Chichen Itza Chacmools

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Excavated from the Platform of the Eagles by Augustus Le Plongeon at Chichen Itza
Augustus Le Plongeon at Chichen Itza 1875

Old Chichen Itza Old Chichen Itza

Interior Kukulcan Pyramid, Chichen Itza
Interior Kukulcan Pyramid, Chichen Itza

Temple of the Warriors, Chichen Itza Temple of the Warriors, Chichen Itza


Adjacent the Tzompantli, Chichen Itza

Miller, Mary Ellen. A Re-examination of the Mesoamerican Chacmool. The Art Bulletin, March 1985
Lopez Austin, Alfredo and Leonardo Lopez Lujan. Los Mexicas y el Chacmool. Arqueologia Mexicana, Vo. IX, No. 49, May-June 2001.