U.S. Newswire
Fri Feb 20, 2004

DeLay: 'Resist Until the End in the Path of God'

Excerpts from Memorial Cubano Address by Majority Leader Tom DeLay

                To: National Desk

               Contact: Stuart Roy or Jonathan Grella, 202-225-4000, both of the Office of Majority Leader Tom DeLay Web:

               MIAMI, Feb. 20 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Following are excerpts from a Memorial Cubano address by Majority Leader Tom DeLay in
               Miami, Fla., today:

               "Es tambien una noche de esperanza."

               "Before us on this field lie thousands of crosses, marked with the names of the men and women we honor tonight. It is the perfect
               symbol for the Cuban Memorial, the cross -- la cruz: a reminder at once of man's brutality . . . and his salvation. His bondage ...
               and his freedom.

               "Two thousand years ago, the cross was a symbol of torture, intimidation, and oppression. But today, it is a symbol of courage
               and joy and hope undaunted even in the face of evil. It is a symbol of the Cuban people, unbroken by decades of terror, and
               unafraid in the endless midnight of the tyrant's reign.

               "Es tambien una noche de esperanza."

               "Freedom and terrorism cannot coexist."

               "Human cruelty will not subdue human liberty. Freedom and terrorism cannot coexist. Evil will not stand. And if it will not stand in
               Baghdad, Kabul, Tehran, or Ramallah, then, ladies and gentlemen, it will not stand in Havana."

               "This evil we face ... is not new."

               "This evil we face today may come in new forms, but it is not new. Humanity has known it by many names -- Nazism, fascism,
               Communism, terrorism. But it is one and the same evil, inhuman ideology -- no matter what language it speaks or what uniform it

               "For this same evil that produced Hitler, Stalin, and Mao also produced Saddam ... and bin Laden ... and Arafat ... and Castro."

               "Our enemy in this struggle must be called by its name."

               "Fidel Castro (news - web sites) is not misguided; he is a monster. His regime is not oppressed; it's the oppressor. Our enemy in
               this struggle must be called by its name.

               "Nations, businesses, and men who wish to interact with Fidel Castro and his regime must know they are befriending evil. The war
               on terror is a war against evil, and it is therefore a war against Fidel Castro."

               "Terrorism and tyranny are hardly unique to faraway lands." "We can not forget -- nor do we forget -- that terrorism and tyranny are
               hardly unique to faraway lands. For ninety miles off our shores is an island prison, a hub of international terror, and a founding
               partner of the Axis of Evil.

               "No corruption or vile oppression that exists today in Iran or the Palestinian Authority (news - web sites) did not first exist in
               Castro's Cuba. No terrorist who plots today the murder of innocents could outdo the grisly efficiency of Che Guevara.

               "And no despot who seeks today to shackle man's will to freedom has yet surpassed the brutality, cowardice, and greed of Fidel

               "When Castro is gone ... Cuba will be free."

               "When Castro is gone -- cold, dead and buried along with his decrepit ideology, either by the slow hand of nature or the quick
               steel of justice -- Cuba will be free. Until that day, there will be no American money flowing into Castro's regime. There will be no
               "reassessment" of our position on trade with Cuba.

               "As long as George W. Bush is in the White House and I am the Majority Leader in the House, the United States will never lift the
               embargo while Castro remains in power."

               "Cuba will be a democracy."

               "We will pursue policies to further disrupt, bankrupt, and undermine Castro's dictatorship, to more quickly bring about the day of
               his long-overdue surrender to the Cuban people.

               "On that day, Cuba will be healthy. Cuba will be fed. Cuba will be educated. Cuba will worship her God and honor her heroes. And
               most of all, Cuba will be a democracy: a friend, ally, and partner of the United States, forever. After all, three Cuban leaders
               elected to Washington is nice, but one in Havana will be even better."

               "The path of God is the path of freedom."

               "We have waited too long to give in now, to walk away from the freedom that is our suffering brothers and sisters' birthright as
               children of God. We have hoped and prayed through the decades of darkness to witness the dawn of freedom in Cuba. Let others
               listen to the ramblings of tyrants and the threats of terrorists.

               "We will hold fast -- until that morning dawns -- and live by the words our brother, Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet, wrote in a letter to his
               wife, which was smuggled out of prison Kilo Ocho:

               "No te asustes, ya queda poco tiempo para que este mal se acabe. Resiste hasta el final en el camino de Dios y Dios te dara las

               (Do not be scared, it won't be long now for this evil to be over. Resist until the end in the path of God and God will give you joy.)

               "The path of God -- el camino de Dios -- is the path of freedom."