermont Chronicle (Bellows Falls, VT), May 22, 1869, 3
A Waste of Food for Gunpowder, New York Herald, May 23, 1869, 6
Office for Cuban Recruits to be Established in Bridgeport, CT, New York Herald, May 23, 1869, 10
Defeat of the Spaniards Confirmed, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, May 24, 1869, 3
Spanish and Cuban Leaders, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), May 24, 1869
Cuban Revolution Changing its Character, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), May 24, 1869
The War in Cuba, New York Herald, May 24, 1869, 6
Filibustering Expedition Landed Near Gibara, New York Herald, May 24, 1869, 6
The War in Cuba, New York Herald, May 24, 1869, 6
Landing of Filibusters Near Gibara, New York Herald, May 24, 1869, 7
Reported Landing of Filibusters, New York Tribune, May 24, 1869, 1
Four Engagements Fought by the Cubans Under Quesada, New York Herald, May 25, 1869, 4
Puerto Rico Joining the Fray, New York Herald, May 25, 1869, 6
The Cuban Cause in New York, New York Herald, May 25, 1869, 6
The News from Cuba and the Neutrality of Our Government, New York Herald, May 25, 1869, 6
The English Steamer Salvador Returned to Nassau, New York Herald, May 25, 1869, 6
The War in Cuba, New York Herald, May 25, 1869, 6
Seven Hundred Filibusters in the Bay of Nipe, New York Herald, May 25, 1869, 7
Return of the Salvador from the Cuban Coast, New York Herald, May 25, 1869, 7
The Cuban Junta of New York, New York Herald, May 25, 1869, 10
The Steamer Perit, New York Herald, May 25, 1869, 10
Loss of the Steamer Mississippi, New York Tribune, May 25, 1869, 1
Concerning Massacres, New York Tribune, May 25, 1869, 4
Official Statement from the Spaniards of the Landing of Seven Hundred Filibusters in the Bay of Nipe, New York Herald, May 25, 1869, 7
Havana Cigars and the Cuban Revolution, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), May 26, 1869
Effect of Valmaseda's Proclomation, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, May 26, 1869
Neutrality Measures, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), May 26, 1869
The Cuban Revolution, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, May 26, 1869
The Steamer Perit Gone to Jamaica, New York Herald, May 26, 1869, 9
The Steamer Quaker City, New York Herald, May 26, 1869, 12
Cuban Revolution, Vermont Watchman and State Journal (Montpelier, VT), May 26, 1869
Cuban and Spanish Warfare Compared, Albany Evening Journal, (Albany, NY), May, 26, 1869, 1
Cuba--Valmaseda's Proclamation, Times Picayune, May 26, 1869, 9
The Cortes Is Debating the Clauses in the Constitution Which Refer to Colonies, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, May 27, 1869
The Seizure of the Steamer Quaker City, New York Herald, May 27, 1869, 3
The Steamer Bienville in Cuba, New York Herald, May 27, 1869, 4
Spanish Accounts of Matters in Camaguey, New York Herald, May 27, 1869, 4
Operations in the Eastern Department, New York Herald, May 27, 1869, 4
Spain to Cuba, New York Herald, May 27, 1869, 6
The Cuban Question Before the Cortes, New York Herald, May 27, 1869, 7
Slavery is Practically Dead in Cuba, New York Tribune, May 27, 1869, 4
Total Losses of the Insurgents, New York Tribune, May 27, 1869, 4
Emilio Castellar Pleads for Reform in Cuba, New York Tribune, May 27, 1869, 4
Gen. Cespedes' Decree, New York Tribune, May 27, 1869, 4
The Regime at Madrid, New York Tribune, May 27, 1869, 4
Fight at Trinidad, Weekly Patriot (Harrisburg, PA), May 27, 1869, 5
A Provisional Government Formed, Jamestown Journal (NY), May 28, 1869, 1
The War on Women, New York Herald, May 28, 1869, 4
Sequestration of Property, New York Herald, May 28, 1869, 4
Manzanillo: Organization of Contra-Guerillas, New York Herald, May 28, 1869, 4
The War on Women: Sequestration of Their Property, New York Herald, May 28, 1869, 4
Secretary Fish and President Grant in Favor of the Cuban Cause, New York Herald, May 28, 1869, 6
Cuba Ladies Aid for Cuban Patriots, New York Herald, May 28, 1869, 6
Captain-General Dulce Ill, New York Herald, May 28, 1869, 7
The Quaker City Muddle, New York Herald, May 28 1869, 7
More Volunteers Expected from Spain, New York Herald, May 28, 1869, 7
The Quaker City Steamer Destined for Haiti, New York Herald, May 28, 1869, 10
Capt. Gen. Dulce Asked Immediately to be Relieved of Command, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, May 29, 1869
The Captured Cuban Flag, N. Y. Herald, May 29, 1869, 4
Particulars of General Jordan's Landing, New York Herald, May 29, 1869, 4
The Captain-General's Treachery, New York Tribune, May 29, 1869, 5
An Ex-Rebel Ram for Cuba, New York Herald, May 29, 1869, 4
Sailing of More Troops for Cuba, New York Herald, May 29, 1869, 7
Liberty of Speech and the Press Denied by the Captain-General, New York Tribune, May 29, 1869, 6
Depature of the Perit Expedition From New York, N. Y. Herald, May 30, 1869, 3
The New Captain-General de Rodas, New York Herald, May 30, 1869, 6
Appointment of New Captain-General de Rodas, New York Herald, May 30, 1869, 7
Landing of Filibusters, New York Herald, May 30, 1869, 7
Peru Recognizes Cuban Patriots as Belligerent Power, New York Herald, May 31, 1869, 4
Cuba and the New Captain General, New York Herald, May 31, 1869, 6
The Neutrality Question at Washington, New York Herald, May 31, 1869, 6
General de Roda to Sail for Cuba in June, New York Herald, May 31, 1869, 7
Cuba Markets, New York Herald, May 31, 1869, 7
Trophies from the Battle of Nipe, New York Herald, May 31, 1869, 7
The Nipe Expedition, New York Tribune, May 31, 1869, 1
The Spanish Authorities in Cuban Accused of Robbing Their Mails, New York Tribune, May 31, 1869, 4
Caballero de Rodas Will be the New Captain-General of Cuba, New York Tribune, May 31, 1869, 4

A Skirmish Reported Near Cienfuegos, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, June 1, 1869
Bay of Nipe Filibusters, New York Herald, June 1, 1869, 6
The Spaniards Pursuing the Filibusters, New York Herald, June 1, 1869, 7
Insurrection in Puerto Rico, New York Tribune, June 1, 1869, 4
Four Expeditions Have Successfully Landed on the Coast of Cuba, New York Tribune, June 1, 1869, 4
Fair of the "Junta Patriotica de Cubanas" Closed Tomorrow, New York Tribune, June 1, 1869, 8
Skirmish Reported Near Cienfuegos, The Critic (Washington, DC), June 1, 1869, 3
The Spanish Consul in New York, The Hawaiian Gazette (Honolulu), June 2, 1869
Letter from Gen. Quesada, New York Herald, June 2, 1869, 4
An Opening for American Statesmanship, New York Herald, June 2, 1869, 6
Cuban Revolution: Eight New Expeditions, Daily National Intelligencer, June 3, 1869
Obituary: Marshall Leopold O'Donnell, New York Herald, June 3, 1869, 3
Senor Casanova's Petition, New York Herald, June 3, 1869, 3
Return of the Blockade Runner Salvador to Nassau, New York Herald, June 3, 1869, 4
The News from Nassau, New York Herald, June 3, 1869, 6
The War in Cuba, New York Herald, June 3, 1869, 6
The Cuban Political Prisoners to be sent to the Canaries, New York Herald, June 3, 1869, 7
Battle with the Filibusters, New York Herald, June 3, 1869, 7
Havy Battle with Filibusters, New York Tribune, June 3, 1869, 1
The Blacks of Cuba, New York Tribune, June 3, 1869, 4
Engagement at Bay of Nipe, Georgia Weekly Telegraph, June 4, 1869, 1
The Cuban Struggle, Lowell Daily Citizen and News, June 4, 1869
Gen. Jordan Joined the Cuban Forces, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, June 4, 1869
Peruvian Monitors Not to be Used in the Cuban Interest, New York Herald, June 4, 1869, 3
Naval Construction for Friendly Powers, New York Herald, June 4, 1869, 6
Gen. Jordan Successful in Joining the Cuban Forces, New York Herald, June 4, 1869, 6
Spanish Mob Law Triumphant, New York Herald, June 4, 1869, 6
Captain General Dulce Deposed by a Spanish Mob in Cuba, New York Herald, June 4, 1869, 7
Safe Arrival of General Jordan and the Filibusters in the Insurgent Camp, New York Herald, June 4, 1869, 7
The Cuban Ladies' Relief Association, New York Herald, June 4, 1869, 10
A Counter Revolution, New York Tribune, June 4, 1869, 1
Landing in Cuba of Col. de Russy's Battalion, New York Tribune, June 4, 1869, 4
Cuban Junta, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, June 5, 1869, 3
Cuban Affairs, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, June 5, 1869, 3
Southern Call for Intervention for Cuba, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, June 5, 1869, 3
Cuba and the Cubans, N. Y. Herald, June 5, 1869, 4
The Resignation of General Dulce, New York Herald, June 5, 1869, 4
General Inspection of the Camps, New York Herald, June 5, 1869, 4
Official Account of the Banes Expedition, New York Herald, June 5, 1869, 4
General Dulce to Leave for Spain, New York Herald, June 5, 1869, 7
The News from Cuba, New York Herald, June 5, 1869, 6
The Cuban Revolution, New York Tribune, June 5, 1869, 3
The Cuban Revolution, Boston Daily Advertiser, June 6, 1869
All for Cuba, New York Herald, June 6, 1869, 6
Effect of Dulce's Resignation as Captain General of Cuba, New York Herald, June 6, 1869, 7
General Deposing of all Appointees of Dulce Expected, New York Herald, June 6, 1869, 7
A Fight Near Villa Clara, San Antonio Express, June 6, 1869, 1
American Citizens in Cuba: The Case of Mr. Casanova, N. Y. Herald, June 7, 1869, 6
Spanish Account of the Battle at Nipe Bay, New York Herald, June 7, 1869, 7
New Spanish Constitution Read to the People, New York Herald, June 7, 1869, 7
The Cuban Revolution, New York Tribune, June 7, 1869, 1
The Bishop of Havana Left Cuba with Gen. Dulce, New York Tribune, June 7, 1869, 4
Sowing Wind- Reaping Wirlwind, New York Tribune, June 7, 1869, 4
Cuban Expeditions, Commercial Advertiser (NY), June 8, 1869, 1
The Recent Revolution in Havana, New York Herald, June 8, 1869, 5
Rodas Comes to Govern Cuba, New York Herald, June 8, 1869, 6
Motion to Bond the Quaker City, New York Tribune, June 8, 1869, 1
Cuban Exiles Working in Paterson Founderies, Jersey Journal (Jersey City, NJ), June 9, 1869, 1
The Steamship Tybee, New York Herald, June 9, 1869, 5
Mr. Hunt Aboard the Steamship Tybee, New York Herald, June 9, 1869, 6
Advices from Cuba, New York Herald, June 9, 1869, 7
Queen Isabella Supported by the French, New York Tribune, June 9, 1869, 4
The Volunteer Revolution in Havana, New York Herald, June 10, 1869, 3
The Landing at Mayari, New York Herald, June 10, 1869, 3
The Havana Revolution, New York Herald, June 10, 1869, 3
Capture of Cavada's Correspondence, N. Y. Herald, June 10, 1869, 3
Recognition of Cuba as a Belligerent Power, New York Herald, June 10, 1869, 4
Recognition of Cuba as a Belligerent, New York Herald, June 10, 1869, 4
Recognition of Cuba by Chile, New York Herald, June 10, 1869, 6
Important from Cuba, New York Herald, June 10, 1869, 6
General Lesca Killed at Trinidad, New York Herald, June 10, 1869, 7
General De Rodas to Stop at Puerto Rico, New York Tribune, June 10, 1869, 1
Emigration of Cubans from the Island, Boston Daily Advertiser, June 10, 1869
The Cuban Struggle, Georgia Weekly Telegraph, June 11, 1869, 6
The New Republic and its Constitution, Georgia Weekly Telegraph, June 11, 1869, 6
The Disorders in Havana, Daily National Intelligencer, June 15, 1869
Fight Near Puerto Padre, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, June 16, 1869
Effect of Castelar's Speech, New York Herald, June 11, 1869, 4
Cuba, Peru, and Chile, New York Herald, June 11, 1869, 6
Movements of Filibusters in Cuba, New York Herald, June 11, 1869, 7
The Cuban Revolution, New York Tribune, June 11, 1869, 1
Early Recognition of the Cuban Government, New York Herald, June 12, 1869, 3
Complications in Havana, New York Herald, June 12, 1869, 6
Complications Between the Captain General and the Volunteers, New York Herald, June 12, 1869, 7
The Filibusters, New York Tribune, June 12, 1869, 1
Cuba Well Lost, New York Tribune, June 12, 1869, 4
Our Plain Duty to Cuba, New York Herald, June 13, 1869, 6
Secretary Fish Still Declines to Recognize Cuba, New York Herald, June 13, 1869, 6
Our Government Neutrality, New York Herald, June 13, 1869, 6
Forces of General Lesca and General Jordan, New York Herald, June 13, 1869, 6
Secretary Fish Aiding and Abetting the Cubans, New York Herald, June 13, 1869, 7
Rumored Killing of General Marmol, New York Herald, June 13, 1869, 7
Preparations to Send More Troops to Cuba, New York Herald, June 14, 1869, 4
How the Cuban Insurrection is Regarded in Spain, New York Herald, June 14, 1869, 4
The Quaker City Seized Again, New York Herald, June 14, 1869, 6
Spanish Affairs and American Rights, New York Herald, June 14, 1869, 6
Landing of a Small Body of Filibusters, New York Herald, June 14, 1869, 7
The Aims of the Volunteers, New York Herald, June 14, 1869, 8
Death of General Marmol, New York Tribune, June 14, 1869, 1
General Jordan Has With Him Two Thousand Men From the United States, New York Tribune, June 14, 1869, 4
The Course of Dulce, New York Herald, June 15, 1869, 3
Dissapointment at the Coldness of the United States, New York Herald, June 15, 1869, 3
Aid For Cuba, New York Herald, June 15, 1869, 5
The Volunteers Have Disagreed Amongst Themselves , New York Herald, June 15, 1869, 6
Disagreement Among the Volunteers, New York Herald, June 15, 1869, 7
The Cuban Revolution, New York Tribune, June 15, 1869, 1
Pedro Lopez Passed Through Galveston, Texas on his Way to Cuba, New York Tribune, June 15, 1869, 5
Spanish Views of the Cuban Question, New York Herald, June 16, 1869, 3
Two Sides to the Picture, New York Herald, June 16, 1869, 6
Recruits from Washington Gone to the Southern Coast, New York Herald, June 16, 1869, 7
Virginia: Enlistment of Volunteers for Cuba, New York Herald, June 16, 1869, 7
Cuba: Cholera Epidemic, New York Tribune, June 16, 1869, 1
The Cuban Independence Question, New York Tribune, June 16, 1869, 5
The Expiring Spanish Cause in Cuba, North American and United States Gazette (Philadelphia), June 16, 1869
The Nipe Filibusters Moving Toward Holguin, New York Herald, June 17, 1869, 4
The Editorial Duel at Nicaragua Falls, New York Herald, June 17, 1869, 4
Quesada Promises to Take Havana in August, New York Herald, June 17, 1869, 4
Peru and the Spanish Complication, New York Herald, June 17, 1869, 6
