Punta Castle
Havana Nov’r 7th 1851

A. F. Owen Esq.
Consul for U.S.A.

Der Sir,

I have first received an intimation from the Commander of this fortress that I must inform my friends they will only be allowed to see me from the hour of twelve until that of two o’clock of the day.  Besides the inconvenience of this part of the day, it being during the hottest portion of it, I must protest against this turning what can only be considered a measure of security for my person pending my trial, into a punishment, the more sever from the fact that I have for eighteen days been debarred all communication with my friends and that not only my friendly relations but my business and my pecuniary interests now require a more assiduous attention than under ordinary circumstances.

I would therefore request you to address an urgent communication to H. E. The Captain General requesting that the necessary orders may be at once given to the Commander of this fortress not only not to prevent my seeing and communicating with my friends at any hour of the day, as it custom with other parties in confinement here, but that no measures shall be taken here pending my sentence that shall in any way view me in the character of a criminal.

With a request that you will attend to this today as tomorrow is Sunday, I have the honor to be,

                                                                                                                                                            Yr very Ob’t Serv’t
                                                                                                                                                            (signed) J. S. Thrasher