The American Civil War
Union Regiments

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Billinghurst Requa Battery

Military Service Records in the National Archives

General Orders of the War Department embracing the years 1861, 1862, 1863
Volume I
Volume II

Army of the Potomac
A Citizen-Soldier. Red-Tape and Pigeon-Hole Generals: As Seen From the Ranks During a Campaign in the Army of the Potomac (1864)
Barnard, J. G. and W. F. Barry. Report of the Engineer and Artillery Operations of the Army of the Potomac, from Its Organization to the Close of the Peninsular Campaign (1863)
Blake, Henry N. Three Years in the Army of the Potomac (11th Mass. Vols.) (1865)
Bloor, Alfred J. Letters from the Army of the Potomac, Written During the Month of May, 1864 (1864)
Buell, Augustus. "The Cannoneer." Recollections of Service in the Army of the Potomac (1890)
Castleman, Alfred L. The Army of the Potomac: Behind the Scenes (1863)
Joinville, Prince de. The Army of the Potomac: Its Organization, Its Commander, and Its Campaign (1862)
King, Charles. The Iron Brigade: A Story of the Army of the Potomac (1902)
Lyman, Theodore. Meade's Headquarters 1863-65 from The Wilderness to Appomattox (1922)
McClellan, Carswell. The Personal Memoirs and Military History of U.S. Grant versus the Record of the Army of the Potomac (1887)
McClellan, George B. Report of the Organization and Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac (1864)
Meade, George. The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Vol. 1 (1913)
Meade, George. The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Vol. 2 (1913)
Reed, William Howell. Hospital Life in the Army of the Potomac (1866)
Rhodes, Charles D. History of the Cavalry of the Army of the Potomac (1900)
Stewart, A. M. Camp, March, and Battle-Field; or Three Years and a Half with the Army of the Potomac (Chaplain 102 Reg. Pa. Vol.) (1865)
Stine, James H. History of the Army of the Potomac (1893) Historian First Corps
Swinton, William. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac (18
Trobriand, Regis de. Four Years with the Army of the Potomac (1889)
Walker, Francis A. History of the Second Corps in the Army of the Potomac (1891)
Wilkeson, Frank. Recollections of a Private Soldier in the Army of the Potomac (1887)
Wormeley, Katharine Prescott. The Other Side of War With the Army of the Potomac: Letters from the Headquarters of the U.S. Sanitary Commission During the Peninsular Campaign in Virginia in 1862 (1889)

39th Regiment Illinois Volunteers
Clark, Charles M. The History of the Thirty-Ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Veteran Infantry (1889)

New York Volunteer Regiments
The number of men enlisted and furnished the Federal Government from the state of New York (1863)
Annual Report of the Adjutant-General of NY for 1894, Vol. 2, Registers of the 5-8 Regiments of Cavalry in the War of the Rebellion
Annual Report of the Adjutant-General of NY for 1894, Vol. 3, Registers of the 9-12 Regiments of Cavalry in the War of the Rebellion
Annual Report of the Adjutant-General of NY for 1895, Vol. 7, Registers of the First and Second Veteran Cavalry, First and Second Mounted Rifles in the War of the Rebellion
Boudrye, Louis N. History Records of the Fifth New York Cavalry, First Ira Harris Guard (1865)
Cowtan, Charles W. Services of the Tenth New York Volunteers (National Zouaves) in the War of the Rebellion (1882)
Evans, Louis M. So Rudely Sepulchered: the 48th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment During the Campaign for Charleston, July 1863 (2000)
Morris, Gouverneur. Sixth Regiment New York Volunteers (1891)
Palmer, Abraham J. The History of the Forty-Eight Regiment New York State Volunteers, in the War for the Union 1861-1865 (1885)
Phisterer, Frederick. New York in the War of the Rebellion 1861 to 1865 (1890)

Massachusetts Volunteer Regiments
Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the Civil War, Vol. 1 (1931)
Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the Civil War, Vol. 2 (1931)

7th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers
General Order 15, Sept. 21, 1861 against urinating in front of tents

57th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers
Anderson, John. The Fifty-Seventh Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion (1896)

24th Regiment Michigan Volunteers
Curtis, Orson B. Twenty-Fourth Michigan of the Iron Brigade, Known as the Detroit and Wayne County Regiment (1891)

67th Regiment New York Volunteers
Order No. 26, Sept. 17, 1861: women not allowed to tent in camp
Order No. 110, Dec. 21, 1861: nuisance created by not using sinks

12th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers
Bartlett, Capt. A. W. History of the Twelfth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers (1897)

23rd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
23rd Regiment Infantry
23rd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
History of the Twenty Third Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry: Birneys Zouaves
Davis, Oliver Wilson. Life of David Bell Birney, Major-General United States Volunteers (1867)
David Birney to Edwin Stanton, May 21, 1862

114th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
114th Pennsylvania Regiment Infantry
114th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment
History of the 114th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment
Court Martial of Colonel Charles H. T. Collis (May 1863)
Memoirs of Alexander Wallace Givin, 114th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment
Capt. Charles H. T. Collis to Secretary of War, May 16, 1862
Federico Fernandez Cavada to Gen. Lorenzo Thomas, July 21, 1862