The Volunteers in Havana, New York Herald, June 17, 1869, 6
Cuba: Yellow Fever Among the Officials, New York Herald, June 17, 1869, 7
Cuban Recruits: Newark, New Jersey, New York Herald, June 17, 1869, 8
War on the Cuban Junta, New York Herald, June 18, 1869, 3
An Acceptance, New York Herald, June 18, 1869, 4
Movements of General Jordan's Filibusters, New York Herald, June 18, 1869, 4
Arrest of the Cuban Minister, New York Herald, June 18, 1869, 6
Members of the Cuban Junta Arrested, New York Herald, June 18, 1869, 6
Landing of Several Expeditions in Cuba, New York Herald, June 18, 1869, 7
Successful Landing of Filibustering Expedition, New York Herald, June 18, 1869, 7
Arrest if the Cuban Minister, New York Herald, June 18, 1869, 8
Indictment of the Cuban Junta, New York Tribune, June 18, 1869, 1
Arrest of Memebers of the Cuban Junta, New York Tribune, June 18, 1869, 4
The Cuban Revolutionary Junta, Vermont Chronicle (Bellows Falls, VT), June 19, 1869, 2
The U.S. Steamer Nipsie at Cienfuegos, N. Y. Herald, June 19, 1869, 7
The Cabinet Divided Upon the Cuban Question, New York Herald, June 19, 1869, 3
A Cuban Regiment Raised in Phillidelphia, New York Herald, June 19, 1869, 5
The Recent Arrests of Alleged Cuban Sympathizers, New York Herald, June 19, 1869, 5
Details of the Steamer Perit's Landing, New York Herald, June 19, 1869, 5
The Cuban Question, New York Herald, June 19, 1869, 6
Henry Huntingdon Harrison Arrested in Richmond, Virgina, New York Herald, June 19, 1869, 6
Arrest of an Alleged Cuban Recruiting Officer at Richmond, Virginia, New York Herald, June 19, 1869, 7
The United States Steamer Nipsie at Cienfuegos, New York Herald, June 19, 1869, 7
Two Members of the Cuban Junta Either Dead or Not Found, New York Tribune, June 19, 1869, 4
Capture of a Schooner Laden with War Materials, New York Herald, June 20, 1869, 7
The Cuban Volunteer Movement in Newark, New Jersey, New York Herald, June 20, 1869, 8
Beligerent Recognition by Peru and Chile, New York Herald, June 21, 1869, 4
The Engagement at Puerto Padre, New York Herald, June 21, 1869, 4
Death of One of the "Perit" Filibusters, New York Herald, June 21, 1869, 4
Belligerent Recognition of Cuba, New York Herald, June 21, 1869, 4
Canons Made of Wood and Iron Pipe, New York Herald, June 21, 1869, 4
Dulce's Resignation and Its Effects, New York Herald, June 21, 1869, 5
The Opportunity and the Failure of the Government, New York Herald, June 21, 1869, 6
The Perit Expedition, New York Herald, June 21, 1869, 11
Capture of War Schooner La Have, New York Tribune, June 21, 1869, 5
American Vessels Captured at Sea, New York Herald, June 22, 1869, 6
Cuban Junta- Fresh Arrests, New York Herald, June 22, 1869, 6
The New Governor for Cuba and the Status of the War, New York Herald, June 22, 1869, 6
Rearrest of the Cuban Junta, New York Herald, June 22, 1869, 7
Two Expeditions Safely Landed, New York Herald, June 22, 1869, 7
Schooner La Have Captured, New York Tribune, June 22, 1869, 1
The Cuban Revolution, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), June 23, 1869
The War on the Cuban Junta, New York Herald, June 23, 1869, 3
British Opinion on the Arrest of the Cuban Junta, New York Tribune, June 23, 1869, 1
General Sickles Arrived in Washington This Morning, New York Tribune, June 23, 1869, 1
Four More Members of the Cuban Junta Arrested Last Night, New York Tribune, June 23, 1869, 5
The Campaign in the Cinco Villas, Trouble in Trinidad, N. Y. Herald, June 24, 1869, 3
Our New Spanish Expedition, New York Herald, June 24, 1869, 6
Mr. Fish and the Cubans, New York Herald, June 24, 1869, 10
The Spanish Minister and the Cuban Junta, New York Tribune, June 24, 1869, 1
The Cuban Problem, New York Tribune, June 24, 1869, 4
Decision in the Case of General Sickles, New York Herald, June 25, 1869, 3
Interesting Particulars of the Escape of Colonel Ryan, New York Herald, June 25, 1869, 3
Report of the Arrival of General Jordan at the Patriot Camp with Arms and Supplies, New York Herald, June 25, 1869, 4
Landing of an Expedition on the Coast of Macambo, New York Herald, June 25, 1869, 4
Address to the Nation by the Volunteers of the Island of Cuba, New York Herald, June 25, 1869, 4
Colonel Ryan Sailed for Cuba, New York Herald, June 25, 1869, 6
The Cuban Envoy's Interview with the President, New York Tribune, June 25, 1869, 1
Large Custom House Seizures- 80,000 Cigars Captured, New York Tribune, June 25, 1869, 5
Colonel Ryan Sailed for Cuba, New York Tribune, June 25, 1869, 6
Heavy Skirmishes in the Cinco Villas District, Bangor Daily Whig & Courier (Bangor, ME) June 26, 1869
Important Successes of the Revolution, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, June 26, 1869, 3
Gen. Buceta Arrived in Havana, Daily Picayune, June 26, 1869, 8
Vicarious Patriotism, Irish American Weekly (NY), June 26, 1869, 4
Heavy Skirmishes in Cinco Villas District, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, June 26, 1869
Arrival of General Jordan, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, June 26, 1869
Independent Journalism in Havana, New York Herald, June 26, 1869, 6
The Filibusters, the Neutrality Laws, and the Position of the Government, New York Herald, June 26, 1869, 6
Spanish General Puello Says it Requires 5,000 Additional Troops to Retain the Possession of Cinco Villas, New York Herald, June 26, 1869, 6
An Ex-Confederate Cavalry Officer En Route for Cuba, New York Herald, June 26, 1869, 7
General Puello Relieved of his Command, New York Herald, June 26, 1869, 7
General Buceta Saved from the Fury of the Volunteers, New York Tribune, June 26, 1869, 1
General Buceta Flees from Cuba, New York Tribune, June 26, 1869, 8
The Grapeshot and the Schooner La Have, New York Herald, June 27, 1869, 4
Capture of the Schooner La Have, New York Herald, June 27, 1869, 4
Ralph Herman and and Samuel C. Bergman Arrested for Violating the Neutrality Laws, New York Herald, June 27, 1869, 5
The News from Cuba, New York Herald, June 27, 1869, 6
Large Force of Filibusters Gone from the South, New York Herald, June 27, 1869, 7
Colonel Ryan in Command of a Patriot Expedition, New York Herald, June 27, 1869, 7
Heavy Skirmishes in Cinco Villas District, Galveston News, June 28, 1869, 2
De Rodas as Captain General in Cuba, New York Herald, June 28, 1869, 4
War Pestilence and Famine, New York Herald, June 28, 1869, 6
Cubans in Washington, New York Herald, June 28, 1869, 6
Spanish Report of the Battle Between Puerto Padre and Las Tunas, New York Herald, June 28, 1869, 7
The Prospects of Cuban Recognition, New York Herald, June 28, 1869, 10
1,800 Filibusters, New York Tribune, June 28, 1869, 1
The Rebellion in Cuba Prospers More Than Ever, New York Tribune, June 28, 1869, 4
The Cuban Insurrection, Albany Journal, June 29, 1869, 2
Cinco Villas, Daily Picayune, June 29, 1869, 8
Arrival and Proclamation of the New Captain General, Leavenworth Bulletin, June 29, 1869, 1
Fillibusters from the Schooner Grapeshot Executed, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, June 29, 1869
Fillibustering, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, June 29, 1869
General Goicouria Arrested Yesterday by U.S. Marshal Barlow, New York Daily Reformer (Watertown, NY), June 29, 1869, 3
Arrival of De Rodas in Cuba, New York Herald, June 29, 1869, 7
What Colonel Ryan Said and what Marshal Barlow Thinks, New York Herald, June 29, 1869, 10
New Captain General De Rodas Has Arrived in Cuba, New York Tribune, June 29, 1869, 4
New Government of Cuba Announces for its Motto "Spain, Justice, and Morality," New York Tribune, June 29, 1869, 4
Gen. Puello Says 5,000 Men are Needed in Cinco Villas, San Antonio Express, June 29, 1869, 1
Cuban Matters, Bangor Daily Whig & Courier (Bangor, ME), June 29, 1869
Heavy Skirmishes in Cinco Villas District, Flake's Bulletin (Galveston), June 30, 1869, 1
The Spaniards at Cinco Villas Calling For Reinforcements, Flake's Bulletin (Galveston), June 30, 1869, 1
Cuban Expedition Under Col. Ryan, Flake's Bulletin (Galveston), June 30, 1869, 1
Col. Ryan Missing, Flake's Bulletin (Galveston), June 30, 1869, 1
Cholera, Yellow Fever Decimating SpaniardsFlake's Bulletin (Galveston), June 30, 1869, 1
Cuban Volunteers, Flake's Bulletin (Galveston), June 30, 1869, 1
First New York Regiment Cuban Volunteers, Galveston News, June 30, 1869, 4
Dinner in Honor of Gen. De Rodas, Boston Daily Advertiser, June 30, 1869
The Cubans Captured Palmiras, Galveston Tri Weekly News, June 30, 1869, 4
Arrest and Commitment of General Goicouria, New York Herald, June 30, 1869, 5
The Policy of General De Rodas in Cuba, New York Herald, June 30, 1869, 7
Cuban Expedition from the United States, New York Herald, June 30, 1869, 7
Condemnation in the United States Court of the Steamship Cuba, New York Herald, June 30, 1869, 7
The New Captain General in Harmony with the Volunteers, New York Tribune, June 30, 1869, 1
The British Press on the Late Cuban Expedition- Its Comparison with the Alabama Case, New York Tribune, June 30, 1869, 1
Gen. Lesca Pursuing the Rebels in Cinco Villas, Philadelphia North American and United States Gazette, June 30, 1869

Gen. Lesca Pursuing Insurgents in the Cinco Villas District, Daily Central City Register (Central City, CO) July 1, 1869
The Cuban Expedition: Capture of the Whole Party, New York Herald, July 1, 1869, 4
The Cubans in the City, New York Herald, July 1, 1869, 4
England Keeping a Sharp Lookout, New York Herald, July 1, 1869, 6
The Filibusters Complete Failure of the Expedition, New York Tribune, July 1, 1869, 1
Arrest of the Cuban Junta, N. Y. Herald, July 2, 1869, 6
The News from Cuba and the Cuban Question, New York Herald, July 2, 1869, 4
Execution of American Filibusters in Santiago, New York Herald, July 2, 1869, 5
Proposition to Cede the Monitors to Cuba, New York Herald, July 2, 1869, 6
Landing of the Grapeshot, New York Herald, July 2, 1869, 6
The Steamer Salvador Remains in the Hands of the Authorities, New York Herald, July 2, 1869, 6
The Cuban Filibusters, New York Herald, July 2, 1869, 8
Execution of an American named Speaksman, Charleston Courier, July 3, 1869, 1
1,680 Rifles Shipped to the Spanish Government in Cuba, New York Herald, July 3, 1869, 5
The News from Cuba, New York Herald, July 3, 1869, 4
Execution of American Filibusters, New York Herald, July 3, 1869, 5
A Cuban Junta Benefit Performance at the Academy of Music, New York Herald, July 3, 1869, 5
Grand Benefit Entertainment in the Aid of the Patriots of Cuba, New York Herald, July 3, 1869, 7
The Captain General's Interview with the Havana Editors, New York Tribune, July 3, 1869, 1
General Letona Charged with Having Leagued with the Cubans, New York Tribune, July 3, 1869, 4
General Goicouria and Other Officers Presented by William H. Reagan with a Bouquet of Flowers Arranged into Cuban Flag, New York Tribune, July 3, 1869, 8
General Letona Imprisoned by His Garrison, New York Tribune, July 3, 1869, 4, Letona
Important Appointment of General Jordan, New York Herald, July 4, 1869, 4
Complications in American Waters, New York Herald, July 4, 1869, 6
Capture of the Schooner La Have, New York Herald, July 4, 1869, 7
The Case of the Cuban Blockade Runner Salvador, New York Herald, July 4, 1869, 9
Military Change, Boston Daily Advertiser, July 5, 1869
Advices from General Hoff, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, July 5, 1869, 3
Cinco Villas Reclaimed by the Cuban Army, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, July 5, 1869
Spain, Cuba, and the Administration, New York Herald, July 5, 1869, 4
The Interview Between the English and Spanish Ministers, New York Herald, July 5, 1869, 5
The Filibusters Before the Courts, New York Herald, July 5, 1869, 5
General Letona Relieved from Command, New York Herald, July 5, 1869, 5
General Letona Relieved, New York Tribune, July 5, 1869, 1
Ten Gunboats Built for the Spanish Government, New York Tribune, July 5, 1869, 8
General Jordan Attacked by Spanish Troops Near Holguin, New York Herald, July 6, 1869, 4
Chile, Spain, and the Mediation of the United States, New York Herald, July 6, 1869, 4
Spanish Troops Repulsed by the Forces of General Jordan Near Holguin, New York Herald, July 6, 1869, 5
Mediation of the United States, New York Herald, July 6, 1869, 8
Agents of the Cuban Junta in Bergen County, N.J., Lowell Daily Citizen and News (Lowell, MA), July 7, 1869, 2
Sumner's Views on the Alabama Question Sustained, New York Herald, July 7, 1869, 3
Examination in the Case of General Goicouria, New York Herald, July 7, 1869, 5
Pennsylvania: Rumored Filibuster Expedition, New York Herald, July 7, 1869, 7
Discovery of Torpedos at Sancti Spiritus, New York Herald, July 7, 1869, 7
The Seizure of the Cuban Expeditionists, Norwich Aurora (Norwich, CT), July 7, 1869, 1
From Our New York Correspondent, Vermont Watchman and State Journal (Montpelier, VT), July 7, 1869
Arrival and Reception of Gen. de Rodas in Havana, N. Y. Herald, July 8, 1869, 4
Depravations Near Palmillas, New York Herald, July 8, 1869, 4
Spain Satisfied, New York Herald, July 8, 1869, 6
Captain General De Rodas Proclaims the Reduction of the Insurrection, New York Herald, July 8, 1869, 7
Millard Fillmore's Views on the Political Situation, New York Herald, July 8, 1869, 8
Captain General De Rodas States that Insurrection has been Reduced in Extent, New York Tribune, July 8, 1869, 1
Captain General De Rodas Proclaims the Cuban Rebellion has been Reduced, New York Tribune, July 8, 1869, 4
Captain General De Rodas Declares All Armed Vessels Transporting Filibusters to be Pirates, New York Herald, July 9, 1869, 4
The Iron-Clad the Centaur to Reinforce our Gulf Squadron, New York Herald, July 9, 1869, 4
The Grapeshot Expedition Again in the Field, New York Herald, July 9, 1869, 5
Examination of General Goicouria, New York Herald, July 9, 1869, 6
Filibuster Vessels Declared Pirates, New York Tribune, July 9, 1869, 1
Gen. Goicouria Discharged from Court Admist Great Cheering, New York Tribune, July 9, 1869, 4
A Continued Emigration from Cuba, New York Tribune, July 9, 1869, 4
Plantations in Cinco Villas Destroyed, Weekly Georgia Telegraph (Macon), July 9, 1869
