Soldiers and Policemen defending the Moncada garrison July 26, 1953

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  Fourteen of the nineteen military and police  killed in action: Left to right: Cpl. Nemesio Traba, Policeman Roberto Ferrándiz, Pvt. José Vázquez, Sgt. Ramón Silveiro, Pvt. Jesús Sánchez Pruna, Cpl. Isidro Izquierdo, Policeman Pedro Pompa, Pvt. Felino Miró, Pvt. Urbano Sánchez Abalos, Sgt. Luis Oliva, Pvt. Eusebio Baró, Lt. Pedro Feraud, Police Sgt. Gerónimo Suárez and Pvt. Efraín Galano. Certificados de lesiones.

Lt. Teodoro Rico Boué types as colonels Manuel Ugalde Carrillo
(second from right) and Alberto del Río Chaviano (right) look on.
Batista (left) congratulates Pvts. Luis Triay (center) and Alfonso
Silva, who first fired on the attackers. Col. del Rio is at lower right.

     Left to right: Andres, Rafael, Ramon, Emilio and Horacio Morales Alvarez
     and their parents Andres Morales and Micaela Alvarez.
     Antonio de la Cova and Sgt. Eulalio Gonzalez Amador, Miami, 1975.


Pvt. Armando Oliva Lopez and Beralia Fajardo
on their wedding day, Oct. 1, 1955.
Lt. Vicente Camps Ruiz, Bronx, NY, Sept. 10, 1974