New York Times

Aug. 28, 1957.  p. 2.


Cuba In Bid To Rebels


Insurgents Giving Up May Go Home, Army Announces


Special to The New York Times


            HAVANA, Aug. 27 – The Cuban Government has called on the rebels in Oriente Province to surrender to the nearest military post, with the guarantee that they may return to their homes.

            This was announced today by a communiqué issued here by Camp Columbia Army headquarters, which said the appeal had been broadcast over all radios of the province.

            An Army Spokesman said some rebels had been surrendering in the last few days and had been sent home.  He added that more were now expected to do so in response to the offer of immunity.

            Several small skirmishes have been fought in the last week with the rebels at various points in the Sierra Maestra of Oriente Province.