Guadalupe Plan

March 26, 1913

Manifesto to the Nation

Considering that General Victoriano Huerta, to whom the constitutional President Don Francisco I. Madero had trusted the defense of the institutions
and legality of his Government, when siding with the enemies who rebelled against that same Government, to restore the latest dictatorship, committed
the crime of treason to scale in power, arresting the President and Vice-president, as well as their Ministers, demanding of them by violent means to
renounce their posts, which is verified by the messages that the same General Huerta sent to the Governors of the States communicating to them that he
had taken prisoner the Supreme Magistrates of the Nation and their Cabinet. Considering that the Legislative and Judicial Powers in spite of the laws and constitutional rules have recognized and protected General Victoriano Huerta and his illegal and unpatriotic procedures, and considering, finally, that some Governments of the States of the Union have recognized the illegitimate Government imposed by that part of the Army that carried out the treason, headed by the same general Huerta, in spite of having violated the sovereignty of those States, whose Governors should have been the first to not recognize him, the following subscribers, Chiefs and Officers commanding the constitutional forces, have agreed and will sustain with arms the following:


1º. - General Victoriano Huerta is not recognized as President of the Republic.

2º. - The Legislative and Judicial Powers of the Federation are also not recognized.

3º. - The Governments of the States that still recognize the Federal Powers that form the present Administration, are also not recognized thirty days after
the publication of this Plan.

4º. - For the organization of the army entrusted with fulfilling our intentions, we name as First Chief of the Army that will be denominated "Constitutionalist", the citizen Venustiano Carranza, Governor of the State of Coahuila.

5º. - When the Constitutionalist Army occupies Mexico City, the citizen Venustiano Carranza, First Chief of the Army, will be in interim charge of the Executive Power, or whoever would have substituted him in command.

6º.- The interim president of the republic will call for general elections as soon as the peace has been consolidated, handing over power to the citizen who is elected.

7º.- The citizen acting as First Chief of the Constitutionalist Army in the states whose governments have recognized that of Huerta, will assume command as provisional governor and will call for local elections, after having taken possession of their posts the citizens having been elected to carry out the powers of the federation, as called for by the previous rule.

Note: This document was the immediate answer of the constitutionalist forces against the militay coup d'etat against the Madero regime which, from its inception confronted uprisings from civilian and military groups discontent with its way of governing, seeking the restoration of the Porfirista regime. The most important were the revolts headed by Generals Bernardo Reyes, in November 1911 and Félix Díaz in October 1912. Once the Plan de Guadalupe was drafted, among the principal signers of this document were Jacinto B. Treviño, Lucio Blanco, Cesáreo Castro y Alfredo Breceda.

The Constitutionalist Army, headed by Venustiano Carranza, and with the Plan of Guadalupe as its standard, managed to defeat to the Federal Army in August of 1914, thus initiating another stage of the history of Mexico that culminated in February of 1917 with the promulgation of the Political Constitution of the United States of Mexico, whose text incorporated the principal demands of the revolutionary groups.

The Plan of Guadalupe of March 26, 1913, Venustiano Carranza would say in 1917, was "the war cry that the most select of the Mexican youth
propelled to the four corners of the nation against the triumphant iniquity, and that cry was no more than the vibrant and sonorous expression of the
national conscience, expression that reassumed the firm intention, the deliberate will of the Mexican people of not consenting any more that the pretorianism would again seize the destinies of the Nation. . . Under such virtue, with the Plan of Guadalupe it was perfectly planted the issue of legality against the usurpation of the law, against the disturbance of the free institutions; against the military dictatorship."