New York Times

February 13, 1958.  p. 14.


Cuba Pours Troops Into Rebel Area


Special to The New York Times

            HAVANA, Feb. 12—The Government is pouring reinforcements of troops into Oriente Province as rebel attacks and sabotage increase daily.

            Fidel Castro, leader of the rebel forces, has been carrying on his activities from his headquarters in the Sierra Maestra in that province. A second front was reported opened by rebel forces in attacks in Las Villas Province.

            A “third front” has been opened by rebels in the hills of Imias and Caujeri, a triangular section of country with Sagua de Tánamo on the north, Baracoa on the east and Guantánamo on the south.

            This band of rebels, whose number is not known, is carrying out sabotage of commerce, industry and transportation that is running into millions of dollars. A special detachment of 150 soldiers was sent from Havana yesterday by plane to pursue the group.

            The mounting attacks of rebels on Government troops stationed in the foothills of the Sierra Maestra have made the district around Manzanillo, Bayamo and Niquero on the south coast of the province a battleground. Encounters between troops and rebels occur daily, according to residents of the district.

            Five armed individuals believed to be rebels from the Sierra Maestra burned the $80,000 yacht of a Government Senator, Rolando Masferrer, on the waterfront of Manzanillo today.