The Toledo Blade
September 22, 1959

Morgan Held Disavowing U.S.

Drops Citizenship, Castro’s Office Says

HAVANA, Sept. 21 (AP)—William Morgan, veteran of the Cuban revolution, has renounced his U.S. citizenship, Prime Minister Fidel Castro’s office announced today.

The State Department revoked the citizenship of the former Toledo man earlier this month on the ground he belonged to the armed forces of a foreign nation. Mr. Morgan then denied he was a member of the Cuban military forces.

The U.S. embassy said Mr. Morgan had not advised it of any action renouncing his citizenship. The last time he talked to reporters, Mr. Morgan said he would fight to retain his citizenship.

Juan Ossorio of Mr. Castro’s staff, who made the announcement of Mr. Morgan’s action, said the Ohioan could take up Cuban citizenship. Mr. Morgan is one of two foreigners who fought alongside Mr. Castro to be offered Cuban citizenship. The other is Argentine Ernesto Che Guevara, who has accepted.