Mexican immigrants in Texas in 1938
Latinos and other

Spring Semester 2005 

Classroom: Swain E 105
Hours: 2:30 PM-3:45 PM
Tues. Thurs.

Dr. Antonio de la Cova

Office: Sycamore Hall 039
Hours: Tues. Thurs. 11-Noon
Phone: 855-4745

COURSE OBJECTIVES: An analysis of Latino immigration to the United States with a special emphasis on the diversity of the immigration experience by national origin, region of settlement, and gender. In order to understand this experience, we will pay particular attention to the histories of Latino immigration to the United States in order to identify similarities between the receptions of Latino immigrant groups and other immigrants in history. We will also discuss predominant theories of international immigration, relationships between the historical and contemporary context, immigration policy, and the adaptation of Latino immigrants in the U.S.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: This is a lecture-driven course with Power Point lectures, video analysis, and readings that require taking notes. Students are expected to use logical arguments sustained with evidence in class discussions and to improve their reading, writing, analytical, and speaking skills. The IU Writing Tutorial Services can provide Discipline- and Course-Specific Tutoring if needed, which includes appropriate citation styles.

READINGS: You are expected to read the assigned texts and other articles assigned weekly through Oncourse. After using Oncourse, don't forget to Log Out, as it will record your session. Questions regarding the texts and articles will appear on the exams and essay quizzes. The required texts are:

Olson, James S. The Ethnic Dimension in American History. Brandywine Press, 1999. ISBN: 1-881-089-87-8
Gutierrez, David G. Between Two Worlds: Mexican Immigrants in the United States. SR Books, 2001. ISBN: 0-8420-2474-3

LATINO STUDIES RESOURCES WEBSITE:  Contains topics and data related to this course.

GRADING: Your grade will consist of a Mid-Term Exam (30%), a Final Exam (30%), two Oncourse quizzes (15% each), and participation and attendance (10%). Missing four or more classes will further drop you another letter grade. The exams will cover material from the readings, lectures and presentations. Exam and study guides.

(100-92=A), (91.9-90=A-), (89.9-88=B+), (87.9-82=B), (81.9-80= B-), (79.9-78=C+), (77.9-72=C), (71.9-70=C-), (69.9-68=D+), (67.9-62=D), (61.9-60=D-), (Below 59.9= F).

MAKE-UP EXAMS: It will only be given if you have a valid physician's excuse or a verified family emergency. Makeups are different and considerably more difficult than the regularly scheduled test.

MISCONDUCT: Plagiarism and cheating will be dealt with according to the IU Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct.

Please contact me the first week of classes if you have special learning needs. The IU Adaptive Technology Center can also assist you.

CLASSES        LECTURE TOPICS                           ASSIGNED READINGS
               The First Americans                      Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 1-24

               The European Migration                   Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 25-52
               Ethnicity and Manifest Destiny           Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 53-79
Jan. 25-27     The Origins of Slavery                   Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 80-100                 
               Southern and Eastern Europeans           Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 101-138
Feb. 1-3       Jewish Americans                         Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 139-153                     
               Asian Americans                          Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 154-167
Feb. 8-10      The Nativist Reaction                    Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 168-178                  
               Native American Allotments               Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 179-192
Feb. 15-17     Jim Crow and Ghettos                     Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 193-205                      
               The Mexican Americans                    Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 206-236
Feb. 22-24     Black Power Movement                     Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 237-252                     
               The Hispanic Mosaic                      Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 253-270
March 1-3      The Asian American Movement              Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 271-289                   
               Mid-term Exam
March 8-10     The Newest Arrivals                      Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 290-303               
               American Indian Movement                 Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 304-317
March 12-20    Spring Recess
March 22-24    White Ethnics in Modern America          Olson, Ethnic Dimension, 318-347
               Sonoran Migration to California          Gutierrez, Between Two Worlds, xi-22
March 29-31    Always the Laborer, Never the Citizen    Gutierrez, Between Two Worlds, 23-44
               Importation of Mexican Contract Labor    Gutierrez, Between Two Worlds, 45-88
April 5-7      La Frontera in Mexican-American Thought  Gutierrez, Between Two Worlds, 89-118                   
               Noncitizen Americans in the Southwest    Gutierrez, Between Two Worlds, 119-124
April 12-14    The Mexican-American Woman 1920-1950     Gutierrez, Between Two Worlds, 125-148
               Ethnicity and Class in Tex-Mex Music     Gutierrez, Between Two Worlds, 149-174
April 19-21    Mexican Immigration Debate 1968-1978     Gutierrez, Between Two Worlds, 175-212           
               U.S. Immigration Policy Toward Mexico    Gutierrez, Between Two Worlds, 213-228                    

April 26-28    NAFTA and Mexican Immigration            Gutierrez, Between Two Worlds, 229-246
               Mexican Migration and Postmodernism      Gutierrez, Between Two Worlds, 247-264
               Final Exam (Day & time to be announced)
The preceeding schedule and procedures in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances.