The New York Times
April 22, 1999
Monumental Throne Unearthed at Mayan Temple Complex
          By JULIA PRESTON

          MEXICO CITY -- In rain forests at the foot of the Yucatan
          Peninsula, Mexican and American archaeologists have uncovered
          a monumental art work that appears to be one of the most revealing
          artifacts that has been found from the resplendent but mysterious final
          years of ancient Mayan civilization.

          While digging through a crumbling temple at Palenque, site of some of the
          most refined Mayan ruins in Mesoamerica, the researchers came upon a
          benchlike throne more than 9 feet wide and 5 feet deep in
          vermillion-painted limestone, which one of the last Mayan rulers built
          about A.D. 760 to dazzle his subjects and convince them of his
          god-given right to power.

What became of the Classic Mayans, who developed the only pre-Colombian writing  in the Americas and devised an intricat astronomy to chart the movements of the heavens, is one of the great puzzles of archaeology. During the ninth century, flourishing cities like Palenque were abruptly abandoned, in what seems from the record of the ruins to have been a cultural collapse. 

          The Palenque throne is adorned with at least 200 heiroglyphs and six
          sculptured portraits that, based on the experts' first reading, disclose the
          achievements and illusions of the Mayan nobility in the decades just
          before their demise.

          The discovery also signifies a high point of cooperation between Mexican
          and American archaeologists, after a long period in which Mexico was
          uneasy about foreigners' digging in its pre-Hispanic sites.

          To show Mexican enthusiasm for the find, President Ernesto Zedillo flew
          to Palenque on Wednesday to display the partly excavated throne.

          The Palenque explorations are in the hands of a team led by Arnoldo
          Gonzalez Cruz of the National Institute of Anthropology and History in
          Mexico City and Alfonso Morales of the University of Texas at Austin.
          The project is largely financed and directed by the Pre-Columbian Art
          Research Institute of San Francisco. An art historian, Merle Greene
          Robertson, directs the institute.

          "We're working as a group," said Morales, who has been keenly aware
          of Mexican sensitivities about the excavation. "No one can say, 'This is
          my throne, that is my temple."'

          Mexican authorities suppressed all public discussion of the find for weeks
          to allow Zedillo to announce it.

          Morales said the grandeur of the throne and the spaciousness of the
          palace that houses it indicate that the last rulers of Palenque were more
          ambitious and proud of their power than had been understood. The
          palace, decorated with fine stucco carvings, is even larger than another
          structure that had been considered the central palace at Palenque.

          Down zigzagging stairways that lead into the heart of that palace, a
          Mayan king named Pakal built a mausoleum for himself covered with
          delicate carvings and inscriptions aimed at enhancing his historical
          reputation. The tomb has long been considered one of the greatest works
          of Mayan artistry.

          The newly found throne belonged to a monarch descended from Pakal
          and is part of what is emerging as a construction program by later rulers
          even more extensive than that of the vainglorious Pakal. The throne
          carries more inscriptions laden with more historical information than any
          other in the Mayan world, archaeologists said.

          Morales and other experts believe that mapping the grandiose building
          projects could be crucial to reaching a new understanding of the Maya
          decline. The scientists have theorized that the logging required to sustain
          the stucco construction may have depleted forests and compounded
          ecological changes, perhaps undermining agriculture and forcing the
          Mayans to migrate to less hospitable territory.

                     Copyright 1999 The New York Times Company