Nicaragua Politics

Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional

Chester Lacayo habla desde La Cabaña (La Nación, Oct. 29, 1960)
Chester Lacayo obituario

For Nicaraguans, Promises Unkept
Los hermanos Ortega polemizan por la Presidencia
Miami woman, Nicaragua's president to wed
Nicaragua gives in to stricking transport workers
Nicaraguan leader confounds critics
Nicaraguan official's arrest threatens debt relief, aid
Nicaragua's president to wed Miami schoolteacher
Pastora hace llamado contra 'corrupción somocista' de Nicaragua
Sandinista legislators occupy Nicaraguan congress
Somoza family returns to Nicaraguan politics

Accused of bigamy, lawmaker in Nicaragua fires shots in assembly chambers, surrenders
Congressman threatens suicide in Nicaragua's National Assembly
Donors wary of changes to Nicaraguan constitution, election laws
Former president leads in poll
Heirs to Somoza political rule shunned
La incertidumbre es una fija en las elecciones nicas
Probe has Nicaragua on economic brink
Sandinistas win key posts in Nicaragua local races
Sandinistas win mayor's office in Managua
Somoza family seeking comeback

An end to Nicaragua's era of errors?
Dos legisladores antes cercanos a Alemán se unen al sandinismo
El Papa espera que comicios en Nicaragua sean ordenados
Ex-Sandinista dissident runs for vice president on Sandinista ticket
Former Miami executive staging a protest to be on Nicaraguan ballot
PLC Strategy 2000
Nicaragua in trouble if Ortega loses, minister says
Nicaragua: Lack of conservative candidate a blow to Ortega campaign
Nicaraguan mayor back at old home, seeking to clear family name
Old Rebel Runs Strong
Sandinistas lead by 5% in election poll
Sandinistas say they'll try again in 2006
Sandinistas y conservadores alegan fraude
Temen que violencia empañe las elecciones nicas
Terrorism a top issue in Nicaragua election
U.S. official meeting with opposition pair before Nicaraguan vote
Violencia callejera ronda el cierre de la campaña electoral nica
Vote could jolt Nicaragua

Alemán faces new allegations
Alemán probe tracks vast sums of money
Alemán turns tables on Bolaños
Ex-Official Arrested in Nicaragua Inquiry
Former Nicaraguan president placed under house arrest
Nicaraguan leader takes a stand
Nicaragua's ex-president may set a larceny record
Past Nicaraguan president at center of corruption scandal
Reports: Ex-Nicaraguan president went on $1.7 million spree
Thousands want arrest of ex-Nicaraguan president

Veteran of Nicaragua's Political Turmoil Draws Lessons From Her Child's Short Life

Bolaños afirma que amnistiar a Alemán dañaría al país
Backers push for Alemán's freedom
Sandinistas desafían a Ortega en Nicaragua
Nicaragua's broken dreams
Sandinista mayoral candidate claims win in Managua

Sandinista capitalist seeks presidency

Ex “contras” se unen a sandinistas

Nicaraguan rebel icon launches hunger strike
Sandinista persecution of civil society turns violent in Nicaragua
Ortega targeting his ex-comrades
Police raids of NGOs provoke outcry in Nicaragua

The Many Stories of Carlos Fernando Chamorro