The Cuban Revolution, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper (NY), July 10, 1869, 259
Cuban Revolutionary Congress at Sibanicu, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper (NY), July 10, 1869, 260
Arrival of a new Corp of Volunteers in Havana, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper (NY), July 10, 1869, 260
Spaniards In Favor of a Republic, Morning Republican (Little Rock, AR), July 10, 1869
General Goicouria Released from Jail- Evidence Inconclusive that He was a Cuban Filibuster, New York Herald, July 10, 1869, 4
Estimates of Expenses, New York Herald, July 10, 1869, 5
The Cuban Revolution: Estimates of Expenditures, New York Tribune, July 10, 1869, 1
A Romantic Story of a Cuban Gentleman, Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, July 11, 1869, 7
Insurgents' Correspondence for New York Captured, N. Y. Herald, July 11, 1869, 7
Saratoga Springs: Large Number of Cuban Refugees, New York Herald, July 11, 1869, 8
General Lesca's Movements Up and Down Trinidad, New York Herald, July 11, 1869, 10
Return to New York of the Cuban Expedition Party, Daily Illinois State Register (Springfield, IL), July 12, 1869, 1
Arrest of the Members of the Cuban Junta, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, July 12, 1869
Grand Benefit Entertainment in Aid of the Patriots of Cuba, New York Herald, July 12, 1869, 3
The Cuban Campaign of Liberation, New York Herald, July 12, 1869, 4
Despondency  of the Cubans Over the Arrest of the Junta, New York Herald, July 12, 1869, 5
Correspondence Captured and Important Orders, New York Tribune, July 12, 1869, 1
Grand Entertainment Benefit in the Aid of the Patriots of Cuba, New York Tribune, July 12, 1869, 7
Something About Cedar, North American and United States Gazette, July 12, 1869
The Cuban Revolution, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), July 13, 1869
The Cuban Filibusters: Activity of the Cubans in this City, New York Herald, July 13, 1869, 5
Departure and Return of a Fillibustering Party, New York Herald, July 13, 1869, 5
Performance for the Benefit of the Cuban Patriots, New York Herald, July 13, 1869, 7
General Puello in Command of Nuevitas, New York Herald, July 13, 1869, 7
The Cuban Envoy Discouraged: No Effort Being Made to Secure Recognition of Cuban Independence, New York Herald, July 14, 1869, 3
The Late Decree of Captain General De Rodas, New York Herald, July 14, 1869, 3
Santiago de Cuba: Arrival of a Column of Valmaseda's Forces, New York Herald, July 14, 1869, 3
Death of United States Consul Mr. Stedman, New York Herald, July 14, 1869, 7
An Opinion of American Intervention in Cuban Affairs, New York Herald, July 14, 1869, 7
The Cuban Entertainment, New York Tribune, July 14, 1869, 1
La Patria Libre, Springfield Republican (Springfield, MA), July 14, 1869, 2
Eye Witness Report of the Expedition Sent by Colonel Ampudia to Destroy the Rebel Factory of War Materials and Encampments of Nagua, New York Herald, July 15, 1869, 4
Disaffected Volunteers Threatened with Arrest, New York Herald, July 15, 1869, 4
Decree of General De Rodas, New York Herald, July 15, 1869, 4
Honors to the Remains of Consul Stedman, New York Herald, July 15, 1869, 7
A Cuban Lady Patriot Demand Her Country's Flag, New York Herald, July 15, 1869, 10
The Late Consul Stedman, New York Tribune, July 15, 1869, 1
A Cuban Revolution: What Should We Do? New York Herald, July 16, 1869, 4
Filibustering Expeditions to be Suppressed, New York Herald, July 16, 1869, 4
The Spanish Advance Driven into Nuevitas, New York Herald, July 16, 1869, 5
England: The Times on the Cuban Question, New York Herald, July 16, 1869, 5
The Cuban Filibusters, New York Herald, July 16, 1869, 5
English Press Parallel Between Cuban Revolution and Southern Rebellion, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), July 17, 1869
Enforcment of the Neutrality Law, New York Herald, July 17, 1869, 5
Don Eschavarria Sent to Spain, New York Herald, July 17, 1869, 5
The Cuban Filibusters Again, New York Herald, July 17, 1869, 8
End of the Cuban Expedition, New York Herald, July 18, 1869, 3
A Grim Power in Cuba, New York Herald, July 18, 1869, 6
Neutrality on the Cuban Question, New York Herald, July 18, 1869, 6
The Canard About the Purchase of Cuba, New York Herald, July 18, 1869, 7
An English Warship at Havana, New York Herald, July 18, 1869, 7
Grand Benefit Entertainment in the Aid of the Patriots of Cuba, New York Herald, July 18, 1869, 12
Washington Rumors About Cuba, New York Herald, July 19, 1869, 4
Breech-loaders for the Volunteers About to Take the Field, New York Herald, July 19, 1869, 5
Rumors About the Proposed Sale of Cuba, New York Herald, July 19, 1869, 5
Another Decree of Captain General De Rodas, New York Herald, July 20, 1869, 5
Patriot Official Reports, New York Herald, July 20, 1869, 5
The Cuban Filibusters and the Cuban Question, New York Herald, July 20, 1869, 6
Reorganization of a Volunteer Regiment, New York Herald, July 20, 1869, 7
The Spanish Gunboats, New York Herald, July 20, 1869, 8
Escape of the Remaining Filibuster's from Gardiner's Island, New York Herald, July 20, 1869, 10
The Captain General Annuls an Article of his Late Proclamation, New York Herald, July 21, 1869, 7
The Cuban Filibusters, New York Herald, July 21, 1869, 10
Gen. Jordan Defeated, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, July 22, 1869
The Cuban Fillibusters at Fort Lafayette, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, July 22, 1869
Mr. Stedman, U.S. Consul at Santiago de Cuba has Died, The Congregationalist and Boston Recorder, July 22, 1869
Policy of Captain General de Rodas, N. Y. Herald, July 22, 1869, 5
Santiago de Cuba: The Flaming Proclamation of the Commandant of a Petty Town, New York Herald, July 22, 1869, 5
Policy of General De Rodas, New York Herald, July 22, 1869, 5
No Change in the Status of the Cuban Prisoners, New York Herald, July 22, 1869, 7
Reported Defeat and Wounding of General Jordan, New York Herald, July 22, 1869, 7
The Progress of Cuban Independence, New York Herald, July 23, 1869, 4
Release of American Prisoners, New York Herald, July 23, 1869, 5
Probable Discharge of the Prisoners Today, New York Herald, July 23, 1869, 5
Rumored Embargo of a Large Estate, New York Herald, July 24, 1869, 7
Proclamation of General Puello, New York Herald, July 25, 1869, 7
Cuban Partisans in Washington, Georgia Weekly Telegraph, July 26, 1869, 3
Has the Government any Policy with Regard to Cuba?, Daily National Intelligencer, July 26, 1869, 4
The War of Revolution in Spain, New York Herald, July 26, 1869, 4
Admiral Hoff and the Executions, New York Herald, July 26, 1869, 4
Has the Government Any Policy with Regard to Cuba? New York Herald, July 26, 1869, 4
Cuba, New York Herald, July 26, 1869, 5
Admiral Hoff and the Spanish Authorities at Santiago, New York Herald, July 26, 1869, 5
Regular Troops on the Island is 32,000 and Volunteer 4,000, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, July 27, 1869
Spain and the Sale of Cuba to the United States, New York Herald, July 27, 1869, 4
Hopeful for Cuba, New York Herald, July 27, 1869, 6
The War in Cuba, New York Herald, July 27, 1869, 6
The Patriots Again Between Villa Clara and Sagua La Grande, New York Herald, July 27, 1869, 7
The News: Cuba, New York Herald, July 28, 1869, 4
A Card from the Junta of Cuba, New York Herald, July 28, 1869, 5
Cuba: Execution of Albert Wyeth, an American, New York Herald, July 28, 1869, 6
Successful Landing of Arms and Filibusters, New York Herald, July 29, 1869, 5
Cuba: All Spaniards in the Military District of Trinidad Compelled to do Duty, New York Herald, July 28, 1869, 5
A British Steamer Overhauled on Suspicion of Violating the Neutrality Law, New York Herald, July 28, 1869, 5
Gen. Casada Destroyed Two Railroad Bridges, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, July 29, 1869
Successful Landing of Arms and Filibusters, New York Herald, July 29, 1869, 5
Progress of the War in Cuba, San Francisco Bulletin, July 29, 1869, 2
The Cuban Revolution, Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (ME), July 30, 1869
Cuba: Activity of the Patriots in the Central Department, New York Herald, July 30, 1869, 5
The Carlist Failure in Spain, New York Herald, July 31, 1869, 4
The Garrison of Las Tunas Suffering for Provisions, New York Herald, July 31, 1869, 5
Cuba: Release of American Citizens, New York Herald, July 31, 1869, 6
Manzanillo: Official Reports of Encounters, New York Herald, July 31, 1869, 6
Santiago de Cuba: Arrival of the American Squadron, New York Herald, July 31, 1869, 6
The Cuban Revolution, New York Tribune, July 31, 1869, 1

Estimate of Expenses for August, New York Herald, Aug. 1, 1869, 7
Guilty, Of Course, New York Herald, Aug. 1, 1869, 6
The Cuban Press on the Herald Correspondence, New York Herald, Aug. 1, 1869, 8
Nassau a Place of Refuge for Patriot Cubans, New York Herald, Aug. 1, 1869, 11
The Sickles Instructions and the Spanish Gunboats, Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 2, 1869, 1
Negro Insurgents in Cuba, New York Herald, Aug. 2, 1869, 2
Patriot Raid on Principe, New York Herald, Aug. 2, 1869, 5
The Cuban Revolution, Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 3, 1869
Tammany Democrats Espoused the Cuban Cause, Daily Cleveland Herald, Aug. 3, 1869
Denunciation of the President and Cabinet on the Irish and Cuban Questions, New York Herald, Aug. 3, 1869, 3
Cuba: Military Operations at a Stand, New York Herald, Aug. 3, 1869, 5
Cuba: Arrest of an American, New York Herald, Aug. 3, 1869, 7
The Cuban Revolution, Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 4, 1869
Spanish Gun Boat Building in New York, Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 4, 1869
Engagement in Trinidad, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Aug. 4, 1869
Another Engagement Near Trinidad, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Aug. 4, 1869
Seizure of Thirty Spanish Gunboats by the United States Government, New York Herald, Aug. 4, 1869, 3
Good for Cuba, New York Herald, Aug. 4, 1869, 6
Seizure of the Spanish Gunboats, New York Herald, Aug. 4, 1869, 6
Prisoners in the Hands of the Cubans, New York Herald, Aug. 4, 1869, 7
Hurrying Up Spain, New York Herald, Aug. 5, 1869, 4
In Cuba it is Impossible for the Rebellion to be Put Down, New York Herald, Aug. 5, 1869, 4
Cuba: Number of Volunteers on the Island, New York Herald, Aug. 5, 1869, 5
The Spanish Gunboats, New York Herald, Aug. 5, 1869, 5
Spain: Cuba Not to Be Sold to the United States on Any Terms, New York Herald, Aug. 5, 1869, 5
Volunteers in Puerto Principe Commiting Outrages, New York Herald, Aug. 6, 1869, 4
Cuba and the Administration, New York Herald, Aug. 6, 1869, 4
The Spanish Gunboats, New York Herald, Aug. 6, 1869, 4
Cuba: Scarcity of Provisions in Puerto Principe, New York Herald, Aug. 6, 1869, 5
Washington: Failure of Negotiations for the Settlement of the Cuban Difficulty, New York Herald, Aug. 6, 1869, 5
Patriot Accounts: Insurgents Under Jordan, Marcano, and Figueredo Attack the Troops, New York Herald, Aug. 6, 1869, 6
Cuba: Progress of the War for Independence, New York Herald, Aug. 6, 1869, 6
Spanish Reports: Governor Puello's Hands Full, New York Herald, Aug. 6, 1869, 6
Expeditionists Captured at Gardner's Island, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper (NY), Aug. 7, 1869, 332
Gun-boats Built in New York, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper (NY), Aug. 7, 1869, 333
Affairs in Cuba, New York Herald, Aug. 7, 1869, 4
Safe Landing of Filibustering Party in Cuba, New York Herald, Aug. 7, 1869, 4
The London Press on the Seizure of the Spanish Gunboats, New York Herald, Aug. 7, 1869, 5
Cuba: El Hombre Justiciero, New York Herald, Aug. 7, 1869, 8
The United States and Spain, The Weekly Arizona Miner (Prescott, AZ), Aug. 7, 1869
The Attitude of Parties, New York Herald, Aug. 8, 1869, 6
The British Press on Cuba, New York Herald, Aug. 8, 1869, 6
Cuba: Customs Revenue Rules, New York Herald, Aug. 8, 1869, 7
Washington: The Cabinet Meeting, New York Herald, Aug. 8, 1869, 7
The Cuban Revolution, Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 9, 1869
Advices from Cuba, Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 9, 1869
Spanish Defeats in Cinco Villas, Bangor Daily Whig & Courier (Bangor, ME), Aug. 9, 1869
Advices From Cuba, Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 9, 1869
The Cuban Revolution, Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 9, 1869
Spaniards Defeated in Cinco Villas, New York Herald, Aug. 9, 1869, 4
The Cabinet Meeting on Tuesday, New York Herald, Aug. 9, 1869, 4
Spain and Cuba: Views of the Secretary of State on the Subject, New York Herald, Aug. 9, 1869, 5
Spain: American Negotiations in Madrid, New York Herald, Aug. 9, 1869, 5
Cuba: Spanish Forces in the Interior Heavily Reinforced, New York Herald, Aug. 9, 1869, 5
Spain: Voice from Cuba, New York Herald, Aug. 10, 1869, 4
Spain: More Troops to be Sent from Cuba, New York Herald, Aug. 10, 1869, 7
Cuba: Release of an American Citizen, New York Herald, Aug. 10, 1869, 7
The Cabinet Meeting Yesterday, New York Herald, Aug. 11, 1869, 4
Nine Vessels from the US in Cuba, New York Herald, Aug. 11, 1869, 4
The Cuban War in Canada, New York Herald, Aug. 11, 1869, 4
Destruction of a Railroad Bridge Near Puerto Principe, New York Herald, Aug. 11, 1869, 5
The Relations of Spain and Cuba from an English Point of View, New York Herald, Aug. 11, 1869, 5
Opinion of the London Times, North American and United States Gazette (Philadelphia), Aug. 11, 1869
The Cuban Revolution, Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 12, 1869
The Escape of Cuban Prisoners, New York Herald, Aug. 12, 1869, 4
Cuba and Spain, New York Herald, Aug. 12, 1869, 4
The Bad Weather and Unsystemized Commissariat Preventing Military Operations, New York Herald, Aug. 12, 1869, 5
Washington: The Cabinet Dinner, New York Herald, Aug. 12, 1869, 5
The Cuban Exiles- They Escape from Fernando Po, Daily Albany Argus (NY), Aug. 13, 1869, 2
Reports That The Spanish Have Been Driven From Cinco Villas, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Aug. 13, 1869
Cuba, New York Herald, Aug. 13, 1869, 4
