Diplomatic Correspondence of 
the U.S. State Department
Cuba 1957


Ambassador Gardner to the Secretary of State, February 15, 1957 (289)
Editorial Note, February, 1957 (290)
Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation Between Terrance G. Leonhardy of the Office of Middle American Affairs and Joaquin Meyer of the Cuban Sugar Stabilization Institute, Washington, April 11, 1957 (291)
Editorial Note (292)
Crisis Situation Report, August 6, 1957 (293)
Ambassador Smith to the Secretary of State, September 13, 1957 (294)
Ambassador Smith to the Secretary of State, September 16, 1957 (295)
Letter From the Secretary of Defense (Wilson) to the Administrator of the General Services Administration (Floete), September 18, 1957 (296)
Mr. Wieland's Conversation with ex-President Prio, September 21, 1957 (297)
Ambassador Smith to the Secretary of State, September 23, 1957 (298)
Ambassador Smith to the Secretary of State, September 23, 1957 (299)
1958 Elections: Electoral Outlook Six Weeks Prior to Elections, October 3, 1957 (136)
Instruction From the Secretary of State to the Embassy in Cuba, October 3, 1957 (300)
Conference with Attorney General Brownell and others Regarding the Activities of ex-President Carlos Prio Socarras, October 22, 1957 (301)
Ambassador Smith to the Secretary of State, November 2, 1957 (302)
Dulles to the Embassy in Cuba, November 14, 1957 (303)
Dulles to the Embassy in Cuba, November 18, 1957 (304)
Editorial Note (305)
Ambassador Smith to the Secretary of State, December 7, 1957 (306)
Policy Recommendation for Restoration of Normalcy in Cuba, December 19, 1957 (307)