The New York Times
Oct. 11, 1962, pages 1, 3


Refugees Report Raid on Cuba Port

Alpha 66 Asserts Russians Were Among 20 Killed in Attack on Installation


Alpha 66, a Cuban exile organization, announced here yesterday that its members staged, a successful raid Monday on they northern coast of Cuba.

A spokesman for the exiles said a commando group of 15 to 25 men had raided Isabela de Sagua, a port about 150 miles east of Havana.

The invaders killed about 20 defenders, including some Russians, the spokesman said. He added that the commandos had captured weapons, ammunition and Cuban flags.

The announcement was confirmed by representatives of Alpha 66 in Miami. Both the New York and Miami spokesmen said the captured materials would be displayed at a rally Saturday in Stadium Sixto Escobar in San Juan, P. R. Alpha 66 has its headquarters in Puerto Rico.

The announcement of the raid aroused speculation whether the action would affect the negotiations under way in Havana for the release of the prisoners taken in the 1961 invasion.

Military Installation Raided

According to the Alpha 66 spokesman here, the raid, aimed at a military installation in the , port, lasted from 12:20 to 2:12 A.M.

He said the invaders had attacked a camp of Cuban militiamen and Russians that was protected by numerous trenches and powerful floodlights. They raiders reported that they had dynamited a railway switch-yard, an arsenal, a commissary and four other strategic points.

Some of the invaders were said to have been wounded, but the number of casualties was not disclosed. Details of how the ,raid was staged or from where it had started also were not disclosed.

Alpha 66 made its first raid against the Castro regime on Sept. 10, when its men attacked one British and two Cuban cargo vessels anchored off the north coast of Cuba.

The organization's spokesman said here that plans were under way to stage another raid soon on a strategic target in Cuba. Later, the group hoped to land men on the island and start guerrilla action.

He said that Alpha was organized last February by 66 exiles, including businessmen, professionals and academic leaders. The aim was to have Cubans overthrow the regime of Premier Fidel Castro by their own efforts.

The exiles chose the name Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet, as representing the beginning of the end for the Castro regime.