

WE NOW LIVE IN THE UNITED STATES. I AM STUDYING English, and I plan to begin a career in a field totally unrelated to my previous occupation. We are safely and comfortably esconced in suburbia and have adjusted well to our new environment.


The people around us do not know who we are. My identity must remain secret. I cannot fly in commercial planes, because planes are hijacked, and in Cuba I might be recognized‑in which case my existence would terminate most abruptly.


My children will grow up Americanized, and perhaps they will be American citizens.


I am educating myself about my new country. I read avidly, watch television, go to movies. On one occasion I had the opportun­ity to go to Washington, and I went to the Lincoln Memorial. Al­though my understanding of the English language was not yet al­together adequate, I read each word of the Gettysburg Address inscribed there. My reaction was, "Formidable!" How well Lincoln knew and expressed the conflicts that are fought in the minds of men! From the back of the Memorial I could see the distant site of President Kennedy's grave. Years ago ‑ an age ago ‑ I had battled the troops Kennedy had sent to the Bay of Pigs. Afterwards, I visited the darkened room where Lincoln died, and Ford's Theatre across the street, with its Lincoln museum. Again, I was fascinated by the historic momentos of American tradition.


In the history of our own age, I have played a certain role. In choosing freedom, I hope I have contributed to freedom through my example. My private hope is that some day my actions will help my country regain its own freedom.


On the scoreboard of the Cold War, I chalked up my share of points. Through the information and documents I provided, I was able to:


-Identify more than 150 agents and contacts of Cuban Intelligence.

-Reveal the extent to which Intelligence has taken over the Cuban diplomatic service, as well as other governmental organi­zations.

-Reveal the functioning of D.G.I. in Cuba and its operations abroad.

-Disclose what happened to Dominican leader Francisco Caamano following his mysterious disappearance.

-Disclose the full magnitude of the Castro‑Guevara subver­sive plan for South America.

-Reveal the secret agreement between Fidel Castro and Mos­cow which today is virtually converting Cuba into a Soviet colony.


In the field of espionage ‑ the Gray World ‑ I will not soon be forgotten, by East or West.