Cuba: Reports from Patriot Sources, New York Herald, Aug. 13, 1869, 5
Cuba: Lesca's Telegram from Cuatro Villas, New York Herald, Aug. 13, 1869, 6
Patriot Accounts, New York Herald, Aug. 13, 1869, 6
Naval Intelligence, New York Herald, Aug. 14, 1869, 3
The Proposed Purchase of Cuba, New York Herald, Aug. 14, 1869, 4
Señor Jose Manuel Macias, New York Herald, Aug. 14, 1869, 4
Only Thirty Days, New York Herald, Aug. 14, 1869, 4
Reported Defeat of General Jordan and Capture of His Convoy, New York Herald, Aug. 14, 1869, 5
Cuba: General Prim to Confer with Señor Macias, New York Herald, Aug. 14, 1869, 6
Santiago de Cuba: Accident to Colonel Lopez Camara, New York Herald, Aug. 14, 1869, 6
Spain: The Nation Advised to Sell Cuba to the United States, New York Herald, Aug. 15, 1869, 7
Cuba: Plot to Poison the Garrison at Matanzas, New York Herald, Aug. 15, 1869, 7
The Embargo at Havana, New York Herald, Aug. 16, 1869, 4
Cuba: General Jordan's Command in the Mountains, New York Herald, Aug. 16, 1869, 5
Cargo of Slaves Landed in Cinco Villas, Charleston Courier, Aug. 17, 1869
Fourth of July in Cuba, Galveston Daily News, Aug. 17, 1869, 2
The Steamer Hornet Left the Port of Philadelphia Last Saturday, New York Herald, Aug. 17, 1869, 6
Cuba: Conscription Established Sancti Spiritu, New York Herald, Aug. 17, 1869, 6
Cuba: Conscriptions in the Districts, New York Herald, Aug. 17, 1869, 7
The Steamer Hornet Captured in the Delaware River by the Revenue Cutter Miami, New York Herald, Aug. 17, 1869, 7
The Spanish Monarchy in Prospect- Its Bearing Upon the Cuba Question, New York Herald, Aug. 18, 1869, 4
Spain: Press Denials of American Negotiations for the Purchase of Cuba, New York Herald, Aug. 18, 1869, 5
Cuba: Speech of the Captain General at the Opening of the Casino, New York Herald, Aug. 18, 1869, 5
Cuba: Skirmishes Near Jaguey Grande and Ciego Avila, New York Herald, Aug. 18, 1869, 5
Censorship of the Press, Charleston Courier, Aug. 19, 1869
The Revolutionists Encouraged, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Aug. 19, 1869, 3
Gen. Jordan's Army Gradually Reinforced, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Aug. 19, 1869
Cuba: The Rumored Cause of Brigadier Lesca's Return, New York Herald, Aug. 19, 1869, 6
Spanish Accounts: Arrival of a Large Rebel Force in Macagua, Mostly Negroes, New York Herald, Aug. 19, 1869, 6
Spaniards Capture Gen. Jordan, The Congregationalist and Boston Recorder, Aug. 19, 1869, 8
Progress of the Revolution, Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 20, 1869
Rebels From Cienfuegos Attack Near Sagua La Grande, New Orleans Daily Picayune, Aug. 20, 1869, 1
Cuba: General Quesada Attacked Remedios Garrison, New York Herald, Aug. 20, 1869, 4
Cuba: Patriots Dispersed, New York Herald, Aug. 20, 1869, 5
Cuba: Brigadier Lesca, New York Herald, Aug. 20, 1869, 8
American Expedition at the Bay of Nipe, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper (NY), Aug. 21, 1869, 355
Bloody Work in Cuba, New York Herald, Aug. 21, 1869, 4
The City: Cuba Junta, New York Herald, Aug. 21, 1869, 4
Cuba: Why General Grant Still Hesitates, New York Herald, Aug. 21, 1869, 4
Cuba and the United States, New York Herald, Aug. 21, 1869, 5
Cuba: De Rodas at Matanzas, New York Herald, Aug. 21, 1869, 5
US District Court: The Recent Cuban Expeditions, New York Herald, Aug. 21, 1869, 6
Colombia: Colonel QuesadaNew York Herald, Aug. 22, 1869, 3
The Annexation of Cuba, New York Herald, Aug. 22, 1869, 6
The Order Sending an Iron-Clad to Cuba Countermanded, New York Herald, Aug. 22, 1869, 7
Proclamation by General Jordan, New York Herald, Aug. 22, 1869, 7
Cuba and the United States, New York Herald, Aug. 22, 1869, 7
Cuba: Patriots Appear Near Macuriges, New York Herald, Aug. 22, 1869, 7
Spain, Cuba, and the United States, New York Herald, Aug. 22, 1869, 8
Imprisonment and Assassination of Prominent Cubans, New York Herald, Aug. 22, 1869, 8
The European Journals on the Cuban Question, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 23, 1869, 4
Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 23, 1869, 4
Spain: Report About the Cession of CubaN. Y. Herald, Aug. 23, 1869, 5
Cuba: The Volunteers Cowing De Rodas, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 23, 1869, 5
Arrival in New York of Gen. Rafael Quesada, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 23, 1869, 8
Cuba: Convicts Gone to Spain and Africa, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 24, 1869, 3
Further Details of the Assassination of Prisoners, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 24, 1869, 3
Spain, Cuba, and the United States, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 24, 1869, 6
Cuba: Jordan's Fight with Valmaseda, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 24, 1869, 6
Cuba: Engagement with the Patriots, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 24, 1869, 7
Spain, Cuba, and the United States: LA France Says, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 24, 1869, 7
Patriot Accounts of a Fight Near Puerto Padre, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 24, 1869, 7
Spain: Reasons Why Spain Should Sell Cuba to the United States, From the London Post, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 25, 1869, 4
Quarantine: Yellow Jack Not Yet Dead, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 25, 1869, 5
Cuba: General Quesada Not Yet Appeared Before Sancti Spiritu, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 25, 1869, 6
An English Opinion of the Relations Between Spain, Cuba, and the United States, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 25, 1869, 7
The Reported Purchase of Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 25, 1869, 7
Cuba: The Patriots Driven Near Jaguey Grande, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 25, 1869, 7
Gen. Jordan Asserts His ReadinessMilwaukee Daily Sentinel, Aug. 26, 1869
Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 26, 1869, 4
The London Times on the Cuban Question, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 26, 1869, 5
General Ryan in Canada, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 26, 1869, 5
Cuba: The Proposition for the Purcahse of the Island, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 26, 1869, 5
Insurgents Surrendering Themselves, Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 26, 1869
The Cuban Volcano, Charleston Daily News, Aug. 27, 1869, 1   (Col. Rafael de Quesada; Cavada; Gen. Zacarias Gonzalez Goyeneche; Cuba not for sale)
Spain and Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 27, 1869, 4
Cuba: Arrest and Release of Americans, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 27, 1869, 5
Cuba: The Insurgents Drawing Toward the Western Department, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 27, 1869, 6
The Cuba Question: The President and Cabinet Unanimously in Sympathy with Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 28, 1869, 4
Cuba: Assassination of Citizens, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 28, 1869, 6
Cuba: Assassination of Citizens, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 28, 1869, 7
Cuba: Andrew White, An American, Released from Prison, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 29, 1869, 6
Spain: An Appointment for Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 29, 1869, 7
Cuba: Americans Released from Prison and Started for the United States, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 29, 1869, 7
The Proposition for the Purchase of Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 31, 1869, 3
Spain: The Cuban Question, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 31, 1869, 4
General Grant and the Cuban Question, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 31, 1869, 6
Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 31, 1869, 6
Cuba: Movements of the Patriots in the Jurisdiction of Colon, N. Y. Herald, Aug. 31, 1869, 7
Reported Defeat of the Insurgents, New York Tribune, Aug. 31 1869, 1
The Insurgents Have Left Colon, San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, Aug. 31, 1869, 1

The Havana Press on the Rumors About American Propositions to Buy Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 1, 1869, 7
Comments on the Reported Action of the United States, New York Times, Sept. 1, 1869
Cuba: Rumors of Change in the Government of the Island, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 2, 1869, 3
Spain: The Cuban Question, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 2, 1869, 4
Cuba: Count Valmaseda Appointed General-in-Chief, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 2, 1869, 6
Interesting News from Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 2, 1869, 6
Cuba: Resignation of De LaterreN. Y. Herald, Sept. 2, 1869, 7
Another Cuban Expedition, New York Times, Sept. 2, 1869
The War in Cuba, New York Times, Sept. 2, 1869
Count Valmaseda Appointed General-in-Chief, New York Times, Sept. 2, 1869
Washington: Minister Sickles' Proposition, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 3, 1869, 4
Cuba: Engagement Near Contramestre River, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 3, 1869, 4
The Cuban Republic, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 3, 1869, 4
Spain: The Cuban Question in Madrid, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 3, 1869, 5
Cuba: Fight Near the Contramestre River, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 3, 1869, 5
Indepedence of Cuba Recognized by Peru, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 3, 1869, 6
The Reported Negotiations with Spain, New York Times, Sept. 3, 1869
The Latest Cuban Enterprise, New York Times, Sept. 3, 1869
The Spanish Journals Despondent About Cuba, New York Times, Sept. 3, 1869
Cuba: Supposed Filibustering Steamer at New Orleans, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 4, 1869, 5
The Cuban Ultimatum, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 5, 1869, 3
The Spanish Gunboats: Progress of the Fitting Out of the Misquito Fleet, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 5, 1869, 3
Cuba and the United States, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 5, 1869, 6
Cuba: Encounters with the Revolutionists, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 5, 1869, 7
Skirmishes with the Insurgents, New York Times, Sept. 5, 1869
Cuban Volunteers, New York Times, Sept. 5, 1869
Who Pays? N. Y. Herald, Sept. 6, 1869, 4
Insurgents Repulsed Three Times at San Serapio, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 6, 1869, 4
Cuba- The Liberal Offer to Spain, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 6, 1869, 4
The Insurgents Attack the Spanish Forces at San Serapio, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 6, 1869, 5
Spain: Reinforcements for Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 6, 1869, 5
Spain-- Early Departure of Troops for Cuba, New York Times, Sept. 6, 1869
Cuba, New York Times, Sept. 6, 1869
The Question of Cuban Recognition, Boston Daily Advertiser, Sept. 6, 1869
4,000 Troops Sail for Cuba, Boston Daily Advertiser, Sept. 6, 1869
Cuba: General Quesada Attacked Las Tunas, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 7, 1869, 6
Troops for Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 7, 1869, 6
Cuba: The Volunteer Movement Among the Foreign Residents, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 7, 1869, 7
Severe Fighting at Las Tunas, New York Times, Sept. 7, 1869
General Quesada Attacked Las Tunas, New York Times, Sept. 7, 1869
Georgia, Trial of the Cuban Filibusters at Macon, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 8, 1869, 7
Spain: Opinion of General Sickles' Mission, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 8, 1869, 7
Cuba: Government's Reports of Insurgent Losses, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 8, 1869, 7
Reported Seizure of a Cuban Expedition, New York Times, Sept. 8, 1869
Cuban Insurrection, Boston Daily Advertiser, Sept. 9, 1869
Spanish Troops Defeated Near Puerto Principe, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 9, 1869, 6
Cuba: De Rodas' Latest Decree, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 9, 1869, 7
The Late Secretary Rawlins: His Last Utterances for the Freedom of Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 9, 1869, 7
Cuban Privateer, New York Times, Sept. 9, 1869
The Future of Cuba, New York Times, Sept. 9, 1869
General Valmaseda, New York Times, Sept. 9, 1869
Cubans Now Occupy Entire Cinco Villas District, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Sept. 9, 1869
Insurgents Losses in Cinco Villas, Boston Daily Advertiser, Sept. 9, 1869
Quarantine: Statistical Report for 1860, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 10, 1869, 5
No Mistake About Rawlins, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 10, 1869, 6
Cuba: General Lesca and the Volunteers, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 10, 1869, 7
Cuba: Secret Manifesto Against Captain General De Rodas, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 10, 1869, 10
A New Battalion of Volunteers, New York Times, Sept. 10, 1869
Sugar Plantation Los Ingenios Near Trinidad, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, (NY), Sept. 11, 1869, 403
The Patriots Burning the Sugar Plantation Los Ingenios Near Trinidad, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper (NY), Sept. 11, 1869, 404
A Patriot Chief Haranguing Spanish Prisoners, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper (NY), Sept. 11, 1869, 404
Peru: Recognition of the Independence of Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 11, 1869, 4
Cuba: The Battle of Las Tunas, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 11, 1869, 6
3,000 Remington Rifles for Use in Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 11, 1869, 6
Will the United States Recognize Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 11, 1869, 7
Cuba: Further Particulars of the Battle of Las Tunas, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 11, 1869, 7
