Granma International
July 22, 2005
"We are the future of this Revolution"

Dear Pioneers,

Today, a day that is so special for all of us Pioneers who are finishing sixth grade, I would like to start by congratulating all of the students here who are graduating.

Five years ago, when I learned my first letters and finished first grade, I received as a gift from our beloved Fidel a copy of La edad de oro (The Golden Age), that magazine written for children by José Martí. That was the first thing I read, and I learned a lot of good and interesting things from it.

During these years, my classmates and I, with the dedication of our teachers, have also learned how to investigate, to think; we have grown wiser. We learned about the history of our country, with its rich tradition of struggle to obtain and defend its sovereignty, its independence and its freedom; we learned about our martyrs, good men and women who gave their lives so that today, we children could enjoy schools for everyone, with all of the teaching tools so that we can learn more and better.

This school in which we have spent these years together was transformed during the Battle of Ideas like many others in this country. In all of them, we Pioneers have led the changes; we have televisions, video players, computers, a library full of interesting books; we have arts instructors who teach us music, painting and theater, and we can all enjoy the games and sports areas, where we play with our classmates and make friends with others.

Within our Pioneers Organization, we can defend our ideas and prepare ourselves for life as integral young people, knowing that we are the future of this Revolution!

Viva Fidel!

Pioneers for communism!

We will be like Che!

[Elian Gonzalez]