A Court-Martial-- Contraband Steamers from Northern Ports, New York Times, Sept. 11, 1869
Proclamation of Cavada, New York Times, Sept. 11, 1869
The Note of General Sickles to the Spanish Government, New York Times, Sept. 11, 1869
Retreat of Valmaseda, New York Times, Sept. 11, 1869
Spain, Cuba, and the U.S., Times Picayune, Sept. 11, 1869, 4
Spanish Surveillance of the Mails, New York Times, Sept. 12, 1869
New Administration and Operations of the Junta, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 12, 1869, 4
The Steamship Missouri, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 12, 1869, 6
Progress of the Cuban Revolution, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 12, 1869, 6
Cuba: The Mails Detained and Suspected Letters Registered, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 12, 1869, 7
Minister Sickles and the Proposition to Buy Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 12, 1869, 7
Spain: Reinforcements for Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 12, 1869, 7
Cuban Affairs, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Sept. 13, 1869
Twenty-four Thousand Soldiers Sent to Cuba, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Sept. 13, 1869
Cuba- What About Cuba? N. Y. Herald, Sept. 13, 1869, 4
The News: Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 13, 1869, 4
The Cuban Junta and the Late Secretary of War, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 13, 1869, 5
Cuba: The Recent Victories of the Revolutionists, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 13, 1869, 5
Spain: General Sickles' Cuban Proposition, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 13, 1869, 5
The American People Cannot be Kept Quiet Much Longer in Regard to Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 14, 1869, 6
Cuba: Admiral Hoff on the Execution of Americans at Santiago, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 14, 1869, 7
Cuban Revolution, Boston Daily Advertiser, Sept. 15, 1869
Appeal in Behalf of the Cuban Patriots, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 15, 1869, 2
Supposed Cuban Filibustering Expedition, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 15, 1869, 6
The Cuban Question: Spain, France, and England, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 15, 1869, 6
Sudden Departure of the Hornet from Halifax, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 15, 1869, 7
Spain: General Sickels' Communication and its Effect, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 15, 1869, 7
A Lady Among the Cuban Patriots, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 15, 1869, 7
Cuba: Departure of a Supposed Filibustering Expedition from New Bedford, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 15, 1869, 7
The Cuban Question, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), Sept. 16, 1869
Battle Near Las Tunas, The Congregationalist and Boston Recorder, Sept. 16, 1869, 8
General Sickles' Instructions, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 16, 1869, 3
Cuba: The Great Fight at Tunas, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 16, 1869, 5
Blind Guides, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 16, 1869, 6
Hard Characters Shipped By the Hornet at Halifax, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 16, 1869, 6
Reported European Coalition for Cuba and Spain, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 16, 1869, 6
Sickles' Despatch to the Spanish Government, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 16, 1869, 6
Spain: Spanish Iron Clads and Troops for Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 16, 1869, 7
The Proposed Quadruple Alliance: Speedy Recognition of Cuba Predicted, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 17, 1869, 3
The Cuban Diamond Robbery, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 17, 1869, 3
Cuba: Admiral Hoff Interview with Secretary Robeson and Admiral Porter, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 17, 1869, 6
Cuba: The Time for Action by the Administration, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 17, 1869, 6
European Monarchies Favorable to the Rights of Spain, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 17, 1869, 6
Cuba and Peru: Serenade to the Peruvian Minister, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 17, 1869, 6
Admiral Hoff's Views on Cuban Affairs, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 17, 1869, 7
City Politics: The Union Republican General Committee Resolve to Sail for Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 17, 1869, 10
Negotiations Between the U.S. and Spain Touching Cuba, Weekly Georgia Telegraph (Macon), Sept. 17, 1869
An Incident of the Cuban Revolution, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), Sept. 18, 1869
Cuba- Prim and Napoleon, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 18, 1869, 6
England: The Cuban Question- Rumored Action of Spain, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 18, 1869, 7
Spain: Cuban Deputies to Be Summoned to the National Legislature, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 18, 1869, 7
France: Prim and Napoleon in Consultation on the Cuban QuestionN. Y. Herald, Sept. 18, 1869, 7
Cuba: Increasing Discontent Against De Rodas' Administration, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 19, 1869, 4
Spain's Answer, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 19, 1869, 6
A Dollar Donated By a Cuban Exile, New York Herald, Sept. 19, 1869, 7
England: Chances of War Between Spain and the United States, New York Herald, Sept. 19, 1869, 7
Examination of the Supposed Cuban Filibusters, New York Herald, Sept. 19, 1869, 7
General Sickles' Notes, New York Herald, Sept. 19, 1869, 7
Position of the United States Towards Spain and Cuba Unchanged, New York Herald, Sept. 20, 1869, 3
Cuba-- The Excitement in Spain, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 20, 1869, 6
Minister Sickles' Note, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 20, 1869, 6
The Cuban Loan, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 20, 1869, 10
Cuba: Mail for the United States Searched by the Authorities, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 20, 1869, 10
Board of Aldermen: Sympathy Felt for the Struggling Cubans, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 21, 1869, 4
Cuba: Destruction of a Foraging Party by the Insurgents, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 21, 1869, 4
The Cuban Question- France, England, and Spain, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 21, 1869, 6
Worse than the Ferment in Spain, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 21, 1869, 6
Cuba: Volunteers En Route for the Seat of War, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 21, 1869, 7
The Cuban Revolution, Boston Investigator, Sept. 22, 1869, 166
Dying Words of Secretary Rawlins, Boston Investigator, Sept. 22, 1869, 166
Secretary Rawlins' Death, Boston Investigator, Sept. 22, 1869, 166
The Cuban Revolution, Daily Picayune, Sept. 22, 1869, 2
Recognition of Cubans as Belligerents a Basis of War by Spain, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 22, 1869, 3
Vote for the Immediate Recognization of Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 22, 1869, 6
A Mass Meeting for Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 22, 1869, 6
Cuban Financiers Coming to the Aid of the Spanish Government, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 22, 1869, 7
England: A Counter Blast to General Sickles, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 22, 1869, 7
The Case of Collector Steadman and the Radical Comments Thereon, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 23, 1869, 3
The Fight at Las Tunas, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 23, 1869, 4
Cuba: Practical Conscription in the Ever Faithful Isle, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 23, 1869, 4
Views of a Senatorial Organ on Non-Interference by England and France, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 23, 1869, 4
Colombia- Sympathy for the Cubans, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 23, 1869, 4
Spain: General Sickles' Despatch to the Ministry, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 23, 1869, 5
Europe: General Sickles Presenting His Note in Madrid, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 23, 1869, 5
The Cuban Mass Meeting, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 23, 1869, 6
The Sickles Note and Cuba- How is It? N. Y. Herald, Sept. 23, 1869, 6
Cuba: Another Skirmish and Another Victory for the Spaniards, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 23, 1869, 7
Major-General Sickles and Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 24, 1869, 4
Cuba: The Situation in Camaguey, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 24, 1869, 4
The Blockrunner Lilian Back in New Orleans and Detained by Government- Alleged Sufferings of the Filibusters, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 24, 1869, 4
The Cuban Revolution, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), Sept. 25, 1869
The Cuban Question Before the Cabinet- General Sickles Sustained, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 25, 1869, 3
The Reserve Volunteer Corps- Pressure to Make Cubans Enlist, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 25, 1869, 5
Spain and the Cuban Crisis- Is General Grunt Ready for Action? N. Y. Herald, Sept. 25, 1869, 6
Cuba: Reorganization of the Cuban Army, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 25, 1869, 6
Key West: Ingress of Cuban Refugees, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 25, 1869, 8
Cuba: The Newspapers in Havana, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 26, 1869, 6
Cuba in the Cabinet, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 26, 1869, 6
Cuba: The Volunteers Insist on Taking the Field for Active Service, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 26, 1869, 7
The Mosquito Fleet: The Mysterious Spanish Gunboats, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 26, 1869, 7
Spanish Cruelties in Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 27, 1869, 6
The Spanish Gunboats, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 27, 1869, 6
Free Mason Gen. Escalante Died in Spain, Springfield Republican (Springfield, MA), Sept. 27, 1869, 1
The Insurgents of Cinco Villas Moving Eastward, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 28, 1869, 3
Board of Assitant Aldermen: Sympathy with Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 28, 1869, 4
Washington: The Cuban Constitution, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 28, 1869, 6
The Cuban Privateer Hornet Believed to be in Cuban Waters, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 28, 1869, 6
Cuba: The Reported Surrender of General Jordan, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 28, 1869, 7
The Cuban Revolution, New York Tribune, Sept. 28, 1869, 1
Cuba: Letter from a Foreign Merchant in Havana, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 29, 1869, 5
180,000 People Have Left Havana, North American and United States Gazette (Philadelphia), Sept. 29, 1869
Cuban Junta at New York Condemned by Americans, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 30, 1869, 4
Foreign News: General Sickles' Note, etc., N. Y. Herald, Sept. 30, 1869, 5
Cuba: Five Cubans Arrived at Nassau, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 30, 1869, 6
The War in Paraguay, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 30, 1869, 6
The Serrano Ultimatum to the Cubans, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 30, 1869, 7
Cuba: Arrival of the Cubans at Nassau, N. Y. Herald, Sept. 30, 1869, 7

Cuba: Effect of Valmaseda's Appointment to Command the Eastern Department, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 1, 1869, 4
The New Spanish Armada, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 1, 1869, 4
Spain: General Sickles' Despatch, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 1, 1869, 4
The Present Aspects of the Cuban Question, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 1, 1869, 6
Cuba: The Havana Press on Juarez's Opening Speech in the Mexican Congress, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 1, 1869, 7
Steamer Hornet, New York Times, Oct. 1, 1869
The Steamer Hornet and her Armament, New York Times, Oct. 1, 1869
Mustering for Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 2, 1869, 6
Cuban Affairs in New YorkN. Y. Herald, Oct. 2, 1869, 7
Cuba: Great Filibustering Expeditions Off for the Coast, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 2, 1869, 7
Further Movement of the Hornet off the Coast, New York Times, Oct. 2, 1869
The Hornet-- Her Armament, Officers, and Crew, New York Times, Oct. 2, 1869
Cuban Naval Expedition- Prospects Ahead, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 3, 1869, 6
The Hornet Under a New Name and Master, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 3, 1869, 7
Relations Between United States and Spain, New York Times, Oct. 3, 1869
The Cuban Fight; Another Expedition Afloat, New York Times, Oct. 3, 1869
Cuba: Suppression of Political News, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 4, 1869, 5
New Aspect of the Cuban Struggle, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 4, 1869, 6
Cuba: War with United States Popular in Havana, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 4, 1869, 6
Cuba: Arrival of Reinforcements for the Spanish Army, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 4, 1869, 7
Spain: General Sickles' Note Remains, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 4, 1869, 7
Looking Out for the Hornet, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 4, 1869, 7
The Cuban Navy: The First Cuban Man-of-War, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 4, 1869, 10
The Relations of Spain and the United States as to Cuba, New York Times, Oct. 4, 1869
Reported Insubordination in the Cuban Army, New York Times, Oct. 4, 1869
The Republican Revolt-- The Cuban Reinforcements, New York Times, Oct. 4, 1869
General Sickles' Note- Will the United States War for Cuba? N. Y. Herald, Oct. 5, 1869, 4
The Spaniards and Cubans in New York, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 5, 1869, 5
A Weak Invention of the Enemy, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 5, 1869, 6
The Cuban Privateer, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 5, 1869, 6
Ben Butler's Opinion of Cuban Belligerency, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 5, 1869, 7
The Hornet Flying Cuban Colors, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 5, 1869, 7
Spain: Foreign Mediation in the Cuban Case Refused, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 5, 1869, 7
The Cuban Question Culminating, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 6, 1869, 6
Affairs at the Junta, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 6, 1869, 7
Action of the Cabinet in the Case of the Privateer Hornet, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 6, 1869, 7
The Privateer Hornet Spoken at Sea, New York Times, Oct. 5, 1869
Spanish Scrutiny of the Mails-- No Case for American Interference, New York Times, Oct. 6, 1869
The Hornet, or Cuba, New York Times, Oct. 6, 1869
Cuba: The Goicouria Expedition, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 7, 1869, 4
The Steamship City of Mexico, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 7, 1869, 4
The Detention of the Hornet, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 7, 1869, 6
The Late Expedition for Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 7, 1869, 6
Cuba: Arrival of American War Vessels, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 7, 1869, 7
Ball on Board the Hornet at Wilmington, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 7, 1869, 7
Views of Cubans Concerning the Hornet, New York Times, Oct. 7, 1869
The Neutrality Question, Daily Central City Register (Central City, CO), Oct. 7, 1869
The Goicouria Expedition, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 7, 1869, 4
Cuba: The Sailing of the Hornet, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 8, 1869, 4
As it Should Be: The Hornet, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 8, 1869, 6
Interview of the Cuban Envoy with Secretaries Fish and Boutwell, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 8, 1869, 7
Cuba: Arrival of the Powhatan, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 8, 1869, 7
Mail News By Steamship Morro Castle, New York Times, Oct. 8, 1869
Board of Assistant Aldermen: Cuban Demonstration, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 9, 1869, 5
The Cuban Anniversary, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 9, 1869, 5
Cuba: Several Skirmishes with the Insurgents Reported, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 9, 1869, 7
The Hornet and The Lilian, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 9, 1869, 7
Cuba: More Troops for the Seat of War, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 9, 1869, 7
Spain and Cuba: The Spanish Gunboats, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 9, 1869, 10
The News from Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 9, 1869, 10
Mr. Sumner's Opinion of Cuba, New York Times, Oct. 9, 1869
The Cuban Declaration of Independence, New York Times, Oct. 10, 1869
The Cuban Juntas Headquarters, Daily Cleveland Herald, Oct. 11, 1869
The Confiscation of the Hornet Expected, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 11, 1869, 3
Cuba: The Hornet, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 11, 1869, 6
Those Spanish Gunboats, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 11, 1869, 6
Anniversary of the Cuban Republic, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 11, 1869, 7
Cuban Independence, New York Times, Oct. 11, 1869
Steamship Lillian, New York Times, Oct. 11, 1869
The Cuban Revolution, Boston Daily Advertiser, Oct. 11, 1869
An Engagement Near Puerto Principe, Daily Cleveland Herald, Oct. 12, 1869
Thw Hornet Case, Daily Cleveland Herald, Oct. 12, 1869
Cuban Independence, Boston Daily Advertiser, Oct. 12, 1869
The Anniversary of Cuban Independence, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 12, 1869, 3
The Case of the Steamship Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 12, 1869, 3
The Cuban Question and the Administration, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 12, 1869, 6
Cuba: Engagement Near Puerto Principe, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 12, 1869, 7
The Case of the Privateer Cuba, New York Times, Oct. 12, 1869
An Engagement Near Puerto Principe, New York Times, Oct. 12, 1869
Anniversary of the Cuban Fourth of July, New York Times, Oct. 12, 1869
The Privateer Cuba, New York Times, Oct. 12, 1869
Cuban Anniversary Celebrated, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), Oct. 12, 1869
The Case of the Hornet, Daily Evening Bulletin (San Francisco), Oct. 12, 1869
Cuban Junta, Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express, Oct. 12, 1869
The Case of the Hornet, Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express, Oct. 12, 1869
Cuban Celebration in New York, Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express, Oct. 12, 1869
The Case of the Steamship Cuba, New York Tribune, Oct. 12, 1869, 1
The Anniversary of Cuban Independence, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 12, 1869, 3
Cuba: Illness of the Captain General, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 13, 1869, 7
Enforcing the NeutralityNew York Times, Oct. 13, 1869
The Cubans and the Wounded Gunner, New York Times, Oct. 13, 1869
Illness of the Captain General, New York Times, Oct. 13, 1869
The State of our Relations with Spain, New York Times, Oct. 13, 1869
Progress of the Cuban Revolution, Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express, Oct. 13, 1869
The Case of the Cuba Before the United States Commissioner, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 14, 1869, 5
Cuba: What is the Position of the Administration, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 14, 1869, 6
Cuban Aid for the Wounded Gunner, New York Times, Oct. 14, 1869
The Cuban Privateers, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 14, 1869, 5
Cuba: Passage of the Convoy Under Valmaseda from Bayamo to Las Tunas, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 15, 1869, 4
The Sickles Note on the Cuban Question- Is It Withdrawn or Not, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 15, 1869, 6
Gallantry Rewarded, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 15, 1869, 6
Vascilating Course of Secretary Fish Toward the Cuban RevolutionN.Y. Herald, Oct. 15, 1869, 7
Arrival of the Havana Steamship Columbia, New York Times, Oct. 15, 1869
The Case of the Hornet, or Cuba-- Mr. Davis' Remarks in Court at Wilmington, New York Times, Oct. 15, 1869
A Spanish Account of General Sickles' Negotiations, New York Times, Oct. 15, 1869
Spain: General Sickles and the Cuban Question, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 16, 1869, 4
Our Special News from Cuba, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 16, 1869, 6
The Officers of the Cuba Confident of Her Release, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 16, 1869, 7
Cuba: Death of the Patriot General Castello Reported, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 16, 1869, 7
Death of General Castello, New York Times, Oct. 16, 1869
The Death of General Castello, New York Times, Oct. 16, 1869
The Hornet or Cuba-- The Proceedings at Wilmington, New York Times, Oct. 16, 1869
The Revolution in Cuba: Statement of an American Gentleman Direct from the Revolutionary District, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 17, 1869, 4
North Carolina: The Trial of the Cuban, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 17, 1869, 7
Cuba: Departure of the Catholic Bishop for Spain, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 17, 1869, 7
Cuba: Another Detachment of Spanish Troops Arrived, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 18, 1869, 7
The Recent Massacre Near Bayamo, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 18, 1869, 7
The Cuba at Wilmington, the Case AdjournedNew York Times, Oct. 17, 1869
The Murdered Patriots at Jiguani, New York Times, Oct. 18, 1869
Spanish Barbarities in Cuba, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 19, 1869, 6
Cuba: Further Arrival of Reinforcements from Spain, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 19, 1869, 7
The Cuban Privateer: The Cuba Under Surveillance of the War Steamr Frolic, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 19, 1869, 7
Arrival of Spanish Troops at Havana and Cienfuegos, New York Times, Oct. 19, 1869
Cuba: The Privateer Cuba at Wilmington, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 20, 1869, 6
Cuba: Important Insurrectionary Documents Intercepted, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 20, 1869, 7
Cuban Interest in the Revolution, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 20, 1869, 7
The Privateer Cuba Libelled by the United States Authorities, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 20, 1869, 7
Late Operations Recounted from Official Information, New York Times, Oct. 20, 1869
The Privateer Cuba, New York Times, Oct. 20, 1869
The Cuba at Wilmington, N.C., New York Times, Oct. 20, 1869
The Cuban Insurgents the Instigators of the Spanish Outbreak, New York Times, Oct. 20, 1869
Insurrection in Cuba, Boston Investigator, Oct. 20, 1869, 198
The Spanish Government, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 21, 1869, 6
The Case of the Cuban Privateer, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 21, 1869, 7
Examination of the Officers of the Privateer Cuba, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 21, 1869, 7
Spain: Troops for Cuba, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 21, 1869, 7
Cuba: All Military Operations Suspended, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 21, 1869, 10
Another Conflict in Bejar, New York Times, Oct. 21, 1869
The United States and Cuba, New York Times, Oct. 21, 1869
The Offer of Mediation Between Spain and Cuba, New York Times, Oct. 21, 1869
Additional Spanish Forces for Cuba, New York Times, Oct. 21, 1869
Destitute Cuban Exiles in America, Manufacturers' and Farmers' Journal (Providence, RI), Oct. 21, 1869, 1
The Cuban Situation, Weekly Patriot (Harrisburg, PA), Oct. 21, 1869, 1
The Cuba Libelled Today, Weekly Patriot (Harrisburg, PA), Oct. 21, 69, 1
The Seizure of the Cuba, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 22, 1869, 3
Skulking Heroes, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 22, 1869, 3
Official Report of the Passage from Bayamo to Las Tunas, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 22, 1869, 4
Spain: The Cuban Movement as Seen by the Cabinet, N.Y. Herald, Oct. 22, 1869, 7
Detention of Alleged Cuban Vessel "Anna", New York Times, Oct. 22, 1869
The Privateer Cuba, New York Times, Oct. 22, 1869
Skulking Heroes, New York Herald, Oct. 22, 1869, 3
The Havana Press on the Volunteers, New York Herald, Oct. 23, 1869, 4
Capture of the Privateer Lilian by an English Gunboat and Her Subsequent Release at Nassau, New York Herald, Oct. 23, 1869, 4
England: Neutral Rights- The Hornet and Alabama, New York Herald, Oct. 23, 1869, 7
Small Bodies of Rebels Have Made Their Appearance Near Trinidad, New York Herald, Oct. 23, 1869, 7
Trial of the Officers of the Privateer Cuba, New York Herald, Oct. 23, 1869, 7
Trial of the Officers of the Steamer Cuba, New York Times, Oct. 23, 1869
Rebels in Trinidad, New York Times, Oct. 23, 1869
A Cuban Stabs his Mistress and Shoots Himself, New York Times, Oct. 23, 1869
Arrival of Steamship Eagle, New York Times, Oct. 23, 1869
The Insurgents of Trinidad, New York Times, Oct. 23, 1869
The Cuban Revolution, Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express, Oct. 23, 1869
The Cuban Privateer, Flake's Bulletin (Galveston), Oct. 23, 1869, 1
Three Steamers in Havana, Flake's Bulletin, Oct. 23, 1869, 1
The British Capture and Release of the Cuban Ship Lilian, New York Herald, Oct. 24, 1869, 6
The Case of the Privateer Cuba: The Trial at Wilmington, N.C., New York Herald, Oct. 24, 1869, 8
Cuba in Wilmington, N.C., New York Times, Oct. 25, 1869
The Steamer Lillian as the Privateer Cespedes, New York Times, Oct. 25, 1869
Cuba: The Spanish Press and the Foreign Press Correspondents, New York Herald, Oct. 25, 1869, 5
Cuba: General Boniche Again Ready for the Fight, New York Herald, Oct. 25, 1869, 7
The Goicouria-Cristo Expedition, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 25, 1869, 10
Struggling Cuba: The Goicouria-Cristo Expedition, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 26, 1869, 4
The Case of the Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 26, 1869, 4
Cuba: Promulgation of the Decree Establishing Unrestricted Liberty of Religion in Cuba and Puerto Rico, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 26, 1869, 7
The Cuban Privateer: Adjournment of the Court of Inquiry, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 26, 1869, 7
A Protestant Church to Opened in Havana, New York Times, Oct. 26, 1869
The Religious Liberty Decree, New York Times, Oct. 27, 1869
Cuba: The Havana Press on the Religious Freedom Doctrine, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 27, 1869, 7
The Cuban Privateer: Trial of the Officers for the Violation of the Neutrality Laws, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 27, 1869, 7
The Case of the Cuba: Third Day's Proceedings, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 27, 1869, 7
Cuba: Black Horse Cavalry, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 27, 1869, 10
Steamer Lillian Seized, New York Times, Oct. 27, 1869
The Case of Cuba, Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express, Oct. 27, 1869
The Case of the Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 28, 1869, 6
Cuba: The Case of the Hornet, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 28, 1869, 6
Editorial Duel, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 28, 1869, 8
Prospect of a Duel Between Havana Editors, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 28, 1869, 9
The Case of the Cuban Privateer in Wilmington, New York Times, Oct. 28, 1869
Prospect of a Duel Between Havana Editors, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 28, 1869, 9
Cuba: Order of the Insurgent General Cavada to Burn Sugar Cane Fields, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 29, 1869, 3
The Spanish Connivance with the Revolution, New York Times, Oct. 29, 1869
General Cavada, New York Times, Oct. 29, 1869
MacGregor Pardoned, New York Times, Oct. 29, 1869
Order of the Insurgent General Cavada to Burn Sugar Cane Fields, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 29, 1869, 3
Gen. Cavada's Order, North American and United States Gazette (Philadelphia), Oct. 29, 1869, 2
Royal Havana Lottery of Cuba, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper (NY), Oct. 30, 1869, 119
The Cuban Junta and the Hornet, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 30, 1869, 3
Señor Lemus is in Washington, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 30, 1869, 3
Cuba: Despotism of Petty Officials in the Country, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 30, 1869, 5
The Case of the Steamer Cuba: Examination of Commodore Higgins and His Officers, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 30, 1869, 5
Cub: Movements of Troops in Cinco Villas, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 30, 1869, 7
The Trial of the Officers of the Steamer Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 30, 1869, 7
Grant's West India Policy, N. Y. Herald, Oct. 30, 1869, 9
Volunteering for the Spanish Army, New York Times, Oct. 30, 1869
The Case of the Cuba-- Discharge of a Portion of Her Officers, New York Times, Oct. 31, 1869
Operations of the Insurgents, New York Times, Oct. 31, 1869

Cuba: Seven of the Cuban Privateer's Officers Held in Bail, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 1, 1869, 1
Position of the Administration on the Cuban Question, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 1, 1869, 6
The Privateer Cuba: Most of the Officers of the Cuba Discharged, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 1, 1869, 7
The Case of the Cuba: Seventh Day's Proceedings in the Trial of Commodore Higgins and his Officers, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 1, 1869, 8
Cuban Belligerency Acknowledged by the United States According to Important Official Declarations, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 1, 1869, 10
Discharge of the Privateers Men in Wilmington, N.C., New York Times, Nov. 1, 1869
The Case of the Privateer Hornet: Eighth Day's Proceedings, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 2, 1869, 5
How to Balance It, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 2, 1869, 6
Cuba: A Political Orator Hissed, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 2, 1869, 7
Steamers Lillian and Teaser, New York Times, Nov. 2, 1869
Cuba: Mobilized Volunteers Sent to the Seat of War, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 3, 1869, 9
The Case of the Privateer Hornet: The Case Closed, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 3, 1869, 10
The U.S. vs. the Steamship Cuba, New York Times, Nov. 3, 1869
Cuban Fillibuster Steamship, The Daily Picayune, Nov. 3, 1869, 5
Capture of the Cuban Privateer Lillian at Nassau, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 4, 1869, 7
The Steamship Eagle, New York Times, Nov. 4, 1869
Capt.-Gen. De Rodas Will Visit Cienfuegos, St. Paul Daily Pioneer, Nov. 4, 1869, 4
What is the Cause of the Failure of the Cuban Expedition, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 5, 1869, 6
Cuba: The New Campaign of Valmaseda, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 5, 1869, 8
Arrival of the Euterpe and Columbia, New York Times, Nov. 5, 1869
Spanish Rule in Cuba: An Ex-Herald Correspondent Kidnapped, Thrust Into the Common Jail and Expelled the CountryN. Y. Herald, Nov. 6, 1869, 5
Spanish Reconnoissance of Puerto Rico, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 6, 1869, 6
Henry J. Koppers, a Former Herald Correspondent, Arrested in Havana, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 6, 1869, 6
Cuba: The Expedition of Spanish Troops and Volunteers to Cienaga de Zapata, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 6, 1869, 7
Captain-General De Rodas at Cienfuegos, New York Times, Nov. 6, 1869
A War of Fire in Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 7, 1869, 6
Cuba: Liberation of an American CitizenN. Y. Herald, Nov. 7, 1869, 7
Liberation of MacGregor, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 7, 1869, 7
Commodore Higgins and the Privateer Hornet, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 7, 1869, 7
The Present Position of the Cuba at Wilmington, New York Times, Nov. 7, 1869
Smuggling Cigars, New York Times, Nov. 7, 1869
The Case of the Hornet: Interview with Commodore Higgins, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 8, 1869, 5
Captain Higgins Late Commander of the Privateer Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 8, 1869, 6
Cuba: A Broad American Policy Required, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 8, 1869, 6
A Case of Spanish Insolence in Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 8, 1869, 6
Cuba: Proposed Formation of a Constabulary Force of Foreign Residents in Havana, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 8, 1869, 8
Letter from General Cavada, New York Times, Nov. 8, 1869
Spanish Gunboats, New York Times, Nov. 8, 1869
The Spanish Gunboats, New York Times, Nov. 8, 1869
The Crosby Street Tragedy: Vasquez, the Murderer, Sent to the Tombs, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 9, 1869, 5
Cuba: Officers of the Privateer Hornet, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 9, 1869, 6
Cuba: Sickness on the Island, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 9, 1869, 7
The Officers of the Cuban Cruiser, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 9, 1869, 7
Arrival of Spanish Troops, New York Times, Nov. 9, 1869
Another Cuba Expedition, New York Times, Nov. 9, 1869
The Reported Cuban Expedition, Commercial Advertiser (NY), Nov. 10, 1869, 4
The Last of the Goicouria Expedition, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 10, 1869, 3
The Junta Has Been Reorganized, Miguel Aldama President, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 10, 1869, 6
Cuba: Movements of Troops, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 10, 1869, 7
Cuba: Release of the Hornet's Crew; Reported Landing of the Lilian Expedition, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 10, 1869, 8
What is to Become of Cuba, New York Times, Nov. 10, 1869
The Cuban Revolution, New York Times, Nov. 10, 1869
Sinking of the Lillian Untrue, New York Times, Nov. 10, 1869
Spain and Cuba: General Sickles in Reference to Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 11, 1869, 3
Cuba: General Mendegueren Attacked the Insurgents, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 11, 1869, 6
Cuba: Extraordinary Naval Movements, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 11, 1869, 6
Spain: Ministerial Compliment to General Sickles, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 11, 1869, 7
The Cuban Programme- What Recognition Would Save, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 11, 1869, 7
Cuba: Spanish Account of a Recent Encounter with the Insurgents, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 11, 1869, 7
Seizure of the Late Confederate Ram Atlanta, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 11, 1869, 9
Latest Achievements of the Revolution, New York Times, Nov. 11, 1869
Recent Battle Between Spain and Cuba, New York Times, Nov. 11, 1869
Privateer Hornet, New York Times, Nov. 11, 1869
Cuba: Firing the Sugar Plantations by the Insurgents, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 12, 1869, 5
The Cuban Junta: Petition to Congress for the Recognition of Cuba as a Belligerent, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 12, 1869, 5
Cuba: Firing the Sugar Plantations by the Insurgents, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 12, 1869, 5
Striking at the Supplies, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 12, 1869, 6
Spain: The Death Penalty for Treason, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 12, 1869, 7
The Cuban Filibusters: Arrival of the Lillian Filibusters at Key West, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 12, 1869, 7
Cuba: Burning of Plantations by the Patriots, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 12, 1869, 7
An Investigation Demanded by the Officers of the Cuba, New York Times, Nov. 12, 1869
Sailing of Troops to Cuba, New York Times, Nov. 12, 1869
Burning of Plantations by the Cubans, New York Times, Nov. 12, 1869
Cavada Again, New York Times, Nov. 12, 1869
Lillian Seized, New York Times, Nov. 12, 1869
Spanish Fleet at Havana, New York Times, Nov. 12, 1869
Firing of the Sugar Plantations by the Insurgents, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 12, 1869, 18
The Cuban Junta are Indignant at Captain Higgins of the Hornet, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 13, 1869, 6
Captain General De Rodas to Return to Havana Sunday, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 13, 1869, 7
The Cuba and Her Officers, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 13, 1869, 8
The Captain-General's Inspection Tour Closed, New York Times, Nov. 13, 1869
The Spanish Gunboats, New York Times, Nov. 13, 1869
Commodore Higgins and the Junta, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 14, 1869, 3
Cuba: Spanish Restrictions on Passports Granted to Cubans; More Atrocious Murders Committed by Spanish Troops, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 14, 1869, 5
The West India Naval Expedition- Spain and Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 14, 1869, 6
Cubans Loyal to Spain, New York Times, Nov. 14, 1869
Two New Journals Started as Advocates of the Cause of Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 15, 1869, 5
Cuba: The Movements of the Captain General, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 15, 1869, 5
Cuba: The Expedition Against the Cienaga de Zapata, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 15, 1869, 6
Destruction of Sugar Plantations, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 15, 1869, 7
Insurgent Activity, New York Times, Nov. 15, 1869
Spain After the Yankess and Those Gunboats, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 16, 1869, 3
A Cabinet Minister's Reasons for Not Favoring the Annexation of Cuba, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 16, 1869, 7
The Havana Volunteers Drew Lots on Monday, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 17, 1869, 6
Spain: Government 'Clemency,' But an Unpleasant Alternative, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 17, 1869, 7
Volunteers Draw Lots for Service, New York Times, Nov. 17, 1869
Volunter Corps Ready to Embark to Cuba, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 18, 1869, 4
Investigation Regarding the Cause of Captain Higgins, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 18, 1869, 6
Spain: Troops for Cuba, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 18, 1869, 6
Cuba: More Plantations Burned, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 18, 1869, 7
Volunteers for Cuba, New York Times, Nov. 18, 1869
Steamship Columbia, New York Times, Nov. 18, 1869
The Cuban Junta Investigation, New York Times, Nov. 18, 1869
Cespedes at Work in Cuba, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 19, 1869, 4
Spain: Government Clemency, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 19, 1869, 5
Cuba: Serious Charge Against the British Consul at Trinidad, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 19, 1869, 5
Destruction of Sugar Plantation, New York Times, Nov. 19, 1869
Plantations Burned, New York Times, Nov. 19, 1869
Cuba: Continutation of Spanish Cruelties, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 20, 1869, 5
The Crisis in Cuba, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 20, 1869, 6
The Cuban Constitution, New York Times, Nov. 20, 1869
Arrival of Steamship Morro Castle, New York Times, Nov. 20, 1869
Burning of Plantations Continued, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 20, 1869, 5
Our Mail Advices from Cuba, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 21, 1869, 6
Cuba: The Burning of the Sugar Plantation, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 21, 1869, 7
Plots in Marianao, New York Times, Nov. 21, 1869
More Battles Fighting Accounts, Galveston News, Nov. 22, 1869, 2
Cuba: Ravages of Cholera and Yellow Fever, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 22, 1869, 5
News and Rumors About Cuba, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 22, 1869, 6
Cholera, Yellow Fever, and Small-Pox are Raging at Santiago de Cuba, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 22, 1869, 6
Spain: Troops for Cuba, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 22, 1869, 7
Spain-- A Republican Denial of Complicity with the Cubans, New York Times, Nov. 22, 1869
The Junta Cubana, New York Times, Nov. 22, 1869
Demand of the Spanish Minister for the Release of the Gunboats, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 23, 1869, 3
Consul General Plumb Has Resigned, Consul Hall Will Take Temporary Charge of Havana Consulate, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 23, 1869, 6
Cuba: Announcement of the Acceptance of Consul General Plumb's Resignation, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 23, 1869, 7
Lillian Captured, New York Times, Nov. 23, 1869
The Spanish Flotilla: A Seizure to be Made To-Day, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 24, 1869, 3
The Spanish Gunboats, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 24, 1869, 6
The Spanish Gunboats Were Not Seized Yesterday, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 24, 1869, 6
Spain: Cuban Sympathizers, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 24, 1869, 7
The Complicity of Republicans with the Cubans, New York Times, Nov. 24, 1869
Perit Expedition, Flake's Bulletin (Galveston), Nov. 24, 1869, 1
The Spanish Gunboats: The Seizure Effected Yesterday, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 25, 1869, 3
Cuba: Spanish View of the Situation, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 25, 1869, 5
Cuba, Spain, and the United States, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 25, 1869, 6
Death of General Dulce, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 25, 1869, 7
Obituary: General Don Domingo Dulce u Garay, Marquis of Castell-Florite, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 25, 1869, 7
The Spanish Armada: A Review of the Situation, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 26, 1869, 3
Cuba: The Captain General to Take the Field, N.Y. Herald, Nov. 26, 1869, 4
Movements of the Agents of the Cuban Junta in Boston, New York Times, Nov. 26, 1869
The Cuban Situation, New York Times, Nov. 26, 1869
Burning of Plantations in Cuba, Baltimore Sun, Nov. 26, 1869, 4
The Spanish Armada, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 27, 1869, 3
Cuba: A Spanish Fleet Not Yet Ordered to New York, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 28, 1869, 7
Movement in Philadelphia, New York Times, Nov. 28, 1869
Cuba and the Monroe Doctrine, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 29, 1869, 6
Spain: The Army in Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 29, 1869, 7
The Spanish Mosquito Fleet: Notice of Motion for Quashing the Libel Served on Judge Pierrepout Yesterday, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 30, 1869, 3
South Carolina: Proposed Recognition of Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 30, 1869, 7
Cuba: De Rodas Denies that a Naval Fleet is Intended for American Waters, N. Y. Herald, Nov. 30, 1869, 7
Cuban Recognition, New York Times, Nov. 30, 1869
Arrival of More Spanish Soldiers, New York Times, Nov. 30, 1869

The Spanish Mosquito Fleet: No New Developments Yesterday, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 1, 1869, 3
The President's Views on the Cuba Question, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 1, 1869, 3
Reported Disabling of the Gun-Boats in New York, New York Times, Dec. 1, 1869
Sumner's Anti-Cuban Manifesto Answered, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 2, 1869, 3
Cienfuegos Surprised by the Insurgents, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 2, 1869, 6
Cuba: Fresh Troops from Spain, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 2, 1869, 7
Cuba: The Demand for the Spanish Gunboats, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 2, 1869, 10
A Spanish Frigate with Troops, New York Times, Dec. 2, 1869
The War in Cuba: The Cinco Villas, New York Times, Dec. 2, 1869
Spanish Cruelties Described by Spaniards, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 3, 1869, 5
The Cuban Insurrection, New York Times, Dec. 3, 1869
Cuba: Action Asked by Congress, New York Times, Dec. 3, 1869
Affairs in Cuba from a Spanish Point of View, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 4, 1869, 6
Latest News from Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 4, 1869, 6
Cuba:  Reported Landing of an Expedition in the Bay of Nipe, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 4, 1869, 7
A Cuban Lady Robbed of Twenty Thousand Dollars Worth of Diamonds, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 4, 1869, 7
Cuba: Reorganization of the Cuban Junta in New Orleans, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 4, 1869, 11
Military Government of Cinco-Villas, New York Times, Dec. 4, 1869
Cuba: Republican Incendiary Proclamation, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 5, 1869, 4
The Cuban Delegation and the President, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 5, 1869, 7
Illness of General Lesca, New York Herald, Dec. 5, 1869, 7
Illness of General Lesca, New York Times, Dec. 5, 1869
Outrage of American Seamen, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 6, 1869, 5
Spain: General Sickles' Diplomacy on the Cuban Question, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 6, 1869, 5
Cuba: The Position of the President and the Probable Action of Congress, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 6, 1869, 6
The Mail News from Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 6, 1869, 6
General Prim on the Spanish War Forces Shipped for Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 6, 1869, 7
Billigerent Rights for Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 6, 1869, 7
Spain: Constitutional Guarantees, New York Times, Dec. 6, 1869
Cuba: General Lesca, New York Times, Dec. 6, 1869
General Lesca Relieved, New York Tribune, Dec. 6, 1869, 1
Cuba, Morning Republican (Little Rock, AR), Dec. 7, 1869
The War in Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 7, 1869, 3
Cuba: Volunteers for the Field; Engagements in the Trinidad District, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 7, 1869, 4
A Cuban Primer for Congress, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 7, 1869, 6
Jamaica: Seizure of Arms Intended for CubaN. Y. Herald, Dec. 7, 1869, 7
Cuba: Arrival of Volunteers from Spain, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 7, 1869, 7
The Philadelphia Petition for Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 7, 1869, 10
The West Indies: The Revolution in Haiti, New York Times, Dec. 7, 1869
Negro Rising in Cuba, New York Times, Dec. 7, 1869
Engagement in the Trinidad District, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 7, 1869, 4
The Spanish Gunboats: An Alleged Plot to Burn the Ships by Cuban Partisans, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 8, 1869, 4
The Spanish Gunboats to be Released, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 8, 1869, 5
Arrival of Gen. Lesca in Havana, New York Herald, Dec. 9, 1869, 7
Cuba: Attempt to Fire a Town, New York Times, Dec. 9, 1869
Cuba: Fears of a Negro Rising on the Island, New York Herald, Dec. 10, 1869, 5
A Sign in Favor of Cuba, New York Herald, Dec. 10, 1869, 6
Spaniards in Havana Satisfied with President Grant's Message, New York Herald, Dec. 10, 1869, 6
Cuba: Departure of Captain General Dulce's Wife for Europe, New York Herald, Dec. 10, 1869, 7
Cuba: Excitement Over the President's Message, New York Times, Dec. 10, 1869
Cuban Affairs: Arrival of the Morro Castle, New York Times, Dec. 10, 1869
Cuba: Demands for Money from Sympathizers, New York Times, Dec. 11, 1869
The Release of the Spanish Gunboats, New York Herald, Dec. 11, 1869, 4
Cuba: Letters Handed Over to Spanish Authorities, New York Herald, Dec. 11, 1869, 4
Spain: Cabinet Fears for Cuba, New York Herald, Dec. 11, 1869, 5
Cuba: Alleged Letters from General Goicouria in the Hands of the Authorities, New York Herald, Dec. 11, 1869, 5
The Spanish Gunboats: Their Unconditional Release, New York Herald, Dec. 11, 1869, 6
Cuba: Another Fight- The Spaniards Again Defeated, New York Herald, Dec. 11, 1869, 7
Forthcoming Grand Masonic Ball, New York Herald, Dec. 11, 1869, 8
The Spanish Flotilla: Preparations for Departure, New York Herald, Dec. 11, 1869, 10
A Reported Sharp Skirmish Near Trinidad, New York Times, Dec. 12, 1869
Firing the Sugar Plantations by the Insurgents, N.Y. Herald, Dec. 12, 1869, 5
Cuba: Proposed Importation of Free Laborers from Africa, N.Y. Herald, Dec. 13, 1869, 5
Negro Importation to Follow Slave Labor, New York Times, Dec. 13, 1869
The Duelist and the Lathered Barber, N.Y. Herald, Dec. 14, 1869, 5
Holding Back on the Cuban Question- What Does it Mean? N.Y. Herald, Dec. 14, 1869, 6
The Spanish Gunboats, N.Y. Herald, Dec. 14, 1869, 6
Cuba: A Suspicious Steamer- Supposed Landing of Arms, N.Y. Herald, Dec. 14, 1869, 7
Cuba: More Encounters with the Insurgents Reported, N.Y. Herald, Dec. 15, 1869, 7
Cuba: Progress of the Struggle for Independence, New York Herald, Dec. 15, 1869, 8
The Spanish Gun-Boats, New York Times, Dec. 15, 1869
Skirmishes Between the Spanish and the Insurgents, New York Times, Dec. 15, 1869
Arrival of the Steamship Rapidan, New York Times, Dec. 15, 1869
Miguel Aldama Five Sugar Estates Confiscated, Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, Dec. 15, 1869
Revolutionists Surprise Cienfuegos, The Deseret News, Dec. 15, 1869, 526
The United States Gov't and the Cuban Revolution, Charleston Courier, Dec. 16, 1869
Cuba: The War in the Eastern Department, N.Y. Herald, Dec. 16, 1869, 4
Cuba: New Taxes to be Imposed, N.Y. Herald, Dec. 16, 1869, 7
The Flotilla to Sail To-Day, N.Y. Herald, Dec. 16, 1869, 7
A New Sugar Tex in Cuba, New York Times, Dec. 16, 1869
Cuba Before Congress-- The Extraordinary Position of the Administration, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 17, 1869, 4
Our War on Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 17, 1869, 4
Important News from Cuba, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 17, 1869, 4
Cuba: Important News from the Eastern Department, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 17, 1869, 5
Joy in Havana Over the Release of Spanish Gunboats, New York Herald, Dec. 17, 1869, 6
The Spanish Gunboats, New York Herald, Dec. 18, 1869, 4
Cuba: Execution of Two Men Charged with Assassination, New York Herald, Dec. 18, 1869, 5
The Spanish Flotilla: Further Delay in the Sailing of the Gunboats, New York Herald, Dec. 18, 1869, 6
Spanish Volunteers, New York Times, Dec. 18, 1869
Rumored Disappearance of Cuban Steamer Anna, New York Times, Dec. 18, 1869
Matters in Cuba: The Slavery Question, New York Times, Dec. 18, 1869
Cuba: More Troops from Spain, New York Herald, Dec. 19, 1869, 6
Why Has Secretary Fish Refused Information to Congress About Cuba, New York Herald, Dec. 19, 1869, 6
Cuba: Another Arrival of Troops from Spain, New York Herald, Dec. 19, 1869, 7
Another Incindiary Proclamation, New York Times, Dec. 19, 1869
The Spanish Gunboats Took Their Departure for Cuba, New York Herald, Dec. 20, 1869, 4
Cuba: Burning of a Foundry in Matanzas, New York Herald, Dec. 20, 1869, 5
Plot to Blow Up the Spanish Flotilla- How and Why it Failed, New York Herald, Dec. 21, 1869, 5
Cuba: Arrival of the Crew of the Lillian at Savannah, New York Herald, Dec. 21, 1869, 7
Cuba: Arrival of the Spanish Volunteers in Havana, New York Herald, Dec. 21, 1869, 10
The Cuban Revolution: Murder of American Citizens by Volunteers, New York Herald, Dec. 21, 1869, 10
Correspondence Between Spain and the State Department, New York Times, Dec. 21, 1869
Murder of American Citizens by Volunteers, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 21, 1869, 10
Arrival of the Spanish Volunteers in Havana, New York Herald, Dec. 21, 1869, 10
Cuba: Cavadas Reported Approaching Camaguey, New York Herald, Dec. 22, 1869, 4
Safety of the Gunboats, New York Times, Dec. 22, 1869
Skirmishes and Spanish Loses, New York Times, Dec. 22, 1869
Cavadas Reported Approaching Camaguey, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 22, 1869, 4
Cuba: The Planters and the Sugar Trade, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 23, 1869, 7
The Gunboats at Sea, New York Times, Dec. 23, 1869
Cubans Successful Raid on Cienfuegos, The Farmers' Cabinet, Dec. 23, 1869, 2
Gen. Lesca Was Sent Back to Spain, Boston Traveler, Dec. 24, 1869, 2
Cuba: Conflagration; Houses Searched for Suspected Persons, New York Herald, Dec. 24, 1869, 5
Increasing Activity Among the Insurgents, New York Herald, Dec. 24, 1869, 6
Arrival of the Havana Steamship Eagle, New York Times, Dec. 24, 1869
Prominent Cubans Banished to Spain, New York Times, Dec. 24, 1869
Cuba: Rebel Arms and Ammunition Captured, New York Herald, Dec. 25, 1869, 5
Arms for the Insurgents Discovered, New York Times, Dec. 25, 1869
Arrival of Cuban Steamer Lillian in Savannah, New York Times, Dec. 25, 1869
The Origin of the Cuban Revolution, The Weekly Arizona Miner (Prescott, AZ), Dec. 25, 1869
Cuba: Proposed Emancipation of the Slaves, New York Herald, Dec. 27, 1869, 7
Cuban Recognition, Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Dec. 28, 1869, 3
The Spanish Gunboats: Arrival in Charleston, New York Herald, Dec. 28, 1869, 5
Official Dispatches From the Cuban Leaders, New York Times, Dec. 28, 1869
Cuba- The Great Opportunity of General Grant, New York Herald, Dec. 29, 1869, 6
Senator Sumner's Views on the Cuban Question Unchanged, New York Herald, Dec. 29, 1869, 7
Cuba: The Campaign in the Central Department Commenced, New York Herald, Dec. 29, 1869, 7
Cuba: The Campagin of Cienaga de ZapataNew York Herald, Dec. 29, 1869, 8
The Cuban Policy of the Administration, New York Times, Dec. 29, 1869
Cuba: Executions on Christmas Day, New York Times, Dec. 29, 1869
Campaign of Cienaga de Zapata, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 29, 1869, 8
Cuba- The Great Opportunity of Gen. Grant, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 29, 1869, 6
Gen. Lesca Wounded, Boston Traveler, Dec. 30, 1869, 1
The Cuban Sugar Question, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 30, 1869, 4
Over Seventeen Thousand Fighting Men Have Landed on Cuban Soil, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 30, 1869, 4
Mr. Sumner Boxing the Compass, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 30, 1869, 4
Cuba: More Reinforcements to Aid the Spanish Army, N. Y. Herald, Dec. 30, 1869, 6
Arrival of Steamship Morro Castle, New York Times, Dec. 30, 1869
Cuban Fugitives in Jamaica, New York Herald, Dec. 31, 1869, 3
Cuba and the Women, New York Herald, Dec. 31, 1869, 4
Citizens on Matanzas to Surrender Their Arms, New York Herald, Dec. 31, 1869, 5
Woman's Suffrage and Free Cuba, New York Herald, Dec. 31, 1869, 5
Citizens of Matanzas to be Deprived of Their Arms, New York Times, Dec. 31, 1869
Aid for the Cubans-- Departure of the Steam Yacht Anna, New York Times, Dec. 31, 1869
Woman's Suffrage Convention, New York Tribune, Dec. 31, 1869, 1
The Banishment of Cubans to Spain, New York Tribune, Dec. 31, 1869, 1